Features of representative government. Exam Focus: the basic principles of representative government 2022-12-20

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Representative government is a system of governance in which the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This system is characterized by several key features that make it distinct from other forms of government.

One of the most prominent features of representative government is the principle of popular sovereignty, which holds that the people are the ultimate source of political authority. This means that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed, and that the people have the right to choose their own representatives and hold them accountable for their actions.

Another key feature of representative government is the separation of powers, which divides the functions of government into distinct branches with separate and distinct responsibilities. This helps to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful and helps to prevent the abuse of power.

In representative government, the legislative branch is responsible for making the laws that govern the country, while the executive branch is responsible for enforcing those laws. The judiciary is responsible for interpreting the laws and ensuring that they are applied fairly and consistently.

Representative government also typically includes a system of checks and balances, which allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches. This helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and helps to ensure that the government operates in the best interests of the people.

Another feature of representative government is the concept of federalism, which divides the power of government between the national government and the state governments. This allows for a balance of power between the two levels of government and helps to ensure that the needs of the people are met at both the national and local levels.

Representative government also typically includes a system of elections, through which the people choose their representatives. These elections are typically held on a regular basis and are open to all eligible citizens. They provide a means for the people to hold their representatives accountable and to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the people.

Overall, representative government is characterized by the principle of popular sovereignty, the separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, and a system of elections. These features work together to ensure that the government is accountable to the people and operates in their best interests.

10 Features of the Parliamentary System

features of representative government

Dan Crenshaw R January 2019 3. Jim Banks R January 2017 4. Rose R January 2019 7. Vicky Hartzler R January 2011 5. How is representative government used today? Doug LaMalfa R January 2013 2. Hakeem Jeffries D January 2013 9. Ritchie Torres D January 2021 16.


Representative Government

features of representative government

Bill Johnson R January 2011 7. Adam Kinzinger R January 2011 17. Brad Sherman D January 1997 31. Adrian Smith R January 2007 Nevada 1. At least 2 choices.


Considerations on Representative Government

features of representative government

Foley Democratic Washington 101st, 102nd, 103rd 1989—95 58 Newt Gingrich Republican Georgia 104th and 105th 1995—99 59 J. David Scott D January 2003 14. This means that the political makeup of Parliament members is appropriate to that of the nation. John Rutherford R January 2017 5. Freedom Of Choice: The people should have free choice to make when deciding for political parties and candidates. John Joyce R January 2019 14.


Representative Government: Definition & Examples

features of representative government

Carolyn Bourdeaux D January 2021 8. Vern Buchanan R January 2007 17. Mrvan D January 2021 2. John Katko R January 2015 25. Representative government is a form of government in which elected officials will represent, lead, and act on behalf of the citizens of a distinct community, such as a nation. Retrieved 18 November 2019.


What are the key features of a representative democracy?

features of representative government

However, there are still remnants of direct democracy within representative democracies. Warren Davidson R June 2016 9. Fair elections allowing for other political parties to ask for votes; 3. Drew Ferguson R January 2017 4. Hunter Democratic Virginia 26th 1839—41 19 John White Whig Kentucky 27th 1841—43 20 John Winston Jones Democratic Virginia 28th 1843—45 21 John Wesley Davis Democratic Indiana 29th 1845—47 22 Robert Charles Winthrop Whig Massachusetts 30th 1847—49 23 Howell Cobb Democratic Georgia 31st 1849—51 24 Linn Boyd Democratic Kentucky 32nd and 33rd 1851—55 25 Nathaniel Prentice Banks American Massachusetts 34th 1855—57 26 James Lawrence Orr Democratic South Carolina 35th 1857—59 27 William Pennington Republican New Jersey 36th 1859—61 28 Galusha A. Because it is the primary responsibility of representatives to speak and act on behalf of their constituents, they cannot possibly be fulfilling this responsibility if they don't actually hear what citizens have to say.


House of Representatives

features of representative government

Bryan Steil R January 2019 2. What do you mean by representative democracy? Ronny Jackson R January 2021 14. Elissa Slotkin D January 2019 9. An FPTP is a principle in which candidates with the most ballots win a seat. However, some countries follow a rule of proportional representation. And a representative democracy can either be liberal — where laws protect not only our human rights and other values, but also limit the power of our representatives — or illiberal, in which elected representatives, once in power, can more or less rule as they please. Periodic Election: Elections are conducted periodically in some political systems.


Quiz & Worksheet

features of representative government

Well Defined Electoral Constituencies: This will promote efficiency in the elections and possibly help to defect electoral malpractice. Jerrold Nadler D November 1992 11. Marilyn Strickland D January 2021 West Virginia 1. Rule Of Law: The administration is 2. Bruce Westerman R January 2013 California 1. Julia Letlow R April 2021 6.


What are the features of representative government?

features of representative government

Joe Neguse D January 2019 3. Darrell Issa R January 2021 51. Mike Johnson R January 2017 5. David Trone D January 2013 7. Elected representatives are also difficult to reign in between elections, meaning they could pass laws that make us unhappy, or unfairly favor themselves or others, and we could have to wait years to hold them to account for it. No True Independence Of The Judiciary: This is because, judiciary may not be under the control of the government in power.
