Group decision making psychology. Group Decision Making: Meaning, Pros, and Cons (Explained) 2022-12-10

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Group decision making is a process in which a group of individuals work together to make a decision or solve a problem. This process is commonly used in business, government, and other organizations, as it can often lead to better outcomes than individual decision making. However, group decision making can also be challenging and may lead to certain psychological biases or challenges.

One common challenge in group decision making is the presence of social loafing, or the tendency for individuals to exert less effort when working in a group compared to when working alone. This can occur because individuals may feel that their contributions will not be as significant in a larger group, or because they may feel that others will pick up the slack. To mitigate the effects of social loafing, it is important for group members to be held accountable for their contributions and for the group to have clear goals and roles.

Another challenge in group decision making is the presence of groupthink, or the tendency for group members to conform to the opinions of the group rather than expressing their own views. Groupthink can occur when the group is under high levels of stress or when there is a lack of diversity within the group. To prevent groupthink, it is important for group members to feel comfortable voicing their opinions and for the group to actively seek out diverse perspectives.

In addition to these challenges, group decision making can also be influenced by various psychological biases. For example, the anchoring bias occurs when individuals rely too heavily on their initial impressions or information, and the confirmation bias occurs when individuals seek out information that confirms their preexisting beliefs. These biases can lead to poor decision making, so it is important for group members to be aware of them and to actively seek out unbiased information.

Despite these challenges, group decision making can lead to better outcomes compared to individual decision making. This is because groups can draw on the diverse knowledge, skills, and perspectives of their members, which can lead to more creative and well-informed decisions. To ensure that group decision making is effective, it is important for group members to be open-minded and respectful of each other's viewpoints, and for the group to have clear goals and a structured decision-making process.

Group Decision Making

group decision making psychology

This is a vital process. Guidelines for electronic information retrieval, content for visual aids, and important appointments like draught due dates and practice sessions are all things that need to be communicated to get ready. Some of the most popular are the Analytic Hierarchy and Network Profcess AHP, ANP , the Outranking methods, such as the ELECTRE, Multiattibute Utility Theory MAUT , Fuzzy sets and Mathematical Programming models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 446—461. Financial decisions can be affected by whether you see yourself in a position of loss or gain.


Group Decision Making

group decision making psychology

In a position of gain we tend to become risk averse; in a position of loss we will tend to take risks to avoid or recover losses. Some spend a lot of time in initial planning, whereas others immediately jump right into the deliberation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34 10 , 2069—2098. About this article The most 'important and greatest puzzle' we face as humans is ourselves Boring, 1950, p. Group creativity and technology.


Meaning of Individual and Group Interaction in Psychology

group decision making psychology

Diehl and Stroebe 1987 demonstrated the importance of production blocking in another experiment that compared individuals with groups. There are no perfect decision making rules. The group decision making processes that will be followed are depicted in Exhibit 3 and analyzed hereafter. In some countries, potential jurors who indicate being opposed to the death penalty cannot serve on these juries. However, these conditions are not always met in real groups. The group decision-making process in the ANP involves the construction of pairwise comparison matrices at each level of network either by consensus voting or by aggregating the individual preferences Saaty, 1989.


10.3 Group Decision Making

group decision making psychology

Groups, though, if badly organised, can stifle lofty ambitions. Definition of Criteria The attendees will define as a group the decision criteria. Intriguingly, groupthink has even been used to try to account for perceived anti-right-wing political biases of social psychologists Redding, 2012. In other words, if the minority opposes the course of action, consensus requires that the course of action be modified to remove objectionable features. The ability to communicate with others is essential for forming relationships with them. Case Work Approach The goal of the casework approach is to use scientific methods to solve specific cases.


The Psychology of Decision Making

group decision making psychology

Groupthink occurs when a group that is made up of members who may actually be very competent and thus quite capable of making excellent decisions nevertheless ends up making a poor one as a result of a flawed group process and strong conformity pressures Baron, 2005; Janis, 2007. When the majority of the six initially favored voting guilty, the jury almost always voted guilty, and when the majority of the six initially favored voting innocent, the jury almost always voted innocence. As in the AHP, the dominance or relative importance of influence is the central concept and judgments are provided from the fundamental scale of the AHP Saaty, 2005 by answering the question: Given a criterion X, which of the two elements Y,Z is more dominant with respect to that criterion? Such a situation is often conducive to poor decision making, which can result in tragic consequences. Controls may be set by elements such as Legislation, historical precedents, available resources, Standards, policies, procedures and practices. Cognitive and consensus processes in group recognition memory performance. Many large organizations make these decisions through executive committees consisting of chief executives and departmental heads.


Project Teams

group decision making psychology

As a result, the logistics involved in the organization of the congress are gigantic. A conceptual framework of anonymity in group support systems. It is what happens when one has made a snap judgement and then disregards feedback that is inconsistent with this position. So the question is heuristics the best practice these days? Why do you think the brainstorming had these opposite effects on the groups in the two situations? In addition, decision accuracy or quality has been researched extensively. Polarizing effects of social interaction. And some juries base their discussion around a review and reorganization of the evidence, waiting to take a vote until it has all been considered, whereas other juries first determine which decision is preferred in the group by taking a poll and then if the first vote does not lead to a final verdict organize their discussion around these opinions.


Group Decision

group decision making psychology

Social identification effects in group polarization. These experts are asked to provide potential solutions through a series of thoughtfully designed questionnaires. What decision was reached and what was the outcome for you? For instance, a team madefromindividuals from the fields of engineering, accounting, production, marketing, and human resources will generate alternatives that reflect their diverse perspectives. As noted above, we constantly use heuristics as a way of reducing the complexity of decision making: for example, associating a particular brand with quality rather than engaging in a detailed evaluation of the merits of different breakfast cereals or clothing stores. The specific decision environment is considered appropriate as it falls within the knowledge and experience of all attendees, while some of them, hopefully, might be able to provide further insights, in case they have themselves participated in any conference organizing committee.


Group Psychology: How Groups Change Our Behaviour

group decision making psychology

Some relevant ideas include coalitions among participants as well as influence and persuasion. Decision Support Systems The idea of using computerised support systems is discussed by James Reason under the heading of intelligent decision support systems in his work on the topic of human error. All these ideas are written on the blackboard with a piece of chalk so that all the team members can see every idea and try to improvise these ideas. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13 5 , 653—671. For one thing, studying decision making is hard, because it is difficult to assess the quality of a decision on the basis of what was known at the time, independently of its outcome.
