Infant oral stage. Defense Mechanisms 2022-12-23

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The infant oral stage is a key developmental period in a child's psychoanalytic development, as proposed by Sigmund Freud. It is the first of his five psychosexual stages, which occur in a predictable sequence throughout an individual's life. During the oral stage, which typically occurs from birth to approximately 18 months of age, a child's primary source of pleasure is through their mouth, including sucking, biting, and swallowing.

During this stage, a child's libido (sexual energy) is focused on the mouth and the pleasures that can be derived from it. This includes breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and biting or sucking on toys or other objects. At this age, a child is also learning about the concept of trust and reliance on others, as their basic needs for sustenance and comfort are met through the care of their primary caregiver.

Freud believed that if a child's needs are not adequately met during this stage, they may develop negative oral habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, or overeating, as they seek to fulfill their oral needs in other ways. On the other hand, if a child's oral needs are consistently met, they may develop a sense of trust and security, and be more likely to form healthy relationships later in life.

It is important to note that Freud's theory of psychosexual development is just one perspective on child development, and not all experts agree with his ideas. However, the infant oral stage is still an important concept to consider when caring for young children and understanding their needs and behaviors.

In conclusion, the infant oral stage is a crucial time in a child's development, during which they rely on their mouth for pleasure and fulfillment of basic needs. It is a time when a child is learning about trust and reliance on others, and the way in which their needs are met during this stage can have an impact on their future development.

Defense Mechanisms

infant oral stage

This feeling is known as the Oedipus Complex. On the other hand, low parental involvement at bedtime gives the infant room to learn self-soothing and self-regulation. Lesson Summary Sigmund Freud established the psychosexual development process that is entirely dependent on sex as the main factor in human personality development. Freud's observations led him to believe that this is because the baby is experiencing a high level of pleasure from engaging in activities centered on the mouth. Each of these five stages has an impact on how our personalities develop and can be a way of explaining how we think and behave as adults. If you've ever been around babies, you know that their mouth is the focus of a lot of attention.


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infant oral stage

Baby Development: Seven to Nine Months During the second half of this year, your little one becomes a baby on the go. Regression functions as form of retreat, enabling a person to psychologically go back in time to a period when the person felt safer. This content is only available to UpToDate subscribers. For instance, fixation may arise when an infant is weaned either too early or late. The latent stage is characterized by the development of social skills, relationships, and standards. Your UpToDate subscription is risk-free.


Cavities/tooth decay

infant oral stage

The Ego thus finds some other way of releasing the psychic energy of the Id. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well. Active Ingredient per mL Poloxamer 100mg Allergen information Free from gluten, lactose, dairy and milk. He believed that the psychosexual stages had a great impact on how our personality develops, which in turn impacts who we become as adults, and how we choose to think and behave. This damage is often called baby bottle tooth decay. She is finalizing a Doctorate in International Trade and Business at Monarch Business School Switzerland. Nevertheless, this theory has made contributions to psychology, like indicating the influence of unconscious thoughts on behavior.


Oral stage

infant oral stage

Repression Repression is an unconscious defense mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious. The theory does not explore female sexuality, and its development like it does for the male counterparts. Boys want the attention of their mothers and want to replace their fathers. Therapists often observe reaction formation in patients who claim to strongly believe in something and become angry at everyone who disagrees. Children are observed to grow in each stage, and their parents and environment contribute highly to their personal character. And we find the older child or teenager imitating his or her favorite star, musician, or sports hero in an effort to establish an identity.


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infant oral stage

Early on, it will be just to themselves. Denial Denial is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna Freud which involves a refusal to accept reality, thus blocking external events from awareness. Because there is no place for the swelling to expand inside of a tooth, the nerve becomes pressed, causing pain. Therefore, infants make contact with the initial object of libido, which is their mother's breast. Thoughts that are often repressed are those that would result in feelings of guilt from the superego.


Baby Development Stages: The First Year

infant oral stage

Journal of the American Dental Association. This is believed to be an evolutionary response to danger. Or maybe, you've heard a smoker describing his or her habit as being an ''oral fixation. Identification with the aggressor is a version of introjection that focuses on the adoption, not of general or positive traits, but of negative or feared traits. As tooth decay develops, the bacteria and acid continue their march through your teeth, moving next to the inner tooth material pulp that contains nerves and blood vessels. The child fears that the father might not approve of these feelings and fears being punished. It involves the victim adopting the behavior of a person who is more powerful and hostile towards them.


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infant oral stage

Brush your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after every meal, using fluoride-containing toothpaste. But bottled water usually does not contain fluoride. The five stages in Freud's psychosexual development are the oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital stage. Anorexia and bulimia can lead to significant tooth erosion and cavities. An extreme example of this is the Patty Hearst was abused by her captors, yet she joined their Symbionese Liberation Army and even took part in one of their bank robberies.



infant oral stage

Older adults also are at higher risk. Newborns are wet, covered in streaks of blood, and coated with a white substance known as Umbilical cord Caregivers of an infant are advised to pick up on the infant's facial expressions and mirror them. Strong parental involvement is understood to include parental presence, cradling, or breastfeeding at bedtime, as well as carrying the infant to sleep and then putting the infant down. Also, fixation during the anal stage may cause a person to sublimate their desire to handle faeces with an enjoyment of pottery. Freud continued to establish that the sexual energies are dormant in this stage, and an individual is mainly focused on knowledge searches and social interactions. When you steadily snack or sip sugary drinks, you give mouth bacteria more fuel to produce acids that attack your teeth and wear them down.


Freud's Oral Stage Development

infant oral stage

The oral stage of development is characterized by the use of the mouth as the organ that brings pleasure. Freud's Oral Stage The oral stage of personality development begins at birth and lasts up until around 18 months of age. Someone who feels uncomfortable with their sexual desire for a real person may substitute a fetish. Freud would explain habits like smoking, biting your fingernails, or obsessive gum chewing as being the result of an over or under-emphasis on activities associated with the mouth as an infant. To engage child resistant mechanism, fully tighten cap after use.


infant oral stage

To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with other information we have about you. How to use the child resistant and tamper evident cap: Push cap down whilst twisting to open bottle. © 2022 Aspen Group of companies or its licensor. Once areas of enamel are worn away, the bacteria and acid can reach the next layer of your teeth, called dentin. These aspects show that stimulation is sought from putting things in the mouth.
