Grammar dangling modifier. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 2023-01-04

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Drugs have been a controversial and divisive topic for many years, with various perspectives on their use, regulation, and effects on society. The title of an essay on drugs could reflect this complexity and nuance, capturing the range of opinions and approaches to the subject. Some potential titles for a drug essay might include:

  1. "The War on Drugs: A Failed Approach?" This title could be used to explore the effectiveness and consequences of the US government's long-standing campaign against illegal drug use. The essay could examine whether this approach has succeeded in reducing drug use and related problems, or whether it has caused more harm than good.

  2. "The Medicalization of Addiction" This title could be used to discuss the ways in which addiction is viewed and treated as a medical condition, rather than a moral failing or criminal behavior. The essay could explore the benefits and drawbacks of this approach, as well as the social and cultural factors that have influenced it.

  3. "The Ethics of Recreational Drug Use" This title could be used to examine the moral and ethical considerations surrounding the use of drugs for recreational purposes. The essay could explore the arguments for and against drug legalization, as well as the potential consequences of different policy approaches.

  4. "The Role of Big Pharma in the Opioid Epidemic" This title could be used to examine the role of pharmaceutical companies in the current opioid crisis, including their marketing practices and their relationship with the medical community. The essay could explore the ways in which these companies have contributed to the problem, as well as potential solutions.

  5. "The Stigma of Substance Use Disorder" This title could be used to examine the ways in which people with substance use disorders are stigmatized and marginalized in society. The essay could explore the causes of this stigma and its consequences, as well as efforts to reduce it and promote more compassionate and effective approaches to treatment.

"Dangling Modifiers" in the English Grammar

grammar dangling modifier

What is based on the results? Incorrect: Having finished the essay, a new Facebook status was uploaded. Here is an example: The girls wrote about their crushes in the notebook a lot. Shocked, Joe let the glass slip from his hand, and it shattered when it hit the ground. This blog post will show you how to spot a dangling modifier and fix it before you make a regrettably hilarious mistake. For instance: She moved into the building behind the lake with the red door. A common mistake when using modifiers is misplacing them, which in turn modifies or describes the wrong word or word group.


Dangling Modifiers: Definition & Examples

grammar dangling modifier

In this example, the word "my" refers to the person who read the letter. Remember, the subject that is being modified should immediately follow the comma after the introductory phrase. Correct: Having arrived late for practice, the team captain needed a written excuse. How To Correct a Dangling Modifier The difference between a misplaced modifier and a dangling modifier is that you can fix a misplaced modifier by simply relocating the modifier. Note that the sentence does have a subject, my parents.


Dangling modifier Grammar & Punctuation Rules

grammar dangling modifier

To fix this mess, we have to completely rewrite the sentence. It's pretty clear that the cat's owner read the letter, but the owner is not mentioned. The corrected sentence adds the noun that is being modified: While I was sitting in the park, the sky grew dark. Position a modifier to make it clear what it modifies. Correction 2 We concluded from the results that the drugs are equally effective. Now you can see why a dangling modifier can completely alter the meaning of your sentence and leave your readers baffled.


Dangling Modifier: Don't Make This Grammar Mistake

grammar dangling modifier

But it can also occur with phrases or clauses. What Is a Dangling Modifier? Summary: This resource explains what a dangling modifier is and how to correct the problem. The phrase hoping to garner favor, then, seems to modify the subject, my parents. This occurs when the word that is being modified is not actually included in the sentence. In this revised sentence, we can clearly see who the modifier describes.


Correcting Dangling Modifiers

grammar dangling modifier

That is nearly impossible and very improbable. Each example is accompanied by at least one corrected sentence that shows the true grammatical subject and the implied subject. With a misplaced modifier, the thing being modified is present this is how it differs from a dangling modifier , but the modifier does not link to it clearly. Implied Subject It's easy to miss a dangling modifier in a sentence that seems to imply a subject. Therefore, technically, the thing being modified is mentioned.


Grammar Tips: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

grammar dangling modifier

Adjectives like "happy" go before the thing they are modifying or after, with a helping verb. Place the subject immediately after the modifier phrase to solve the issue. How about this example: I fed some turkey to my puppy and put it in the meat grinder. She seems logically to be the one doing the action "having finished" , and this sentence therefore does not have a dangling modifier. A sentence with a dangling modifier is usually nonsense, so one should avoid this situation at all costs.


Grammar Tips for Dangling or Misplaced Modifiers on the SAT® Writing Test

grammar dangling modifier

This sentence now has a subject - Adam - being described by the modifier. Dangling modifiers are bad. Shocked, the glass cup shattered when it hit the ground. Here, the dangling modifier creates a sentence fragment. Since the doer of the action expressed in the participle has not been clearly stated, the participial phrase is said to be a dangling modifier. Phrases can go before or after the thing they are modifying, usually with a comma or commas. More Example: Incorrect: Walking in the park, a snake bit him.


Dangling Modifier

grammar dangling modifier

A A modifier is used correctly in a sentence when it describes, defines, or qualifies its intended Fixing a What is an example of a dangling modifier? Misplaced Modifiers Questions like this appear in both parts of the Writing test, so you will be asked to improve sentences and identify errors with this type of faulty modifier. Who did the preparing? Did the man get a cream cake in the face or was he the one with the cream cake? The parents were not hoping to garner favor with themselves, so it's left to the reader to wonder: Who is trying to garner favor? Here, "Having read your letter" modifies "we. Right away, most English speakers will see the problem with this sentence. In terms of its ability to score you some points, it's probably only trumped by To ensure you don't use a dangling modifier yourself, assume any modifier you use is dangling until you've nailed it to the term it's modifying. Incorrect: Crossing the street, a car almost struck us. Incorrect: Similar to the floppy disk, data is stored in the hard disk in sectors.
