How are odysseus and telemachus alike. Odysseus And Telemachus Relationship 2022-12-13

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Odysseus and Telemachus, the father and son duo from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, are similar in many ways. Both are brave and intelligent, and they share a strong sense of duty and loyalty.

One of the most striking similarities between Odysseus and Telemachus is their bravery. Odysseus is known for his bravery and cunning in battle, as well as his quick thinking and resourcefulness. He is able to outsmart and defeat many of his enemies, such as the Cyclops Polyphemus and the suitors vying for Penelope's hand in marriage. Similarly, Telemachus shows great bravery when he sets out on a journey to search for news of his father. Despite his youth and lack of experience, he faces numerous challenges and dangers, including encounters with the Cicones, the Phaeacians, and the suitors, and he emerges unscathed.

In addition to their bravery, both Odysseus and Telemachus are highly intelligent. Odysseus is known for his quick thinking and ability to come up with clever solutions to problems, such as when he devises the plan to escape from the Cyclops by fashioning a wooden stake and blinding him. Telemachus also displays intelligence and resourcefulness, as he uses his wit and charm to gain the trust and help of the people he encounters on his journey.

Another shared trait between Odysseus and Telemachus is their strong sense of duty and loyalty. Odysseus is devoted to his family and kingdom, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means going against the gods or enduring great hardships. Telemachus is also loyal, as he is determined to find his father and restore their family's honor, even if it means facing danger and opposition.

In conclusion, Odysseus and Telemachus are alike in their bravery, intelligence, and sense of duty and loyalty. These shared qualities make them both admirable and heroic figures in The Odyssey.

How are Telemachus and Odysseus alike?

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

The Phaecians displayed ideal characteristics of xenia. Telemachus, being the only child, was left all alone with the responsibility of trying to manage the household. He stands with his father against the tirade of suitors and, hand in hand kills them all. Odysseus Deceit And Dishonesty In Homer's Odyssey 1204 Words 5 Pages There are a lot of leaders in Greek mythology that use deceit and dishonesty to accomplish their own goals. Another way that their journeys parallel is that both experienced very generous examples of xenia, or the Greek code of hospitality.


Comparing Odysseus And Telemachus In Homer's The Odyssey

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

At the same time Telemachus meets influential people who introduce him to a whole new world, which propels him to become a mature and respected individual. In anger, Helios demands Zeus punish the mortals that have touched his precious animals. She told Odysseus to stop the hypocrisy, and reveal himself to his beloved son. She announces a bow competition, marrying the winner straight away. The suitors know this as they suggest that Telemachus is prolonging the situation by not "sending his mother away with orders to marry" 124.


Odysseus and Telemachus Comparison Essay

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

Odysseus in the Odyssey by Homer, and Perseus in Perseus retold by Edith Hamilton, are both shown as epic heroes. By confronting the suitors Telemachus gains maturity because he is taking a leadership role. He has even more to achieve, being the son of a world-famous father, and this is a very difficult reputation to live up to. Odysseus and Telemachus are parallels of each other in that they share similar plot points and both change for the better, yet are on two distinct paths. A being of extraordinary power, but who is loyal and has a heart.


Comparing and Contrasting the Journeys of Odysseus and...

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

After the happy reunion, he fights alongside Odysseus to kill those annoying suitors. This quote summarizes exactly what a hero is supposed to do. As Telemachus arrives at his first destination, Pylos, he has a conversation with the King, Nestor. The hero in Homer 's depicts Odysseus as a hero in the process of completing a journey home. His journey, and after that the killing of the suitors who took advantage of him really show how his journeys and problems throughout the book mature him from being a shy, timid boy into a mature man. Odysseus tests his son by offering his son a seat. What is the epic simile used to compare the father son reunion? These acts display his excellent leadership and fearlessness.


Comparing Telemakhos And Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

What did Telemachus do at the end of the Odyssey? This is because he is no longer timid, he can be supported by himself, and he no longer is in the shadow of his mother. Telemachus starts as a younger, less mature boy, and without the presence of his father during his childhood, he becomes a timid, shy and spineless boy who is greatly pampered by his mother. They both learn values that turn a boy into a man and a great man even greater. He also encounters the suitors, who are a group of men that try to marry Penelope, when he returns to reclaim his home. All of these qualities come into play in his adventures from the time he leaves home until his return.


Similarities And Differences Between Odysseus And Telemachus

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

Not only does Odysseus utilize lies to keep his identity a secret but also, through the use of specific language, he conveys unspoken points. One parallel was the quest of Telemachos, in correlation with the journey of his father. Abandoned as a baby by his parents King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes, Oedipus is fated to kill his father and marry his mother. Telemachus, even though he is not the main character, has an interesting development and background story. They head to opens the bag Aeolus had given Odysseus, mistaking it for gold. Perhaps putting so much emphasis on his interaction with the Phaeacians, was to show that without his comrades Summary Of The Movie 'Telemachus' 505 Words 3 Pages Prince Telemachus, whom scholars sometimes call the "Telemacheia," is a good example of an early coming-of-age story. This worship of the father reminds me of the imitation of my father when I was a child.


What is the reunion like between Telemachus and Odysseus?

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

Without a father, his son strives to grow and mature yet he has not the slightest idea of where to. He believes strongly in the gods, mainly Athena, to protect him on his journey and guide him to the right path. When the nurse leaves, Odysseus-the-beggar resumes his conversation with Penelope. The idea of questing for fathers is also reflected in the book, The Odyssey, which is an epic poem written by Homer. Surrounded by his faithful sons and subjects, and dutifully offering prayers to the gods, Nestor stands in peifect contrast to Odysseus 's family and their chaotic situation in Ithaca. Before Athena talks to Telémakhos, as far as anyone can tell, Telémakhos is but a boy, meaning that he has not yet traveled the seas and has yet to stand up to the grown men wronging him.


Odysseus And Telemachus Relationship

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

Odysseus and Telemachus then proceed to murder the suitors and disguise their massacre as a wedding. Telemachus is ready to fight in battle and do whatever it takes to keep the family name in good standards. As the war progressed, Tydeus fought bravely but was gravely wounded by a Theban soldier named Melanippus. Three traits that Odysseus and Telemakhos share are clear-headedness, eloquence, and showing strong emotion. Telemachus Coming Of Age Quotes In The Odyssey 626 Words 3 Pages Although many characters show different themes from the epic poem The Odyssey by homer, Telemachus represents the theme of coming of age throughout the poem.


Odysseus and Telemachus (“Like one escaped from death.”)

how are odysseus and telemachus alike

They were back together like a father was never separated from his son. . However, his adventuring is widely known and is an important component of… Oedipus is the tragically fated lead character of Oedipus the King by the Greek playwright Sophocles. Nestor compares Telemachus to Orestes because he must avenge his father who is trapped in Calypso and kill all of the suitors. These points invoke different feelings and opinions in the people to whom he lies.
