Kidney function essay. Chronic Kidney Disease Essay 2023-01-02

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An antagonist is a character or force that stands in opposition to the protagonist, or main character, in a story. The antagonist creates conflict and challenges for the protagonist, and can take various forms, such as another character, an idea, or even the protagonist's own flaws or weaknesses.

Using an antagonist in a sentence can involve describing the character or force that is causing conflict for the protagonist. For example: "The antagonist in the story is a rival scientist who is determined to prove the protagonist's theories wrong."

An antagonist can also be used in a sentence to describe the role that they play in the story. For example: "The antagonist serves as the driving force behind the conflict in the story, constantly pushing the protagonist to their limits."

It is important to note that the antagonist is not necessarily a "villain" or a "bad guy." They can simply be a character or force that creates obstacles for the protagonist, and their actions and motivations may be complex and multifaceted.

In addition to describing the antagonist in a story, the term can also be used more broadly to describe any person or entity that stands in opposition to another. For example: "The company's main antagonist is a competitor that is always trying to one-up them in the market."

Overall, using the term antagonist in a sentence allows us to describe the character or force that creates conflict and challenges for the protagonist in a story, and can help to provide context and depth to the narrative.

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is a short story that was first published in 1948 and has since become a classic of modern American literature. It is a tale of horror and violence that explores the dark side of human nature and the destructive power of tradition.

At first glance, "The Lottery" seems like a simple tale of a small town holding an annual tradition of drawing names to determine the winner of a cash prize. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the tradition is actually a lottery to determine who will be stoned to death. This shocking twist reveals the disturbing and violent nature of the tradition, as well as the willingness of the town's residents to blindly follow it without questioning its morality.

One of the key themes of "The Lottery" is the destructive power of tradition. The town's residents have been holding the lottery for generations, and it has become an integral part of their culture. Despite the fact that the tradition is violent and ultimately deadly, they continue to participate in it year after year, seemingly without questioning its purpose or the harm it causes. This reflects the idea that tradition can be a powerful force that shapes our actions and beliefs, even when it is deeply flawed or harmful.

Another important theme in "The Lottery" is the idea of conformity and the dangers of blindly following the crowd. The town's residents seem to be fully aware of the brutality of the tradition, yet they continue to participate in it without dissent. This reflects the idea that people are often more willing to go along with the crowd and follow societal norms, even when those norms are questionable or harmful. The story also suggests that this tendency to conform can have dangerous consequences, as it leads to the town's residents accepting and participating in a tradition that involves stoning one of their own to death.

Overall, "The Lottery" is a powerful and thought-provoking story that explores the dark side of human nature and the dangers of blindly following tradition. Its themes of conformity and the destructive power of tradition are still relevant today, and it serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of blindly following the crowd and the importance of questioning the values and beliefs of our society.

Chronic Kidney Disease, Essay Example

kidney function essay

This is when excess serum proteins are passed out, in the urine Nordqvist 2009 due to the impaired filtration mechanism Field et al. Surveillance of CKD epidemiology in the US—a joint analysis of NHANES and KEEP. Differences in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure lie in the fact that in the prerenal form the disturbance of blood circulation has a global character, and in the renal failure — the local one. The small veins join to form a single large renal vein, which carries blood away from each kidney. After the body tissues have taken what is needed from the nutrient-laden blood, waste is sent back to the blood.


Factors Affecting Kidney Function

kidney function essay

This uprise in glucose molecule will eventually bring up your blood glucose level to its normal range. Chronic renal failure is a permanent partial loss of kidney functions. It makes sense that the most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water because your urine cannot be diluted properly. Each nephron entails of glomerulus, and a renal tubule. This disease is severe but not incurable.


