Joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes. Situation ethics : the new morality : Fletcher, Joseph F., author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 2022-12-17

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Joseph Fletcher was a theologian and ethicist who developed the ethical theory known as situation ethics. This theory holds that the best moral decision in any given situation is the one that maximizes love and minimizes harm, rather than relying on fixed moral rules or duties. Fletcher believed that the most important moral principle was agape, or selfless love for others, and that this should guide ethical decision making.

One of Fletcher's most famous quotes is, "Love is the ultimate law." This quote reflects his belief that love should be the guiding principle in all ethical decisions. He believed that love should be the ultimate goal of all human actions, and that all other moral principles should be subordinated to this goal.

Another well-known quote by Fletcher is, "There are no absolutes." This quote reflects his belief that moral rules and duties are not absolute, but rather should be applied flexibly in different situations based on the needs and circumstances of the people involved. Fletcher argued that it is often necessary to break traditional moral rules in order to maximize love and minimize harm in a given situation.

Fletcher's theory of situation ethics has been both praised and criticized by ethicists and philosophers. Some have argued that it provides a more nuanced and flexible approach to ethical decision making, while others have argued that it undermines the importance of moral rules and duties. Regardless of one's stance on the theory, it is clear that Fletcher's ideas have had a significant impact on the field of ethics and continue to be widely debated and discussed.

Situation Ethics Quotes by Joseph F. Fletcher

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

Norman Geisler, Christian Ethics, Options and Issues, 1989 p. Agápē Agápē calculus Eros Legalism Pragmatic Conscience Consequentialism References Fletcher, Joseph F. Has the devil acted in the morally right way? When you rise to love on this level, you love all men not because you like them, not because their ways appeal to you, but you love them because God loves them. Just the same he is prepared in any situation to compromise them or set them aside in the situation if love seems better served by doing so. Teach me Your statutes. Erotic love is mere egoistic and selfish. Love does not always bring eternal happiness the way most people want it to, and often times love only lasts a short period of time.


Situation ethics : the new morality : Fletcher, Joseph F., author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

The 'Confusion to Avoid' sections at the end of each chapter will be particularly useful. We try to isolate the evil and then get rid of it. It provides a middle ground between Legalism and antinomianism. If it is our sexual freedom, then we can justify any otherwise immoral action that promotes it. The situationalist will have exactly the same problem.


Joseph Fletcher Quotes (Author of William Blake as Natural Philosopher, 1788

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

Fletcher would say that here is a situation where we ought not to follow the principle do not murder but rather do the most loving thing, which in this case turns out to be murder. Principle 4: Personalism Love is something that is experienced by people. The thing that we have most in common is that we see love as an experience we see towards someone or something. According to Fletcher have we done right or wrong? Whether that is risking life, belief, health, or reputation, it is still a risk at any rate to give devotion to another. The situationist enters into every decision making situation fully armed with the ethical maxims of his community and its heritage, and he treats them with respect as illuminators of his problems. Typically people write and think about love as experiencing an intense feeling. If it is fame, then we can justify any otherwise immoral action that assists us in building it.


Joseph Fletcher Situation Ethical Analysis

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

If situations vary then consequences vary and what we ought to do will change accordingly. Shook, Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers, Vol. John Q a factory worker faces one of the worst parental situations. In his sequel, The Pursuit of Love, Singer approaches love from a distinct standpoint; he reveals his collection of extended essays where he presents psychological and philosophical theories of his own. Personalism- this teaches that situation ethics is concerned with people rather than rules.


Joseph Fletcher

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

Developed by Joseph Fletcher in the 1960's, Situational ethics considers that the right thing to do is that which produces the most loving outcome. As we noted above, agápē is in the business of loving the unlovable. To see why this might be problematic, consider a case where we act out of the attitude of agápē but the consequence is one of great death and destruction. This reading is of course in line with his agápē calculus. . Agape is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. No era in history knows this better than during the Holocaust.


Situational Ethics / Joseph Fletcher

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

To see how thorny the issue actually is consider the following. If we could only save our dad or five strangers from drowning, the utilitarian would argue we should save the strangers because five lots of happiness is better than one. In the Christian context agápē is the type of love which is manifest in how God relates to us. With this approach — that morality is decided in the mind of each individual — any of us can justify any immoral action. It is this central focus on agápē as the moral guide for behavior that allows Fletcher to claim that an action might be right in one context, but wrong in a different context — depending on the level of agápē brought about. In other places he says it is what we ought to bring about as an end point.


Fletcher’s Situation Ethics

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

For this reason, loving the neighbor does not even mean pleasing them or us. There is no one-size-fits-all for every situation, but the course of action is determined by the individual and environmental factors involved and the ethical character the public official has built over time. If love is what is good, then an action is right or wrong in as far as it brings about the most amount of love. I was speechless when I received a long letter from Bultmann, who had diligently examined the details of my arguments. It is just his attraction to moral views which do not try to work out what to do in the abstract e. Rather for Fletcher conscience is a verb.


Situation Ethics Quotes (2 quotes)

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

Well it does not mean that Fletcher is a pragmatist. The love a couple has for each other. From the universal law we can only derive principles, not other universal laws. You can simply repeat this substitution for most of the problems we cited regarding Utilitarianism, e. Pragmatism The situationalist follows a strategy which is pragmatic. An action, such as telling the truth, only acquires its status as a means by virtue of an end beyond itself. Fletcher thinks that most other moral problems can be thought of in this way.


Test Yourself: Quotes and Questions

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

Or is it about bringing about certain consequences? Has a focus on helping people. He quotes 'a pragmatism turns his back on fixed principles and pretended the absolute' Relativism- suggests that agape love should be relative to each situation. Nor is it the erotic desire we might feel towards others érōs. He finds it comprehensive but yet written in simple language which is ready to understand. It is not the feeling we might have towards friends or family member which is better described as brotherly love philēo.


Situational Ethics

joseph fletcher situation ethics quotes

I am not so blind as not to say that there are times when the application of absolute morality is not so easy. Agápē has a very particular meaning. This is because his theory is based on a very crude form of Utilitarianism. . Despite how popular the theory was it is not philosophically sophisticated, and we soon run into problems in trying to understand it. Situation Ethics was popularized by Joseph Fletcher around 1960s to 1970s.
