How to write a journal article from a thesis. Extracting a journal article from your thesis 2022-12-26

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Writing a journal article from a thesis is a common way for graduate students and researchers to publish their work and share it with the academic community. However, the process of converting a thesis into a journal article can be challenging, as it requires a significant amount of restructuring and revising to meet the standards and requirements of a journal. In this essay, we will outline the steps that you can follow to turn your thesis into a successful journal article.

  1. Identify the appropriate journal: The first step in the process of writing a journal article from a thesis is to identify the appropriate journal for your work. This involves researching the types of articles that the journal publishes, as well as its target audience and submission guidelines. It is important to choose a journal that aligns with your research interests and that is well-respected in your field.

  2. Restructure your thesis: The structure of a thesis is typically designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your research, including a detailed review of the literature, a description of your methods and findings, and a discussion of your conclusions. However, the structure of a journal article is typically more concise and focused, with a clear introduction, methods, results, and discussion section. Therefore, you will need to restructure your thesis to fit the format of a journal article, which may involve cutting out unnecessary material, condensing your ideas, and reorganizing your argument.

  3. Write a clear and concise introduction: The introduction of your journal article should provide a brief overview of your research question and objectives, as well as the context and significance of your study. It should also outline the structure of the article and provide a roadmap for the reader. Keep in mind that the introduction should be engaging and accessible to a broad audience, and should avoid using technical language or jargon.

  4. Describe your methods: In the methods section of your journal article, you should provide a detailed description of the research design and procedures that you followed in your study. This should include information on the participants, the materials or instruments that you used, and the data collection and analysis methods that you employed. It is important to be thorough and transparent in your description of the methods, so that other researchers can replicate your study or build upon your findings.

  5. Present your results: The results section of your journal article should present the findings of your study in a clear and concise manner. This may involve presenting your data in tables, graphs, or figures, as well as discussing the implications of your results. Be sure to clearly state your main findings and highlight any trends or patterns that emerged.

  6. Discuss your conclusions: The discussion section of your journal article should interpret your results in the context of your research question and objectives. This may involve discussing the implications of your findings, comparing your results to previous research, and identifying any limitations or future directions for research. It is important to be objective and critical in your discussion of the strengths and limitations of your study.

  7. Edit and revise: Once you have completed the draft of your journal article, it is important to carefully edit and revise your work to ensure that it is clear, concise, and well-written. This may involve getting feedback from peers or advisors, and making changes to improve the flow and coherence of your argument.

In conclusion, writing a journal article from a thesis involves a significant amount of restructuring and revising to fit the format and standards of a journal. By following the steps outlined above and seeking feedback from peers and advisors, you can successfully turn your thesis into a well-written and compelling journal article.

How to convert your thesis into a journal article?

how to write a journal article from a thesis

Chicago format Author last name, First name. Are you desperately in search of answers to what the method to go about writing a journal article is? This article will discuss how to write a journal article from a thesis and the considerations you should keep in mind. As with everyone else, you must have incorporated in your thesis everything you understood about the subject. Journal articles are typically much shorter in length 4000 to 7000 words and more concise than a thesis. This is not a sign of weakness as the editor has some distance from the article. In this situation, you can write as many papers as you like, and academic publications will publish them without fear of copyright infringement.


How to Write a Journal Article 2: Supplemental and Third

how to write a journal article from a thesis

Ensure thatyour tables, figures, and figure legends are complete, clear, self-contained, and in the format required by the journal. Similarly, you may generate many research articles from your thesis. Even if you feel that the reviewers have misunderstood something in your paper, others might do the same. If you have coauthors, you may wish to get feedback from them before you proceed to the actual writing phase. It generally takes a year or two to complete a thesis. The above tips are intended to provide you with a direction to publish articles from your thesis. However, if you do so, it may still be best to take the reviewer comments into consideration.


How can I convert my thesis into a journal article in a short time?

how to write a journal article from a thesis

Format the document: Make your manuscriptattractive and easy to read. The When selecting your journal think about audience, purposes, what to write about and why. You need to trim the paragraphs so that the true essence should not get lost, and there should not be any redundancy, too. Pay Attention To The Outcomes Of The Peer Review Process Since 7. You must include all references and citations consulted during the research process. The production of these tools for readers can help an author analyse and interpret findings more effectively, and writing the main text with these tools in hand tends to reduce unnecessary repetition of information.


