Love marriage and arranged marriage essay. Why Is Love Marriage Better Than Arranged, Essay Sample 2022-12-10

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Love marriage and arranged marriage are two different concepts that are prevalent in various cultures and societies around the world. While both types of marriage have their own unique set of pros and cons, they both serve as a means for two people to commit to each other and build a life together.

In a love marriage, the two individuals are attracted to each other and decide to get married based on their own feelings and emotions. Love marriages are based on the concept of free will and the belief that individuals have the right to choose their own life partner. These marriages often result in strong and lasting relationships as the couple has chosen to be together based on mutual love and attraction.

On the other hand, arranged marriages are marriages where the couple is introduced to each other by a third party, usually a family member or a matchmaker. These marriages are common in certain cultures and societies where marriage is seen as a social and familial obligation rather than a personal choice. In arranged marriages, the couple may not necessarily be in love with each other at the time of their marriage, but they are expected to develop feelings for each other over time.

One of the main advantages of love marriages is that they allow individuals to choose their own partner based on their own preferences and values. This can lead to a greater sense of compatibility and understanding between the couple, which can result in a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Love marriages also allow for greater independence and autonomy, as the couple is able to make their own decisions about their relationship without any external interference.

On the other hand, arranged marriages can offer certain benefits as well. For instance, these marriages often result in strong family ties and a sense of community, as the couple's families play a significant role in the arrangement of the marriage. Additionally, arranged marriages can provide a sense of security and stability, as they are based on the mutual agreement of both families rather than just the couple.

However, arranged marriages can also have their drawbacks. One of the main issues with arranged marriages is that they may not always result in a strong emotional connection between the couple. If the couple is not compatible or does not share similar values and goals, it can lead to conflicts and resentment within the relationship. Additionally, arranged marriages can sometimes be based on factors such as social status or financial security, rather than genuine compatibility and love, which can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction within the relationship.

Ultimately, both love marriage and arranged marriage have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the decision of which type of marriage is right for an individual depends on their personal circumstances and values. While love marriages offer the freedom to choose one's own partner, arranged marriages can provide a sense of security and stability. Ultimately, the most important factor in any marriage is the mutual love, understanding, and commitment of the couple towards each other.

Love vs Arranged Marriages Essay Example

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

Love Marriage: In this marriage, boys and girls know each other well and like each other. Although there are striking differences between arranged and love marriages, one should be able to realize that it cannot only be one. The idea of falling in love with someone is great because if the person is known from before, it makes it easier knowing that the rest of the upcoming marriage life will be spent with that person. Back then, it used to be, if the person comes from a wealthy family. In love marriages, it is all about the romance that surpasses physical attraction.


Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage, Essay Sample

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

The importance of nutrition in India suggests the importance of economic well-being and the ability to support their future spouse and children, especially for men who tend to be the bread winners in traditional societies. Moreover, since the suitors that come are from similar familial backgrounds, the financial standing, levels of education and worldview are more or less the same, between both the families as well as between both the people who are to get married. Such marriages are not a sin as well. In 2013, a survey conducted by IPSOS showed in its findings that about 74% of the Indian young adults said that they would prefer arranged marriages for themselves as opposed to love marriages. Others see it as a cold and unromantic union.


Essay On Love Marriage VS Arranged Marriage For Students

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

It is so because the relationships of so many people with one another are at stake and nobody decides to break all of them off before at least thinking twice. There is no such a thing as perfect marriage, because any type of marriage is full of concerns and uncertainties. In love marriage, from the term alone, the relationship is based on that feeling. Almost everyone at some point in their lives sees themselves getting married. Arranged Marriages in the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The another disadvantage of arranged marriage is that love only ranks second.


Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

This blog is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals. In the arranged marriage world, they say marriage comes first and love later. Yes, we all would prefer that the baby 's welcomed into a married household, but it doesn 't always happen. The inherent pressure of families of both the spouses, in the case of arranged marriages, leaves them with no other option but to continue their marriage. Collectivist societies revolve around the family unit rather than the individual so any decisions, especially the union to another family, affecting the function and synergy of the family are carefully scrutinized. The girl begins to have problems with living and understanding with a new and stranger family.


Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage: Which is Better?

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

Raising children with traditional beliefs can be especially difficult when they are surrounded by North American culture and institutions, as the children might be more assimilated to the westernized way of life. The arranged marriages violate the rights and freedom of people as stated by the law. Those in arranged marriages normally cannot say no if they do not want to get married to that person. But as the greater scheme goes, there is nothing perfect even if it would feel that way. In most cases, this would cause disagreement, which could lead to arguments and could eventually lead to separation between the couple.


Arranged Marriage Vs Love Marriage

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

It has been noticed that in South Asian and central Asian countries, the culture has evolved to a great extent. Arrange and love marriages — the debate There are many differing views about both these forms of marriage. People in India believe marriage is for a different purpose, and have different expectations to other parts of the world. They will live like this until their own children undergo the same union with a partner. A love marriage on the other hand is when two individuals choose to marry each other because of the love they share for each other.


Love Marriage & Arranged Marriage : Essay, Debate, Speech, Article 2022

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

However, love marriage was also evident in the novel. On the other hand Western Civilization has made love in marriage the main factor. But these perspectives are reflective of their backgrounds. The purpose of my paper is that arranged marriages are immoral and that each woman should have the right to marry who they want, no matter where they live or what their cultures believe in. Once they pass the character test, families are usually somewhat flexible on most other issues. In an arranged marriage, the couple is not only compatible with each other as they also have the full support of the family and extended relatives. Although it is a casual approach, the objective is to find the most appropriate and compatible partner for a person.


Why Is Love Marriage Better Than Arranged, Essay Sample

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

As a result, they make an independent and conscious decision, thereby increasing the chance as well that they have thought hard about their options. Even if in any family, the elders and extended members are allowed to give their opinions about the potential partners, the involved individuals should still have the last word on who they want to marry. Furthermore, in an arranged marriage, the family takes on all of the obligations. Antecedently, discussing the concept of forced marriage and arranged marriage, I would like to bring thoughts of the reader toward two stories related to forced and arranged marriage. In general perspective, this is unrealistic situation and brings out various reasons why being against arranged marriage is justified.


Arranged Marriage Vs Love Marriage Essay

love marriage and arranged marriage essay

. However, this by no means is the same as saying that love marriages are not healthy or that all of them end up in divorce or separation. Advantages of Love Marriages According to the website, Discovery Articles, Love Marriages have its own set of benefits. It also offers equal standing, financial stability, and a sense of cultural identity. This issue can also be said in non-arranged marriage but it becomes more harmful in arranged marriages due to the fact that you never made the choice.
