Makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis. What is the plot of Makato and cowrie shell? 2022-12-16

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Makato and the Cowrie Shell is a story about a young boy named Makato who lives in a small village in Africa. One day, Makato discovers a beautiful cowrie shell on the beach and decides to sell it in the market.

As Makato travels to the market, he encounters many challenges and obstacles along the way. First, he must navigate through the dense jungle, where he is confronted by a group of monkeys who try to steal the shell. Makato is able to fend off the monkeys and continue on his journey.

Next, Makato must cross a deep river, where he is confronted by a crocodile who tries to eat him. Makato is able to outsmart the crocodile and continue on his journey.

Finally, Makato arrives at the market, where he meets a wealthy merchant who is interested in buying the cowrie shell. However, the merchant tries to lowball Makato and offer him a low price for the shell. Makato is able to negotiate a fair price for the shell and sells it to the merchant.

Overall, the plot of Makato and the Cowrie Shell teaches a valuable lesson about determination and perseverance. Despite the many challenges and obstacles Makato faces on his journey, he never gives up and is able to achieve his goal of selling the cowrie shell for a fair price. The story also highlights the importance of negotiation and being able to stand up for oneself in the face of injustice.

Makato and the Cowrie Shell is a novel by Nigerian author, Yinka Egbokhare, that tells the story of Makato, a young girl living in a small fishing village in Nigeria. The novel follows Makato as she navigates the challenges of growing up in a poverty-stricken community, and ultimately finds the strength and resilience to overcome them.

At the heart of the novel is the central plot point of the cowrie shell, which serves as a symbol of Makato's journey and growth. The cowrie shell is first introduced as a small, insignificant object that Makato finds on the beach and keeps as a souvenir. However, as the story progresses, the shell takes on greater significance and becomes a metaphor for Makato's own journey.

As Makato grows up, she becomes increasingly aware of the poverty and hardships that her community faces. She sees firsthand the struggles of her parents and the other villagers as they struggle to make ends meet and provide for their families. Despite these challenges, Makato remains determined and optimistic, and she sets her sights on a better future for herself and her community.

Throughout the novel, the cowrie shell serves as a reminder of Makato's goals and aspirations. She holds onto it tightly, using it as a source of strength and inspiration as she works towards her dreams. As she matures, the shell becomes a symbol of her determination and resilience, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and hard work.

One of the major themes of the novel is the power of determination and hard work to overcome adversity. Makato's journey is a testament to this, as she refuses to let her circumstances dictate her future. She works hard to improve her education and skills, and she ultimately becomes the first person in her community to graduate from college.

In the end, Makato's hard work and determination pay off, and she is able to use her education to make a positive impact on her community. She becomes a teacher and is able to inspire and empower the next generation of young people in her village. The cowrie shell, which once seemed like a small and insignificant object, becomes a symbol of Makato's journey and the power of determination and hard work to overcome even the most difficult of challenges.

Overall, Makato and the Cowrie Shell is a powerful and inspiring story about the resilience and determination of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder that no matter where we come from or what challenges we face, we all have the potential to overcome them and achieve great things.

What is the summary of Makato and the cowrie shell?

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

Here is the summary of the story: There is an orphan named Makato, a young boy. The king was impressed, gave him a job in the castle, and he eventually grew up and married the daughter of the king. He asked the woman about them, and she let him have as many as would stick to his finger in return for his treasured cowrie shell. He bought more cowrie shells and later sold them to the king. Or do you suppress your desire and use it for something more substantial? He had no brothers, sisters, cousins, or friends to take care of him, so he had to make a living for himself. Can your phone function without internet connection? He was an orphan, for his father and mother had died when he was very young.


(DOC) " A Story of Makato and the Cowrie Shells "

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

He never idled over his work, and although he was paid only a small wage, he was satisfied. It was the symbol of maternity by turning the shell into jewelry by adding to the arms, legs, hair, and neck. Comprehending the Selection 1. Cowrie shells are especially important in much of ancient Africa. What is the plot of the story of Makato and the cowrie? The cowrie shell fell from the King. Why are you here alone? He did every kind of work — carryingheavy things, clearing away the forest, or feeding pigs.


What is the plot of the story of makato and the cowrie shell?

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

He was a very hard worker, and people noticed that. The plot is what happens in a story. They were also used as means of exchange in India. He was very proud of himself because he had done so well. GROUP 1 LEADER: ALYSSA ASHLEY A. How about you Jimuel? Makato waited his opportunity, then knelt down and proudly presented his biggest bunches of lettuce to the king. He knew that if he did not work he would starve.


A Story of Makato and the Cowrie Shells

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

Fill in with the most appropriate FANBOYS. Parone Learning Area: ENGLISH Date: Time: 45 min. One fine evening after he had finished chopping up a big pile of wood, he sat down to restand thought of all he would like to do in the future. First, there is very little published material in the Kagulu language at all. Its underside is supposed, by one modern ethnographic author, to represent a vulva or an eye. Students give varied answers students give varied answers It connects one place to another.


What is the plot of Makato and the cowrie shell?

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

MODIFIED DAILY LESSON PLAN School: EMA EMITS College Philippines Grade Level: 8 Teacher: Maria Rebecca D. The story of Makato and the Cowrie shell is basically a story of a boy coming of age and making his fortune. What is symbolically represented by the cowrie shell Makato? He wanted to try his luck in a faraway land and engage into an adventure. I wish I could see the land for myself. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: a. Its influence also spread to China. Day by day, he cleared more ground and planted more lettuce seedlings until the kitchen garden was covered with them.


What is the plot of Makato and cowrie shell?

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

The summary of this Thai folktale is uplifted from nrenzey on Brainly. Kagulu is a Bantu language, classified as G12, spoken by approximately 240,000 people in the Morogoro region of Tanzania. Cypraeidae, common name cowries, singular: cowry, is the symbol of fertility and birth, has always been closely associated with women. Why did Makato left his place? Vocabulary Skill: Identifying the meaning of words in a story by visual context. Undescribed languages run the risk of disappearing, while documenting a language forestalls its loss. What did Makato do with the lettuces? He did not have any way to support himself.


Makato and the cowrie shell

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

What evidence in the story would tell that Makato is wise and sensible? What do shells mean? The capital and largest city is Bangkok. The cowrie shell fell from the King. How did the people of Sukhothai use cowrie shells? Translated by: SUPaNEE KHANCHANTHITI 23. Who is absent for today? I wish I could see that land for myself. How did Makato impress the king? In America, cowries appear in spirit bundles, as parts of jewelry, and on clothing, hinting at their use as amulets. Why did Makato want the cowrie shell so much? What part in the story would tell us that Makato is wise and sensible? Makato and the cowrie shell 1. He eventually encountered the king.


What is the plot of the story Makato and cowrie shell?

makato and the cowrie shell plot analysis

With their mother and father, Kumal and Sangha live an idyllic life, romping and wrestling and living on air, apparently, since no prey ever seems to be killed. Mawac, what do think is the purpose of a bridge? Makato picked up the cowrie shell and gave it back to the King but the King said to him that he may keep it. What does the cowrie shell represent? How much do you want? He was an orphan, and had no friends or family to take care of him. As he worked in the elephant sheds, a tall young man in a splendid costume, followed by attendants, came in. He used the cowrie shell to buy lettuce seeds. He worked hard and well and the mahout and his wife were fond of him.
