Hemichordata balanoglossus. ADW: Balanoglossus: CLASSIFICATION 2023-01-01

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Hemichordata is a phylum of marine invertebrates that includes the acorn worms and the pterobranchs. The acorn worms, also known as enteropneusts, are worm-like animals with a simple, tubular body and a simple digestive system. They are named after the acorn-shaped proboscis, or feeding organ, that protrudes from the front of their body. The pterobranchs, on the other hand, are small, colonial animals that live in tubes and have a more complex anatomy.

One well-known member of the hemichordata phylum is the acorn worm Balanoglossus. Balanoglossus is a burrowing animal that lives in soft sediments at the bottom of the ocean. It has a long, slender body with a series of gill slits along the sides and a simple digestive system. The front part of its body is modified into a proboscis, which it uses to filter small particles from the water for food.

Balanoglossus is an important organism in the study of evolutionary biology because it is thought to be a transitional form between invertebrates and vertebrates. It has many features that are found in both groups, such as a notochord (a flexible rod that provides support and movement), a hollow nerve cord, and pharyngeal gill slits (which are used for respiration and feeding). These features suggest that Balanoglossus may have evolved from a common ancestor with the vertebrates.

Despite its importance in evolutionary studies, little is known about the biology and ecology of Balanoglossus. It is found in shallow, tropical waters, but very little is known about its behavior or reproductive habits. Further research on this fascinating animal could help us understand the early evolution of vertebrates and the relationships between different groups of animals.

(PDF) Hemichordata : Balanoglossus

hemichordata balanoglossus

Balanoglossus gigas is a hemichordate that can grow to be 1. External Morphology of Balanglossus: The body of Balanoglossus is soft, elongated, cylindrical, being richly ciliated all over and covered with mucus. On the ventral side of the base of the proboscis is a U-shaped depression called a preoral ciliary organ. In certain cases there are two proboscis-pores. In the endoderm of gastrulating S.



hemichordata balanoglossus

They may or may not include a free-swimming larval stage. Food generally consists of microscopic organisms and organic particles present in water and the bottom sand in which it makes its burrows. According to available evidences maturation starts some four hours before ovulation and that the egg is generally in the metaphase of the first meiotic division when shed. Gastrula is formed by invagination. Alimentary Canal The alimentary canal in Balanoglossus is a complete and straight tube running between the mouth and anus.


Hemichordata and Its Key Characteristics

hemichordata balanoglossus

Alimentary canal comprises of i mouth, ii buccal cavity, iii pharynx, iv oesophagus, v intestine and vi anus. Blastopore, ciliated bands and enterocoelus coelom are common features both in Hemichordates and Echinoderms. Recently Barrington 1965 expressed that Echinodermata deviated greatly from the ancestral stock and formed a blind branch. This layer is traversed by the filamentous bases of the epidermal cells that are connected with the basement membrane. Pharyngeal gill-slits, buccal diverticulum and dorsal tubular nerve cord found in Balanoglossus. Balanoglossus Scientific Name — Balanoglossus Common Name — Acorn worm or Tongue worm Class — Enteropneusta Delle Chiaje discovered and named Balanoglossus clavigerus in 1829. The cleavage and gastrulation follow the same pattern in both.


Balanoglossus: Affinities and Phylogeny

hemichordata balanoglossus

This is called respiratory-cum-food current. The blastopore marks the posterior end of the embryo. They consume large amounts of mud and or sand and digest the organic matter within it. Some food particles directly enter the mouth with this current while some come in contact with the proboscis and get entangled in the mucus that covers it. ADVERTISEMENTS: The buccal diverticulum or stomochord of hemichordates has been regarded as the equivalent of a notochord since the time of Bateson.


Hemichordata: Characters and Classification (With Diagram)

hemichordata balanoglossus

The muscle fibres are smooth. The collar is also muscular and possesses two coelomic cavities. Gill slits are dorsal in position. The proboscis has been the most active component of the body, and it assists in digging. During low tide, the proboscis is protruded out of the burrow in search of food. The many embryonic resemblances between hemichordates and echinoderms cannot possibly be accidental or due to convergent evolution. The creatures of this phylum are marine animals and they mostly live-in burrows in sand or mud.



hemichordata balanoglossus

Tornaria larva of Balanoglossus was first described by J. The posterior part of oesophagus reduces in diameter and has deeply furrowed epithelium. Spengel 1893 showed the relationship of Enteropneusta with Annelida. The skeleton consists of a hour­glass shaped median plate with two back-wardly directed diverging limbs. Hepatic caeca and genital wings are missing. It is supported throughout its length by the dorsal and ventral mesentries. The hepatic caeca secrete small amounts of maltase, proteinase and li­pase.


Phylum Hemichordata: Characteristics, Classification, Examples

hemichordata balanoglossus

For example, Balanoglossus shows the presence of notochord and pharyngeal gill slits which is a characteristic feature of chordates. The blood passes through two longitudinal blood vessels and a series of sinuses. The coelomocytes originate from the coelomic epithelium. In order to identify graptolite fossils, the number of branches and the placement of the thecae is significant characteristics. On the collar is a pair of hollow branching arms having cilia which collect the food of the animal.


Affinities of Balanoglossus

hemichordata balanoglossus

A vessel arising from the posterior part of the sinus bifurcates to supply the proboscis. What is the chordate structure of the Balanoglossus? Collar slightly overhangs the beginning of the trunk covering first three or four pairs of gill- pores. The ventral digestive portion, lined with ciliated epithelium with gland cells, helps in food concentration. Its epithelial cells are dark green or dark brown and its dorsal wall forms numerous prominent sacculations called hepatic caeca which push the body wall outwards and are, thus, visible externally. Resemblances: The resemblance extends into the following details: 1.
