Locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton. Skeletal Cartilages Chpt 6 Flashcards 2023-01-01

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The adult skeleton is made up of various bones and cartilages, which are tissues made up of cells surrounded by a matrix of fibers. Cartilages are found in various parts of the body, including the joints, the respiratory system, and the ear. In this essay, we will focus on the major cartilages of the adult skeleton.

One of the most well-known cartilages in the body is the hyaline cartilage, which is a type of connective tissue found in many parts of the body. It is composed of cells called chondrocytes that are embedded in a matrix made up of collagen and elastin fibers. The hyaline cartilage is smooth and glossy in appearance, and it is found in several areas of the body, including the ends of the long bones, the ribs, the larynx, and the trachea.

Another important cartilage in the adult skeleton is the fibrocartilage, which is a type of connective tissue that is composed of chondrocytes and a matrix made up of collagen fibers. Fibrocartilage is found in areas of the body that experience a lot of mechanical stress, such as the intervertebral discs, the pubic symphysis, and the menisci of the knee. It is also found in the tendons and ligaments, which are connective tissues that attach bones to each other and help to support and stabilize the joints.

Another major cartilage in the adult skeleton is the elastic cartilage, which is composed of chondrocytes and a matrix made up of elastic fibers. Elastic cartilage is found in several parts of the body, including the external ear, the epiglottis, and the larynx. It is responsible for maintaining the shape and structure of these structures, and it is also able to withstand a great deal of stretching and bending.

In addition to these cartilages, the adult skeleton also contains several other types of connective tissues, including bone, fat, and blood. These tissues play important roles in the structure and function of the skeleton, and they work together to support and protect the body.

In conclusion, the adult skeleton is made up of several major cartilages, including the hyaline cartilage, the fibrocartilage, and the elastic cartilage. These cartilages are found in various parts of the body and play important roles in maintaining the structure and function of the skeleton.

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locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

There are nine cartilages located within the larynx; three unpaired, and six paired. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint, reducing friction between the. Note, however, that calcified cartilage is not bone; cartilage and bone are always distinct tissues. Elastic cartilage is histologically similar to hyaline cartilage but contains many yellow elastic fibers lying in a solid matrix. Fibrocartilage Fibrous cartilage has lots of collagen fibers Type I and Type II , and it tends to grade into dense tendon and ligament tissue. The base substance of cartilage is chondroitin sulfate , and it is less organized than bone.


Laryngeal Cartilages

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

In addition, the bones store lipids and many minerals most importantly calcium. Key Terms chondroitin sulfate: An important structural component of cartilage that provides much of its resistance to compression. Younger individuals have higher numbers of bones because some bones fuse together during childhood and adolescence. It is the only type of cartilage that contains type I collagen in addition to the normal type II. . They form the laryngeal skeleton, which provides rigidity and stability. Cartilage types: Images of microscopic views of the different types of cartilage: elastic, hyaline, and fibrous.


7.1 Divisions of the Skeletal System

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

White fibrocartilage consists of a mixture of white fibrous tissue and cartilaginous tissue in various proportions. To identify surface bone markings and functions. Its primary cell types are chondrocytes. The principal protein is elastin. Hyaline cartilage is the most widespread cartilage type. .


Exam 2, Chapter 6,7,8 Flashcards

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

To locate and identify the three major types of skeletal cartilages. Chondrocytes: Cells that form and maintain the cartilage. All three types have the same basic components — cells called chondrocytes, encased in small cavities lacunae within an extracellular matrix containing a jellylike ground substance and fibers. To list five functions of the skeletal system. Chapter Review The skeletal system includes all of the bones, cartilages, and ligaments of the body. The skull is formed by 22 bones.



locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

Bone Homeostasis: Remodeling and Repair Compare the locations and remodeling functions of the osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Elastic cartilage has the most ECM; hyaline a middle amount; and fibrous cartilage has the least amount of ECM. Unpaired Cartilages The three unpaired cartilages are the epiglottis, thyroid and cricoid cartilages. These fibers form bundles that appear dark under a microscope. .


Types of Skeletal Cartilage and where they can be found Flashcards

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

Most long bones have obvious primary ossification centers by 12 weeks gestation B. Elastic cartilage is found in the epiglottis part of the larynx and the pinnae the external ear flaps of many mammals, including humans. Except for the patellas, the sesamoid and Wormian bones are not included in the bone count of 206 because they vary in number and location in different individuals. . Cartilage consists primarily of water, which accounts for its resilience, that is, its ability to spring back to its original shape after being compressed. It is a component of the respiratory tract, and has several important functions, including phonation, the cough reflex, and protection of the lower respiratory tract. The Axial Skeleton The axial skeleton forms the vertical, central axis of the body and includes all bones of the head, neck, chest, and back The axial skeleton of the adult consists of 80 bones, comprising the skull, the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage.


Skeletal Cartilages : Anatomy & Physiology

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

It also stores fat and the tissue responsible for the production of blood cells. In embryos, the skeleton is predominantly composed of hyaline cartilage, but in the adult, most of the cartilage is replaced by more rigid bone. Epiglottis The epiglottis is a leaf shaped plate of elastic cartilage which marks the entrance to the larynx. . There are three types of cartilage tissue in the body: hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage.


Chapter 6 Anatomy Objectives Flashcards

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

Embedded in this are one or two round nuclei with the usual intranuclear network. The cartilage, which contains no nerves or blood vessels, is surrounded by a layer of dense irregular connective tissue, the perichondrium. It articulates with the paired arytenoid cartilages posteriorly, as well as providing an attachment for the inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage. Indicate the locations and functions of red and yellow marrow, articular cartilage, periosteum, and endosteum. The skeleton derives from embryonic mesenchymal cells, with ossification occurring at precise times. It is commonly found in many locations in the body such as bronchi, bronchial tubes and trachea. It articulates with the paired arytenoid cartilages posteriorly, as well as providing an attachment for the inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage.


bones and sketal tissues Flashcards

locate the major cartilages of the adult skeleton

Arytenoid Cartilages The arytenoid cartilages are pyramidal shaped structures that sit on the cricoid cartilage. This lack of blood supply causes cartilage to heal very slowly compared with bone. It is the ideal tissue to use to rapidly lay down the embryonic skeleton and to provide for new skeletal growth. For adults, there are 206 named bones in the skeleton. The tarsals and carpals are examples. They are situated bilaterally in the larynx. In the embryo, bone begins as hyaline cartilage and later ossifies.
