Human rights and terrorism essay. «Terrorism and Human Rights» 2022-12-08

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Human rights and terrorism are two concepts that are often discussed in the same breath, as they both relate to issues of justice, equality, and the protection of individuals. While human rights refer to the inherent rights that every person is entitled to simply by virtue of being human, terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political, ideological, or religious goals.

At first glance, it might seem that human rights and terrorism are completely incompatible, as human rights are based on the idea of respect for the dignity and worth of every individual, while terrorism seeks to undermine these values through violence and fear. However, it is important to recognize that both human rights and terrorism can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals and communities, and that the relationship between the two is often complex and multifaceted.

One of the key ways in which terrorism can undermine human rights is through the targeting of individuals or groups based on their race, religion, ethnicity, or other characteristics. For example, terrorist groups may attack individuals or communities because of their perceived association with a particular ideology or political movement, or because they are perceived to be a threat to the group's goals. This kind of targeting can have devastating effects on the lives of those who are targeted, as well as their families and communities, and can lead to long-term trauma and suffering.

Terrorism can also undermine human rights by limiting the freedoms and rights of individuals in the areas where it is active. For example, terrorist groups may impose strict codes of behavior on the communities they control, restricting access to education, healthcare, and other basic services. They may also use intimidation and violence to suppress dissent and suppress the expression of alternative viewpoints. In this way, terrorism can undermine the fundamental human right to freedom of expression and to live one's life in accordance with one's own beliefs and values.

On the other hand, human rights can also play a role in the fight against terrorism. By upholding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, or other characteristics, we can create a more just and equitable society that is less susceptible to the kind of grievances and alienation that can fuel terrorism. In addition, by upholding the rule of law and due process, and by respecting the rights of those accused of terrorism, we can help to ensure that efforts to combat terrorism are fair and effective, rather than being based on discrimination or abuse.

Overall, it is clear that human rights and terrorism are complex and intertwined issues that have a profound impact on individuals and communities around the world. By working to uphold the rights of all individuals and to combat terrorism in a just and effective manner, we can help to create a more peaceful and equitable world for all.

Terrorism And Human Rights: Book Analysis Homework ✅

human rights and terrorism essay

. In specifically negative effects such as counter-terrorism operations often being directed at specific groups, defined on the basis of origin or religion. In recent years, increasing Australian involvement in international conflict has seen these laws shift to accommodate alarming trends in home grown terrorism Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 2014. These leaders will be helpful in provision of the necessary information which will help in understanding the issue of combating terrorism and its implication on human rights. The Magna Carta has influenced numerous documents that give rights to people.


«Terrorism and Human Rights»

human rights and terrorism essay

It should be mentioned that this threat is the top priority of the United States agenda on national security. Europe: Council of Europe, 2002. However, there has been very little attempt made to investigate on the feasibility of the international measures against terrorism with the human rights requirements. Religion, Rights and Terrorism. Putting human rights ideas into practice can help us create the kind of society we want to live in.


Human Rights and Terrorism

human rights and terrorism essay

For example, in April 2003 the United States took the position, in response to questions posed by the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions about the November 2002 killing of six men in Yemen by a missile shot from an unmanned drone, that this attack was against enemy combatants in a military operation and, thus, was beyond the competence of the Special Rapporteur and the UN Human Rights Commission. Iran, which is viewed as the most active national sponsor of terror, has been clandestinely carrying out the programs on uranium enrichment. The readings mainly expound on the issue of terrorism and human rights. For instance, there are some domestic terrorism crimes which are effectively solved domestically. Human rights are the foundations of a true democracy. In such a case, there is a need to consider the safety of the nationals. General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR.


Human Rights Terrorism and Counter Essay Example

human rights and terrorism essay

This right should not be a general right of police and security officers and as the case of Klass concluded, but should be sufficiently limited to circumstances that are in the interest of a democratic society and the security and safety of the state: Democratic societies nowadays find themselves threatened by highly sophisticated forms of espionage and by terrorism, with the result that the State must be able, in order effectively to counter such threats, to undertake the secret surveillance of subversive elements operating within its jurisdiction. One such discrepancy concerns refugee law and discrimination. These obligations required the states to ensure that they consider human rights in taking counter terrorism measures from the level of investigation to the punishment of terrorism suspects. . Freedom of expression is important to all populations and groups across the globe and it is vital to transparency, democracy, rule of the law and accountability, which are critical in promoting social progress, human dignity and inclusive development Sen, 2017. Other kinds of terrorism include the state sponsored terrorism.


The Effect of Terrorism on Human Rights: The Clash between the human rights advocates and victims of terrorism

human rights and terrorism essay

The question remains: why should the citizens suffer for the wrongs of the enemy. From this point, the execution action promoted by the US authorities affected the nation and their rights significantly because not only the right for privacy was violated but also other important freedoms were constrained. This means that the state has to ensure that the steps are taken by their designated protection forces. The justification of any war is relative. Defining Terrorism in International Law.


Terrorism and Human Rights on JSTOR

human rights and terrorism essay

Therefore as long as these aims are properly represented in the aims of the security forces and the legislation and all appropriate requirements of the statute is followed then there would be no breach of Article 8; however if the legislation was used disproportionately then there would be a breach. Fund for victims of terrorism be established soon. For instance, some of the specifications in several human rights treaties had agreed with some of the measures that required a short term suspension of some rights in case there is high security threat from a terrorism attack Lynch, MacDonald and Williams 2007: 134. Even if one contends that the detainees are not covered by international humanitarian law, the international human rights framework still requires they be tried for a recognizable criminal offense and be granted the internationally recognized guarantees of a fair trial. For the most part, the international community has responded to the events of September 11 and their aftermath with an insistence that the response to terrorism must unfold within basic standards of human rights and international law.


Essay on Human Rights, War and Terrorism

human rights and terrorism essay

Santow Edward and Williams George. If deemed prisoners of war then there is a well-defined regime of humanitarian law under which the detainees must be treated. During his administration, Bush took a tough stance on the war against terrorism. This led to protests as some believed that there was no enough evidence against the terrorists. In the case of Osman v UK the duty is restated as: Article 2 may imply, inter alia, positive obligation for State to take preventive operational measures to protect individual whose life at risk from criminal acts of another individual — on other hand, scope of such obligation contested — for Court, it must be established to its satisfaction that authorities knew or ought to have known at time of existence of real and immediate risk to life of individual and failed to take measures which, judged reasonably, might have been expected to avoid said risk — sufficient in this regard for applicant alleging breach of positive obligation to show that authorities did not do all that could reasonably be expected of them in circumstances to avoid risk. This makes it easier to detect any plans of terror before it is executed. Therefore, the main challenge was to guarantee security of borders and the nation.


Counter Terrorism Laws And Human Rights

human rights and terrorism essay

Gani, Miriam and Mathew, Penelope. Finally it will turn to Part IV of the ATCSA ss. Authority and jurisdiction are exercised and there is also crisis management planning and execution Jenkins 2002: 17. Council of Europe Committee of Ministers. It assaults the ideals that are promoted in the United Nations Charter on the protection of human rights, laws protecting nations from armed conflict and the protection of civilians, rule of law, and peaceful conflict resolution. Even though this declaration has no legal bindings and authority, it forms the basis of all laws on human rights. After President Bush signed the Patriot Act more than 1100 non-citizens, who are of Middle East or South Asian origin, were detained for months.
