Hythloday. Utopia Hythloday and His Travels Summary & Analysis 2023-01-04

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Hythloday is a character in Thomas More's Utopia, a work of political and social philosophy published in 1516. Hythloday, whose name means "dispenser of nonsense" in Greek, is a fictional embodiment of More's ideas and beliefs about the ideal society.

In the Utopia, Hythloday is a world traveler and philosopher who has visited the island of Utopia, a place where he claims to have found a perfect society. He describes Utopia to More and his companions as a place where there is no poverty, crime, or war, and where everyone is treated equally and with respect.

One of the key features of Utopia, according to Hythloday, is its system of government. The Utopians have a democratic system in which every citizen has an equal say in the decisions that affect the community. They also have a system of checks and balances to prevent any one person or group from gaining too much power.

In addition to its political system, Utopia also has a unique economic system. The Utopians do not believe in private property and instead share all resources equally. This ensures that everyone has access to the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and education. The Utopians also do not have money, as they believe that it is a source of greed and conflict. Instead, they use a system of labor credits to allocate resources and goods.

Hythloday also speaks highly of the Utopians' educational system, which is designed to cultivate critical thinking and creativity. All children receive a well-rounded education in a variety of subjects, and everyone is encouraged to continue learning throughout their lives.

Despite its many virtues, Hythloday admits that Utopia is not a perfect society. For example, he acknowledges that the Utopians have a rigid system of laws that can be harsh for those who break them. However, he believes that the benefits of living in Utopia far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Overall, Hythloday serves as a foil for More's ideas about the ideal society. Through his interactions with Hythloday and his descriptions of Utopia, More presents a vision of a utopia that is grounded in practicality and realism, rather than idealism.

Utopia Characters


In this they be all instructed even from their youth, partly in their schools with traditions and precepts, and partly in the country nigh the city, brought up, as it were in playing, not only beholding the use of it, but by occasion of exercising their bodies practising it also. He also says he has no desire for wealth, power, or fame, so he does not want to upset his peace of mind by vying for favor in a royal court. They were seeking a place where they would have the opportunity to share and practice their religious beliefs. Now I live as I will, to which I believe, few courtiers can pretend; and there are so many that court the favour of great men, that there will be no great loss if they are not troubled either with me or with others of my temper. Making matters even worse, according to Hythloday, is the fact that beggary and poverty are often accompanied by debauched drinking, decadent excess, the soliciting of prostitutes, and gambling among those not reduced to poverty, like serving men, craftsmen, and farmers.


Raphael Hythloday's Ideas in T. More's "Utopia"


In my opinion, pictures that encourage empathy and mutual understanding are usually related to what we perceive as familiar or weak. The lawyer responds that England should cherish these pampered, out-of-work serving men, for they are stouter and more courageous than craftsmen and farmers tend to be, and they make up the whole strength of the English army as such. But More believed that any change to the Church had to come from the Catholic Church itself. Is this still an on-going fight? The days of Protagoras, Plato and Aristotle had seen immersions deeply imbedded within muthos and logos as argumentative foundations. Utopia: Land of Sophisticates or Hythloday's Hyperbole Wendy D.




Business in all sectors of the economy is enhanced; however, the economy creates a high competition in resources as people seek to win the limited resources, the result is some people gaining at the expense of others. He imagines helping an empire-building French king like Charles the VIII or Louis the VII wage his wars of conquest. The Utopians, after all, are still human — and human nature, at all times and places, has demanded some presiding authority, be it religious or political. Hythloday is pure invention, but his having sailed with a historical figure, Amerigo Vespucci, lends credibility to his stories. As More the character suggests later, Hythloday never gives an argument for his claim that private property necessarily corrupts society—he only demonstrates that it can do so. He may also be condemned for carelessly risking the tranquility of the commonwealth, for if he finds his spouse unpleasant after marriage, their unhappiness damages the whole community More, 79.


Why does Hythloday refuse to become a king’s counselor in Utopia?


Why do you think creative approaches are so effective when confronting serious subject matters- whether they be cultural or political? He recounted the all too common feeling of a meaningless life, the seemingly innate itch of human existence, and how it brought him to various places in his life—until he stumbled upon a particular group of people and was changed forever. That More the author intends Hythloday to be an ambiguous character—is he a herald of good tidings? Hythloday's ideal society would be populated by angels or apes — but neither race would build the admirably involved systems of the Utopians. Book IV focuses on Queen Dido and her deep love for Aeneas and the importance of god 's word to Aeneas, which is problematic for for Dido. The lawyer praises the rigorous justice executed upon felons and especially thieves at that time, for many were hanged for their crimes and few escaped punishment. A creative process allows both artists and observers to tackle projects from a conceptual point of view.




So much learning as you have, even without practice in affairs, or so great a practice as you have had, without any other learning, would render you a very fit counsellor to any king whatsoever. Hythloday can seem very sensible at times, despite his ridiculous traits. I believe that it was Erasmus who had the most influences on More, especially for his humanistic views in Utopia. In this novel, fiction is the origin from where Don Quixote 's knightly characteristics derive from and the reason why he perceives the world differently from others. It is common to get a large part of the population poor and resources centered on a small group.


Raphael Hythloday


GradeSaver, 13 July 2003 Web. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Hythloday mounts just such an argument here. For instance, Hythloday stems from the fight of this community but raises other threads of concern, like the generation and consumption of news, truth and deception, and the privileging of certain opinions versus relating to personal experiences. The Achorians forced their king to choose one kingdom to govern, because in governing both he was merely half a king.


Hythloday: The Utopian System


Let not so many be brought up in idleness; let husbandry and tillage be restored; let clothworking be renewed, that there may be honest labours for this idle sort to pass their time in profitably, which hitherto either poverty hath caused to be thieves, or else now be either vagabonds or idle serving men, and shortly will be thieves. Through diligent study, working men can be promoted to the scholarly class, from which all government officials are chosen More, 52. As a photographer, being aware of this will transform your photography. He says that, unless kings themselves study philosophy seriously, they will not listen to the counsel of philosophers. After many days spent crossing scorching deserts and wilderness, Hythloday and his companions came upon well-governed people, cities, and towns. Is there a king in Utopia? Bringing in religious tolerance to England could have divided the nation. His point is that small evils, when tolerated, grow into very big evils.


Utopia Book 1 Summary & Analysis


In the closing letter to Giles, More makes it clear that Utopia is a fictional place that does not actually exist. Religious freedom was the unifying factor among colonists coming to America to escape persecution from The Church of England. Mistrust and hatred like this is never leads to anything good, only serving to please those who spread it for various reasons. If Hythloday came among them with superior wisdom or new ideas, they would find him a threat and do their best to undermine his advice to the king. After their introduction, the country suffered from a number of rebellions, most significantly the Western rebellion- also known as the Prayer Book rebellion.
