History ee topics. Psychology Extended Essay Topics: 30+ Ideas to Get You Started 2022-12-12

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A research assignment template is a document that outlines the structure and guidelines for completing a research project. It is a helpful tool for both students and instructors, as it ensures that the research process is organized and consistent.

There are several key elements that should be included in a research assignment template. The first element is the purpose of the research. This should clearly state the goals and objectives of the project, and outline the expected outcomes or results.

Next, the template should outline the research questions or hypotheses that will guide the investigation. These questions should be specific and focused, and should align with the overall purpose of the research.

The template should also include a section on the research methodology, which outlines the methods that will be used to collect and analyze data. This should include details on the sample size, data collection techniques, and statistical analysis methods.

Another important element of a research assignment template is the literature review. This should summarize and evaluate the existing research on the topic, and provide a foundation for the current study. The literature review should also identify any gaps or areas of debate in the existing research, and explain how the current study will contribute to the field.

Finally, the template should include a section on the expected results and implications of the research. This should outline the anticipated outcomes of the study, and discuss how the results will contribute to the field of study.

Overall, a research assignment template is a valuable tool for both students and instructors. It helps to ensure that the research process is organized and focused, and that the final product is of high quality.

The Extended Essay, or EE, is a research paper of up to 4,000 words that is required as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. It provides students with the opportunity to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, and to develop the skills of critical thinking, research, and writing.

When choosing a topic for their EE, students are encouraged to select a subject that they are interested in and that aligns with one of their IB subjects. History is a popular subject for EEs, as it offers a wide range of potential topics and allows students to explore the past in a deeper and more analytical way.

Some potential history EE topics might include:

When choosing a topic for their EE, students should be mindful of the scope of the assignment and select a topic that is narrow enough to be thoroughly explored within the 4,000 word limit. They should also ensure that there is sufficient primary and secondary source material available for their research.

Regardless of the specific topic, a successful history EE will be well-researched, well-written, and thoughtfully analyzed. It should demonstrate an understanding of the historical context and make clear and supported arguments based on evidence. By completing an EE, students will gain valuable skills in research, writing, and critical thinking that will serve them well in their academic and professional lives.

The Extended Essay (EE) is a research paper of up to 4,000 words for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Students are expected to choose a topic of personal interest and conduct an in-depth study on a specific research question within that topic.

One possible topic for a history EE is the causes and consequences of World War I. This topic offers a wealth of material for investigation, including the role of imperialism, nationalism, and alliances in the lead-up to the war, as well as the economic and social impacts of the war on various countries. Another possibility could be the development of democracy in a specific country or region, such as the United States or Europe. This topic could include the influence of Enlightenment ideas, the impact of revolutions, and the role of key individuals or movements in shaping the political landscape.

A third option could be the history of colonialism and decolonization. This topic could focus on a specific colony or group of colonies, or it could take a broader approach and examine the global dynamics of colonialism. Possible subtopics could include the motivations and actions of colonizing powers, the experiences and resistance of colonized peoples, and the legacies of colonialism on contemporary society.

Other potential history EE topics could include the Cold War, the Holocaust, the civil rights movement, the global financial crisis, or the history of a particular religious or cultural tradition. Whatever topic is chosen, it is important for the student to conduct thorough research, engage with a range of primary and secondary sources, and present a well-supported argument in their EE.

Tips for writing an EE in History

history ee topics

I am not sure which topics you are taking on your class, but I would recommend doing the EE on a topic you saw in class. This is because while writing it and researching, you will be studying for the external assessment, which is the exam. So now one person tells me that 10 is too narrow and one tells me that it's too broad : oh dear. I then found that the topic of Japanese internment camps was similar to those current events. We offer the best cheap writing rates for extended essays.


History EE topic

history ee topics

Many students struggle to find good history topics. Modern American society praises equity and respects the rights of minority groups. The hardest task may be choosing the right subject to write your work. S army in the Vietnam war. In 1827, the first railway journey took place in the US. As such, when writing this essay, provide only a brief French Revolution summary, and focus on the impact and triggers of specific events. And, this makes writing great history papers difficult.


History Extended Essay: Definition, Outline, Assessment Criteria

history ee topics

Hello fellow IB students! I wrote a history EE about the consequences of the Japanese internment camps in the US. I have another idea. The extended essay provides practice for undergraduate research. Was methods used by Lenin to consolidate his regime justifiable? You might want to do something on 'To what extent did Hitler follow the principles and methods of Bismarck's foreign policy? Forget to panic Students can lose time by bracing themselves. Proofread Writing in a rush, you may forget about your spelling and punctuation. This kind of comparative approach yields an especially fine Industrial Revolution research paper as well.


Top 100 History Topics

history ee topics

This can actually be one of the most challenging parts of the process! Above all, pick a topic that you're really interested in. Some topics may not be acceptable for examination due to safety concerns. I went to my local library to see what they had to offer, and I found less than I thought I would. . You should note that the title page, table of contents, bibliography, appendix, and the various figures do not count towards the word count.


US History EE topic selection

history ee topics

That's not the 'right' way to do it. It moved at a faster pace with every century of the last millennium. Avoid Topics That May Cause Harm Certain topics are inappropriate for research due to ethical concerns. If you don't know the Schlieffen plan was a strategy formulated by some members of the German General staff on how they might fight a possible war on two fronts. So as long as you have sufficient support for it you'll be fine. . Are you clueless about where to start? Research can include ancient European, Asian, or American architecture.


Selection Of 15 Topics For Your Extended Essay On History

history ee topics

Good luck, they all sound good, im sure you will do well Thank you everyone for giving me such interesting feedback! Therefore, a biology extended essay should contain biological theory and underline the subject's fundamental character. To get an A, ensure your topic is accurate, properly focused, and clearly stated. Investigations based on trials that are likely to cause pain or needless stress to living beings are ineligible for submission. People have made music to express their emotions to each other. If you still are not interested in the three topics your teacher chose, you should choose something your interested in, because otherwise it will become a burden for you.


110 Original History Essay Questions: Examples & Topics

history ee topics

Typically in an extended essay, you need to write 4000 words about your research topic and try as much as possible to narrow your thoughts. The difficult thing in giving advice to others on their topics is that people well certainly I tend to direct towards the kind of stuff they would do, but not necessarily what you would do. In a research paper, you can choose and describe specific examples. To what extent could it have been possible for Joseph Stalin and Neville Chamberlain to prevent WWII to breakout in Europe? You can also find some triumph and tragedy in history topics in this category. This enables them to write papers that the target audience finds interesting to read. At the turn of the century, there was a major change in the way people treated medical technology, hygiene, and chemistry. If you guys can reformulate the topics or make another topic based on these topics or even suggest me another topic that you think would be good then feel free to do so!!! You just need to order online to get a custom essay.


Biology EE Topics: How to Choose, Plus Good Examples

history ee topics

They capture the attention of the readers and get them thinking. Remember, proper scientific analysis is vital. Therefore I think that in many ways it is hard to say that they were following the same things. History Extended Essay Topics Finding a History Extended essay topic can take a bit of your time, Hence, here are some of the IB extended essay history topics that you can use. Reread and analyze the given question, notice the keywords. Well, interesting history project topics are debatable.
