Hamlet compared to laertes. Comparing Laertes and Hamlet in Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay 2022-12-10

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Hamlet and Laertes are two characters in William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. Both characters have several similarities and differences, and their actions and motivations play a significant role in the plot of the play.

One significant similarity between Hamlet and Laertes is that they both seek revenge for the death of their fathers. Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, was killed by his own brother, Claudius, who then became the new king and married Hamlet's mother. Laertes' father, Polonius, was killed by Hamlet in a tragic misunderstanding. Both Hamlet and Laertes are motivated by a desire to avenge their fathers' deaths and bring justice to those responsible.

However, there are also some significant differences between the two characters. Hamlet is a prince, while Laertes is a commoner. This difference in social status plays a role in the way that each character goes about seeking revenge. Hamlet is more methodical and hesitant in his actions, often taking time to think and consider his options before acting. Laertes, on the other hand, is more impulsive and rash, immediately seeking revenge without fully thinking through the consequences.

Another difference between the two characters is their relationship with the main antagonist, Claudius. Hamlet has a complex relationship with Claudius, alternating between hatred and disgust for his uncle and a desire to understand his motivations. Laertes, on the other hand, hates Claudius outright and is more focused on seeking revenge against him.

Despite their differences, Hamlet and Laertes ultimately come together in the final act of the play to fight against Claudius and bring an end to the conflict. In the end, both characters' desire for revenge is satisfied, and justice is served.

Overall, Hamlet and Laertes are complex and dynamic characters whose actions and motivations drive the plot of the play. While they have some similarities, their differences in social status and approach to seeking revenge set them apart and add depth to the story.

Compare And Contrast Hamlet And Laertes

hamlet compared to laertes

The central family consists of Claudius king of Denmark , Hamlet his nephew and the son of the deceased king and Queen Gertrude , and Gertrude queen of Denmark. Finally to Hamlets dismay he learns that the hidden purpose of the duel was for Laertes to exact revenge for the death of his father and sister. Going over the characters stories is important in deciding on whose vengeance is more justified. Due to his high self-respect, instead of putting things behind and move on, he chooses to stand up and bravely fight against all the injustices. They act out of anger and rage and are determined to find satisfaction and peace of mind through revenge. Though their goals may differ, all can agree that the most important component of leadership is earning the respect of those who follow you and being responsible with the power you earn.


Hamlet And Laertes: A Comparison

hamlet compared to laertes

Thus, another dissimilarity is disclosed, as Hamlet would never consider allying with Claudius for anything, and Laertes, hungry for blood, is willing to ally with anybody who will give him an easy kill. Claudius and Laertes agreed to kill Hamlet. Yet, all the while Hamlet obliterates his antic disposition and publicly apologizes to Laertes for the deaths of Polonius and his sister, Ophelia. Hence he decides to feign madness. Even without knowing the one responsible for either, Laertes is quick to promise revenge. Hamlet and Laertes are Comparing Ophelia And Laertes In Shakespeare's Hamlet is often questioned who is responsible for the deaths of the characters in famous plays. His procrastination causes his downfall because he is killed at the end.


Compare and Contrast Hamlet and Laertes

hamlet compared to laertes

All three of the characters use different methods for getting revenge and they all get different results. Hamlet is the prince of Denmark and son of Gertrude. The ending is a chaotic state. Ingram Literary Analysis English 12 The main theme in Hamlet is revenge. It is reasonable to assume that even twins brought up in exactly the same environment, sharing the same daily activities, and living practically the same life, will act differently when faced with the same situation. Every time he finds an excuse to put off the act. Yesterday during the duel between Prince Hamlet and Laertes, many truths has come to light.


Laertes And Hamlet Comparison Essay

hamlet compared to laertes

The revenge of the three sons shows just how much sanity of theirs was lost in the deaths of the ones they held dearest to them, their fathers. . By contrasting these two mindsets, Shakespeare is able to highlight the righteousness within Hamlet that is not within Laertes during his quest for vengeance. His harshness then finds vent in his behavior with Ophelia. Are they similar or more different? By comparing him to the rash Laertes, the author forces the reader to appreciate the careful thought that goes into Hamlet's every move until towards the end when he too becomes rash. In this famous play, Prince Hamlet has many foils.


Hamlet And Laertes And Hamlet Comparison

hamlet compared to laertes

They were both born into royalty and throughout their lives were treated as such. Nevertheless, she was a party to murder and no one else must know it. One night, outside the Elsinore Castle in Denmark, the guards spotted the ghost of the deceased old King Hamlet and they informed prince Hamlet about its whereabouts. In order to enhance emotion and to add a mood to a monologue, Elizabethan actors often talked to inanimate objects. First, Hamlet is very intelligent and knows when someone is using him, but Laertes is not very intelligent and is easily tricked. Second, Hamlet is indecisive although, Laertes will not hesitate to do what he wants to do in order to get his revenge. They can likewise measure up in the manner the two of them love and regard their families.


Hamlet vs. Laertes in the Play

hamlet compared to laertes

Yet he cannot be rude to her. After getting the truth, Hamlet still engages in unnecessary procrastinations in order to find specific evidence, which is not necessary. In the film, however Laertes shots Hamlet with a gun, that then reverses and Hamlet shots him and Claudius. As the play progresses more deaths take place. Therefore he devises a plan. Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia.


Difference Between Hamlet and Laertes

hamlet compared to laertes

He remarks that beauty and chastity cannot coexist. Hamlet 's father was killed and he believes Claudius killed him. Revenge in William Shakespeare´s Hamlet Most of the plays of Shakespeare are said to be written based on the desires of his contemporary audience, especially the revenge tragedies. Hamlet theme paper While reading and analyzing the play of Hamlet it is very clear all of the different themes and lessons Shakespeare is trying to develop. But every time he puts off an action. Yes everyone compares the two as very similar acts in which Hamlet Precis Analysis 811 Words 4 Pages Back at the Danish Palace of Elsinore, Ophelia was maddened her father's death, and Laertes, with a mob in tow, demanded an explanation for Polonius' death. This difference in affections provides Shakespeare with another contrast between the two characters.


Why Does Laertes Want to Kill Hamlet? Character Comparison

hamlet compared to laertes

They base their actions off of getting revenge. A foil character often contrasts with the features of another character. He says: thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell. Laertes is a noble-minded person. In addition to his path of revenge Hamlet also deals with conflicting emotions towards a woman named Ophelia. Both characters exercise a dominating attitude towards females. Is Hamlet A Hero Or A Villain Essay 677 Words 3 Pages When can people see as a hero and as a villain based on their actions? L101-6 Thus we find that Laertes, despite the smoldering passion in him, is in full command of his senses.


Compare and Contrast Hamlet vs. Laertes

hamlet compared to laertes

L84-5 This shows how much he cares for his sister. When they come face to face Hamlet apologizes to Laertes. Hamlet is able to make his mother reflect upon her part in the death of his father and feel guilt "Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul, and there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave their tinct. Hamlet is a tragic hero who is brought down by his own flaws. Seneca, the Roman dramatist produced the tragic effect by horrifying incidents e. Finally, their anger, and urge for revenge also form basis for comparison. When Hamlet returns from England to hear this news he is petrified.