How to Cite a Journal Article

how to write a journal article from a thesis

Decide the kind of article to write. You will use your notes on references later when writing your article and building your bibliography. Which journals have you used? Create or sign in to your NCBI account. Ask colleagues which journals they respect. You must begin writing your paper by gaining a knowledge of your audience and the queries they will have after reading your piece. In each of these circumstances, you should tell the publication that the piece came from your thesis. As such, part of turning your thesis into a journal article involves deciding what you will include.


6 Steps for converting a PhD thesis to a Journal article

how to write a journal article from a thesis

Sometimes it is, but not always. . By preparing the tables andfigures and their legends and appropriate statistical analyses , you will be certain of your results before you worry too much about their interpretation. She is currently also working at the Univerisites of Pretoria and Johannesburg. Write the first draft of the entire manuscript. See Format: Do you like the appearance of published articles — the format, typeface, and style used in citing references? Polish the style: Refine the text, then correct grammar and spelling.


How to Turn a Thesis into a Journal Article

how to write a journal article from a thesis

While a thesis can be 8000-10000 words covering over 200+pages, a journal article can maximum go up to a few thousand words spanning over 5-7pages. Ensure that the citationsare correct and complete. This ensures your research is presented in the best light possible. You may wish to have one or two other people proofread your work as well. Conclusions You must keep in mind that a thesis must detail each result with extensive explanation, but a journal may merely include the results of the major discoveries. You can write a short abstract by briefly mentioning the background of the study, main methods used in the study, and the key findings from the study. So, for example, in a 3000-4000 word article, the introduction should be limited to around 1000 words.


How to write a journal article from a thesis

how to write a journal article from a thesis

On the other hand, your manuscript should ideally have a catchy and search-optimized title highlighting a general perspective. If you choose to do so, you will need to respond to the reviewer comments. You must ensure that the reference list you are putting here should be relevant to the topic. The format of a thesis is significantly different from that of a journal article. Step 8: Remember as you work out how to write a journal article that there is simply no substitute for excellent writing. However, if your thesis chapter title meets the requirement of the manuscript you intend to publish, you can go ahead with the same.


How to Turn Your Thesis Into a Journal Article

how to write a journal article from a thesis

You can also cite a journal article using our free Generate accurate APA citations with Scribbr The Scribbr Citation Generator will automatically create a flawless APA citation Citing an article in MLA Style In an MLA Works Cited entry for a List up to two MLA format Author last name, First name. These articles are expected to follow Here are some of the elements that you will need to work on to successfully 1. How selective is the journal in accepting papers for publication? Additionally, it undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, bringing many differences between an article and your thesis. Sometimes, the academic publishers limit the number of references you can include, so properly enquire beforehand only over the number of references. Be clear what your article is about, and what it is trying to do. So, let me answer and clear off the doubts over these looming questions contesting within you. No one can charge you for duplicating your thesis for a journal article.


How to write Research Article for a Journal

how to write a journal article from a thesis

This module helps authors identify suitable materials that should be incorporated within supplemental files. Does your PhD thesis cover more than one aspect of your research topic? The focus of this module is to provide potential authors with tips and advice for converting their completed thesis into a manuscript. Present and exclusively discuss findings that are most interesting and relevant to the research objectives stated in the introduction section. You do not need to make all of the changes that the reviewer recommended, but you do need to provide a convincing rationale for any changes that you did not make. It will be guided by the results presented in the paper. Instead, you can reference supplemental materials or other studies that have used similar methods.


How To Write a Journal Article for Publication in Twelve Steps

how to write a journal article from a thesis

We caught up with Marissa Rollnick, winner of a 2018 Turning your thesis into publications should mark the beginning of your publication career. To begin with, the audience for the journal article and the thesis are different. It will give advice on how to transform a thesis into a high-quality journal article, and cover all the information in order to present data in your article to a high standard. Expanded Reach Do you know what became of your thesis once you submit it? Whatever your situation, turning a thesis into a journal article is a logical step and a process that eventually every researcher completes. Reputation: Although it can be rather subjective,there are several ways to gauge the reputation of a journal. Next, you need to write a concise literature review to bring forth the past works and the new results that you aim to find out. Review the details of how the manuscript is to be formatted and submitted.
