Goods with elastic demand. Elasticity of Demand 2023-01-02

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Goods with elastic demand are those for which the quantity demanded by consumers is highly sensitive to changes in price. This means that when the price of a good with elastic demand increases, the quantity demanded will decrease significantly, and vice versa. Elastic demand is an important concept in economics, as it helps to determine the pricing strategies of businesses and the impact of government policies on the economy.

There are several factors that can affect the elasticity of demand for a particular good. One of the most important is the availability of substitutes. If there are many substitutes for a good, the demand for that good will be more elastic, because consumers can easily switch to a different product if the price of the original good becomes too high. On the other hand, if there are few substitutes for a particular good, the demand for that good will be less elastic, because consumers have fewer options if the price increases.

Another factor that can affect the elasticity of demand is the proportion of a consumer's budget that is spent on the good. If a good makes up a large portion of a consumer's budget, the demand for that good will be more elastic, because consumers will be more sensitive to changes in price. Conversely, if a good makes up a small portion of a consumer's budget, the demand for that good will be less elastic, because consumers are less sensitive to changes in price.

In addition to these factors, the elasticity of demand can also be affected by the time frame in which the demand is measured. In the short run, the demand for most goods is relatively inelastic, because consumers have limited time to adjust their purchasing habits. However, in the long run, the demand for most goods becomes more elastic, as consumers have more time to search for substitutes or make changes to their budget.

There are several implications of elastic demand for businesses and policymakers. For businesses, understanding the elasticity of demand for their products can help them determine the optimal pricing strategy. For example, if the demand for a good is highly elastic, a business may choose to keep prices low in order to increase the quantity demanded and maximize profits. On the other hand, if the demand for a good is relatively inelastic, a business may choose to increase prices in order to increase profits.

For policymakers, elastic demand can have significant implications for tax policy. For example, if the demand for a good is highly elastic, increasing taxes on that good may lead to a decrease in the quantity demanded, resulting in a decrease in tax revenue. On the other hand, if the demand for a good is relatively inelastic, increasing taxes on that good may lead to only a small decrease in the quantity demanded, resulting in a relatively stable level of tax revenue.

In conclusion, goods with elastic demand are those for which the quantity demanded is highly sensitive to changes in price. There are several factors that can affect the elasticity of demand, including the availability of substitutes, the proportion of a consumer's budget that is spent on the good, and the time frame in which the demand is measured. Understanding the elasticity of demand is important for businesses and policymakers, as it can help them determine the optimal pricing strategy and the impact of government policies on the economy.

Products with Elastic and Inelastic Demand

goods with elastic demand

Case 2 XYZ Beverages Ltd. In a market with relatively elastic demand, if a thing's price goes up by 25%, demand for that good must correspondingly decline by more than 25%. Basic human necessities and medicines are common examples of inelastic goods. Demand can either be elastic or inelastic. Such a Demand Curve Demand Curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the prices of goods and demand quantity and is usually inversely proportionate. The demand for a product is considered price elastic whenever the ratio of percentage change of demand divided by percentage change in price is less than one.


Inelastic Goods

goods with elastic demand

Gas from a Specific Station The demand for gasoline from any single gas station, or chain of gas stations, is highly elastic. Relatively Elastic demand Relatively Inelastic Demand Petrol is one product whose price is thought to be relatively inelastic. Car travel requires gasoline. Since demand changed by more than price, the good has elastic demand. In the long run, though, more options are available, such as purchasing a more fuel-efficient car or choosing a job that is closer to where you work.


Elasticity of Demand: Meaning, Formula & Examples

goods with elastic demand

But once the product was launched, the company could only sell 340 units 68% of the original numbers sold. Hence, even if the price becomes exorbitant, people need them for survival. Would you still report to work tomorrow if petrol prices rose by 30%? Airline Tickets Airline tickets are sold in a fiercely competitive market. For example, in a world in which people like coffeeand tea equally, if the price of coffeegoes up, people will have no problem switching to tea, and the demand for coffeewill fall. A positive income elasticity of demand is associated with normal goods; an increase in income will lead to a rise in demand.


Examples of Elastic and Inelastic Demand

goods with elastic demand

Price Elasticity of Supply Price elasticity of supply PES works in the same way that PED does. The latest version has some advanced features. Relatively Elastic Demand Example The majority of necessities tend to be very inelastic. Since most economists concur, salt is viewed as a good with a high degree of elasticity. This metric provides sellers with information about consumer pricing sensitivity. These include textbook rentals and digital versions of the text. On the other hand, the demand for non-essential goods can fluctuate greatly.


Elasticity of Demand

goods with elastic demand

But when we observe the reality, we realize that other factors such as consumer income, substitute goods, personal taste, etc. Elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand to a change in some other factor in the market. What does it mean if consumers are inelastic? You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc. A consumer could be addicted to a luxury brand of tea and buy it even after its price skyrockets. What causes the price elasticity of a good? As a result, firms cannot pass on any part of the tax by raising prices, so they would be forced to pay all of it themselves.


Price Elasticity of Demand Meaning, Types, and Factors That Impact It

goods with elastic demand

Is Diamond elastic or inelastic? This will also be seen in the graph. It occurs where there is a price elasticity of demand PED of less than one. Buyers can choose between comparable products based on price. How is the price elasticity of consumer goods determined? Elastic vs Inelastic Demand Demand is elastic or inelastic, but economists further separate elasticity into five zones. Therefore the price elasticity of clothes demand are elastic because a slightly changes in price may cause a huge changes in quantity demanded.


What causes goods to have inelastic demand?

goods with elastic demand

With these considerations in mind, take a moment to see if you can figure out which of the following products have elastic demand and which have inelastic demand. Medical Procedures Essential medical procedures have inelastic demand. Secondly, there is no relation between inelasticity and inferiority. Under the price elasticity of demand, the elastic demand graph will have price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis. Have you been hacked? More consumers notice and react to price changes as time goes on, meaning price elasticity of demand tends to increase as time passes. Elastic Demand Curve The elasticity of demand is above one when there is high responsiveness to change against a determinant such as price. Inelastic goods do not alter consumer buying behavior and do not follow the law of demand.


Do luxury goods have elastic demand?

goods with elastic demand

Article Link to be Hyperlinked For eg: Source: To find out if a product has elastic demand, we will need to apply the elasticity of demand formula. The falling oil and gas prices in the United States caused a concern among many in the country when they But some argue that the price will not affect the gasoline demand, as it is inelastic. Price elasticity of demand is measured as the absolute value of the ratio of these two changes. Perfectly inelastic products would be something like air or water, and no one can really restrict that at this point in time. Price Elasticity of Supply The price elasticity of supply measures the percentage change in quantity supplied of a good relative to a percentage change in its price. In your very first economics course, you probably learned the law of demand, which states that consumers will demand a higher quantity of goods at cheaper prices, and a lower quantity of goods at higher prices. To solve this, the formula that we use above employs the midpoint method for elasticity.
