Internal and external stakeholders of apple inc. Apple stakeholders Free Essays 2022-12-22

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Apple Inc. is a multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. As a publicly traded company, Apple has a variety of stakeholders who have an interest in its performance and decision-making. These stakeholders can be divided into two main categories: internal stakeholders and external stakeholders.

Internal stakeholders are individuals or groups within an organization who have a direct interest in the performance of the company. These stakeholders include employees, management, and the board of directors. Employees are an important internal stakeholder group because they contribute to the day-to-day operations and success of the company. Management, including top executives and department heads, play a crucial role in setting the direction and strategy of the company. The board of directors is responsible for overseeing the management team and making important decisions on behalf of the company.

External stakeholders are individuals or groups outside of the organization who are affected by or have an interest in the company's actions. Some examples of external stakeholders for Apple include customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the community. Customers are an important external stakeholder group because they purchase the products and services offered by the company. Suppliers provide the raw materials and components needed to manufacture Apple's products, and their relationship with the company can have a significant impact on its operations. Shareholders are investors in the company who own shares of its stock and have a financial stake in its performance. The community, including local residents and organizations, may be impacted by the company's operations and decision-making, particularly in regards to environmental and social issues.

It is important for Apple to consider the needs and interests of both internal and external stakeholders in its decision-making process. For example, the company may need to balance the needs of its employees with those of its customers, or the interests of its shareholders with those of the community. By taking into account the perspectives of all stakeholders, Apple can ensure that its actions are aligned with its values and goals, and that it is meeting the needs of the various groups that it impacts.

Internal vs External

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

Even though there are two potential strategies of applying horizontal incorporation, Apple Company only concerns with acquisitions and apparently does not plan mergers currently Jade 2008. Interesting facts Apple created the first color digital camera Apple Quick Take 100. In addition, Apple continues to face investigations from the Securities and Exchange Commission with regard to patent and Figure 1: 2011 Apple SWOT Analysis Opportunities that Apple potentially can capitalize on are highly dependent on their ability to manage stakeholders effectively in their supply chains, distribution channels and across their value chain. The third dimension deals with the power that the stakeholders have within the firm. With organizing, Apple management views their staff as their most valuable resources. The argument on the shareholder side goes something like whatever is good for boosting profit is ultimately good for the business. The Apple Supplier code of conduct a code of ethics is a document that addresses various topics.


Internal and External Environment of Apple

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

Copy to Clipboard Reference Copied to Clipboard. The company now has a global reputation for being the best brand. If Books Worth A Look took out a loan, its bank would want to know that Jake's business is making enough money to pay the loan when it is due. In business, companies have to be a step ahead of the competition. The organization operates and maintains high standards in its operational Apple Inc : A Global Leader Apple Inc. External Stakeholders External stakeholders are groups, individuals or organizations outside of a company such as its customers those individuals who purchase its goods and services , creditors individuals or groups to whom the company owes money , the government, suppliers companies from whom the business purchases its products , or society in general.


Apple inc and their stakeholders Free Essays

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

Get Help With Your Assignment If you need assistance with writing your assignment, our professional assignment writing service is here to help! Shareholders A Share holder is an investor who has exchanged equity in the business for the investment; owning shares of stock in a corporation. The corporation employees are close to fifty thousand employees providing the society with employment opportunities worldwide. A successful company requires a firm foundation. Businesses or corporations need to have a strategy in place to help management in the event there is a problem; they have a solution already planned out. Stake holders are tenet to the development and performance of the organization without which the organization either cease or collapse completely. Companies need to consider both internal and external stakeholders when making decisions, as their interests may conflict or overlap. This novelty, however, would be unsustainable without an education atmosphere tolerant of flaws.


Internal and External Strategies at the Apple Company

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

In the end, the most important too. The legal aspect demonstrates that the UK has extremely secure intellectual property rights, private property rights and contracts, and an effective, independent court system Heritage Foundation 2017. The expectations become more specific based on analysis of each stakeholder's requirements. The logo is distinct and recognizable to people of all origins around the world Burrows, 2007. Apple remains the leading company that offers superior products at premium prices.


Internal and External Factors Impacting Apple's Business Strategy

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

The organization has managed to be successful by being innovative, applying differentiation in terms of products and running their business, offering high-quality products with up-to-date technology as well as good customer service. These interests highlight the need for a holistic approach in corporate social responsibility efforts, which Apple already uses in its aims to satisfy major stakeholder groups. This means that the company behaves and has the characteristics of a human being. They're also going to want to know that a company will be in business to honor any warranties that it provides with its products. After his death, however, the board has not been keen on ensuring the same. In fact, Apple has become a household brand all over the world.


Internal & External Stakeholders

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

On the other hand, the company has a strong brand that is easily identified. It is imperative to recognize that Apple does not have any control over external environmental factors. These recommendations can be costly especially if they involve the change in management approaches to suit a more flexible communication plan. These include shareholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, government agencies, and even the community in which a business operates. This stakeholder group is composed of individual and organizational buyers of Apple products. Internal Stakeholders First, let's start by defining internal stakeholders. Innovation and technology has an impact on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions of management at Apple, Inc.


SWOT: Apple Stakeholder Performance Analysis Apple Inc. (AAPL)

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

Some examples of internal stakeholders are employees, board members, investors, and other interested parties. These factors influence revenues and profits through consumer spending power. The company products can only run on iOS, which brings compatibility issues. The group of stakeholders imposes the demands, which convert it to corporate social responsibility and influence the performance of the company. Lynch, R 2015, Strategic management, 7th edn, Pearson, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.


Apple Inc. and its Stakeholders Communication Strategies

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

. Theses, Dissertations and Capstones. Apple stores boom — employees not so much But the reality of Apple is much different. Therefore, creativity plays an important task in remaining the leading organization in the mechanisms of rapid-expanding market, and the company absolutely can tolerate the shifts with its creative knowledge. However, the company should still invest in making communication personal. Fortune 500, 2015 to expand its business operations is its compliance with the financial regulations that are adopted for firms of this nature; that is, firms that operate in the international market.


Shareholders, stakeholders and Apple

internal and external stakeholders of apple inc

With Nike being a huge Premium Management Stakeholder Stakeholder theory Stakeholder Theory 1. Apple has an extraordinary excellence as the only computer business company to exist from the early days in the industry and is still challenging the competition in today's economy. One of the reasons for this is the closed eco-system approach the business uses. This might mean changing the management approach the company uses currently. It is interesting to study the strategic management process of these organizations. The company effectively addresses this stakeholder group through excellent financial performance. However, its ability to do this relies on… Pages: 10 3010 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: Harvard· Bibliography Sources: 2 Term Paper … Business Report - Apple Apple Inc.
