Lexicological analysis. Lexicological analysis 2022-12-19

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Lexicological analysis is the study of words and their meanings, forms, and uses within a language or linguistic system. It is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the structure and organization of a language's vocabulary and is closely related to lexicography, the practice of compiling dictionaries.

One of the main goals of lexicological analysis is to understand how words are formed, how they change over time, and how they are used in different contexts. This includes understanding the relationships between words, such as synonymy (when two words have the same meaning), antonymy (when two words have opposite meanings), and hyponymy (when one word is a more specific term for another).

In order to conduct a lexicological analysis, linguists may use a variety of methods, including examining written and spoken texts, conducting surveys and experiments, and analyzing language data from databases or corpora. This allows them to identify patterns and trends in how words are used and to determine their meanings and uses in different contexts.

One important aspect of lexicological analysis is the distinction between denotative and connotative meanings. Denotative meanings are the dictionary definitions of words, while connotative meanings are the associations and emotions that a word evokes in a particular context. For example, the word "home" may have a denotative meaning of "a place where someone lives," but it can also have connotative meanings of safety, comfort, and security.

Another important aspect of lexicological analysis is the study of word formation, including how words are derived from other words and how new words are created. This can include the study of affixes (prefixes and suffixes) and compounding (combining two or more words to create a new one). For example, the word "unhappy" is formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the word "happy," while the word "birdhouse" is a compound word formed by combining "bird" and "house."

In conclusion, lexicological analysis is a valuable tool for understanding the structure and organization of a language's vocabulary. It helps linguists to identify patterns in how words are used, to understand their meanings and uses in different contexts, and to study how words are formed and change over time.


lexicological analysis

In the second meaning — knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instruction — it has synonyms: intelligence, news, facts, data. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 І. Transformational Analysis Transformational analysis in lexicological investigations may be defined as re-patterning of various distributional structures in order to discover difference or sameness of meaning of practically identical distributional patterns. The total number of different meanings recorded and illustrated in Oxford English Dictionary for the first 500 words of the Thorndike Word List is 14,070, for the first thousand it is nearly 25,000. The research methods used in lexicology have always been closely connected with the general trends in linguistics. So the word can be defined as a unit of communication. Prepositions and conjunctions are not coded.


Methods of Lexicological Analysis (стр. 1 из 3)

lexicological analysis

One example is provided by the words watch and clock. Statistical analysis of meaning frequencies resulted in the compilation of A General Service List of English Words with Semantic Frequencies. Principles of morphemic analysis. In criticizing this approach, the English linguist Prof. Giving one more meaning to already existing combinations.


Methods of Lexicological Analysis (стр. 2 из 3)

lexicological analysis

The next stage after observation is classification or orderly arrangement of the data obtained through observation. In criticizing this approach, the English linguist Prof. Roughly, context may be subdivided into lexical, syntactical and mixed. Observation is further facilitated by simplifying the examples so that only words in direct syntactic connection with the head-word remain. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мов. An example will make the procedure clear. .


Ðåôåðàò: Methods of Lexicological Analysis

lexicological analysis

Contrastive analysis also brings to light what can be labelled problem pairs, the words that denote two entities in one language and correspond to two different words in another language. Essence of the homonyms and its criteria at the synchronic analysis. System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques 9 7. Comparative studies showed that, save for specific technical terms, there are no two words in two languages that cover divcisely the same area. Until recently the standard context was taken to be the sentence, now it is often reduced to a phrase, so that this last example may be rewritten as to make somebody laugh. Distributional Analysis and Co-occurrence 10 І. The "total" mentioned by Z.


§ 6. Course of Modern English Lexicology. Its Aims and Significance

lexicological analysis

Big barges full of yellow hay Are moved against the shadowy wharf, And like a yellow silken scarf, The thick hangs along the quay. Contrastive linguistics attempts to find out similarities and differences in both related and nonrelated languages. Naturally not all the meanings should be included in the list of the first two thousand most commonly used words. In English we can also use structurally similar word-groups and say he smokes a lot, he learns slowly fast. Method of Semantic Differential 16 І.


Methods of Linguistic Analysis

lexicological analysis

To indicate the class to which nouns belong subscripts are used; so that Np means a personal noun, Nm — a material noun, Ncoll — a collective noun, etc. Immediate Constituents analysis, 4 Distributional analysis and co-occurrence, 5. Some of these patterns, however, may be used for several meanings of the word make, so that the differentiation of meanings is not complete. Thus the fundamental aim of IC analysis is to segment a set of lexical units into two maximally independent sequences or ICs thus revealing the hierarchical structure of this set. Place in the classification of morphemes, affixes and classification of negative affixes. In Ukrainian: Болільник - той, хто уболіває Зрадник - той, хто зрадив Спільник - той, хто діє спільно з кимсь у незаконній справі Здирник - той, хто здирає, вимагає шляхом примусу і погроз Супутник - той, хто йде, їде разом Могильник - сховище чогось шкідливого, непотрібного, відпрацьованого Намордник - те, що надівають па морду Полярник- той, хто досліджує полярні райони Ливарник - той, хто відливає металеві вироби Хабарник - той, хто бере хабарі Types of transformation differ according to purposes for which trans­formations are used. It is perfectly clear, however, that what semantic differential measures is not word-meaning in any of accepted senses of the term but the connotational component of meaning or to be more exact the emotive charge.


Methods of Lexicological Analysis

lexicological analysis

The analysis of the differences of the connotational meaning is very hard since the nuances are often slight, difficult to grasp and do not yield themselves to objective investigation and verification. In the proposition The hammerbroke the window the hammer logically is an instrument, broke is the predicate, the window is an object. In the proposition The door opened. Immediate Constituents Analysis The theory of Immediate Constituents IC was originally elaborated as an attempt to determine the ways in which lexical units are relevantly related to one another. Naturally, the selection of this or that particular procedure largely depends on the goal set before the investigator.


Lexicological analysis

lexicological analysis

Very often, in the structures carrying ambiguous parts or elements of ambiguous reference we can put more than one question to one and the same element. Harris, "The distribution of an element is the total of all environments in which it occurs, the sum of all the different positions or occurrences of an element relative to the occurrence of other elements". Introduction The aim of this system analysis report is to Uber Pest Analysis Paper Uber is an organization that is in the transportation industry, which offers the personal service of automobile drivers Walker Smith, 2016. As a rule the indication comes from syntactic, lexical and sometimes morphological factors combined. Prepositions and conjunctions are not coded. Лексикология английского языка : учебник для ин-тов и фак-тов иностр. It is possible to describe parts of the vocabulary by formalising these defini­tions and reducing them to some standard form according to a set of rules.