Kidney Function

kidney function essay

Kidney cancer also has the abltiy to spread to other areas of the body as well. They also have a major homeostatic role in the body, and help to control the water content osmoregulation and pH of the blood. Because the food we eat is assimilated into our blood. Kidney Disease Essay Conclusion Chronic kidney disease is one of the most outspread diseases in the world. But in order to diagnose heart failure properly and accurately, it is tricky because the What we don't understand about kidney failure. Calcium-containing stones The most common type of kidney stones worldwide contains calcium.


Kidney Function Essay

kidney function essay

Creatine is a by-product of muscle energy metabolism. Conversely when there is excess water in the body the kidney increases urine flow and reabsorbs solute without water thus the urine is dilute. Cystatin C is a protein produced by cells into the blood. States in the Midwest and North East such as Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, also showed high levels of prevalence at about 17% of the population CDC, 2019. Clinically this disease can vary from mild, with slightly elevated serum levels of myoglobin and creatine kinase CK to severe with the necessity for renal replacement therapy.


The Kidneys and how they function

kidney function essay

References Centers for Disease Control CDC. If your kidneys are inadequate, treatments can be categorized into three types: transplantation, peritoneal dialysis and, hemodialysis Level et al. HELLP Syndrome HELLP Syndrome is an acronym for Haemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets and is generally found in pregnant woman who have developed preeclampsia or eclampsia Gould, 2006:120. In addition, it is also suggested that vasculitic disorders, like Wegeners Granulomatosis can result in crescentic GN Geeky Medics 2010 Figure 4. Dialysis fluid is transmitted into the cavity through the pipe and used to absorb foreign substances in the blood.


The Mechanisms of Kidney Function

kidney function essay

Post-renal is a sudden obstruction of urine flow because of enlarged prostate bladder tumor, kidney stones, or injury. In the first part of the tubule, most of the sodium, water, glucose, and other substances are reabsorbed and returned to the blood. It is a hollow muscular organ found in the pelvis area held by ligaments. A small portion of the urobilinogen is reabsorbed, extracted from the circulation by the hepatocytes and excreted by the kidney. It is mainly associated with the glomeruli in the kidneys, becoming inflamed NHS Choices 2009 and there can be different types of the disease which may be proliferative or non-proliferative.


Essay On Kidney Failure

kidney function essay

The results differ as some patients record positive while others record negative results. Prevention of Chronic kidney disease CKD in children. Haemangioma arising from kidney is rare with less than 300 cases reported in literature. They filter waste products out of blood from the renal artery. By simply getting plenty of rest, until the urine becomes clear and levels of nitrogenous waste products regularize, can encourage the regain of renal function and a reduction of the other symptoms associated with GN Hope et al. There is usually no detectable urine glucose, urine ketones, or urine protein.


Endocrine Functions of the Kidney

kidney function essay

After being released from the pancreas by the alpha cell, glycogen travels to the liver to break apart the glycogen to glucose. In this sense, it can be said that we are indeed what our kidneys keep. Screening campaigns targeting these individuals are essential to early diagnosis and commencement of management regimes. It is important to note that by early diagnosis, the number or more advanced cases can be reduced, alongside with morbidity rate and the number of complications that can occur at later stages of the illness. Polycystic Kidney Disease Essay 691 Words 3 Pages Polycystic kidney disease PKD is a genetic disorder categorized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. In Italian journal of pediatrics Vol. This disease is a type of swelling due to the diversion of accumulating products, which are not filtered and so deposited to other parts of the body.


Function Of Kidney Essay

kidney function essay

American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation , 75 1S1 , A6. Alcohol Health and Research World , 84-96. Functions of the kidney can also be affected indirectly due to alcohol induced liver disease. The authors created a study to reveal the risks of morbidity related to chronic kidney disease in order to support the planning of public policies. The condition, without treatment can lead to kidney failure, which results in a need of regular dialysis to replace the function of the kidneys: flushing the above substances out of the body. Because of the osmosis concentration of water, glucose, salt, and other materials are maintained inside the body resulting in osmotic filtration which is imperative in preventing cell damage.
