Management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers. MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2022-12-26

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Korean Airlines Flight 801 was a scheduled flight from Seoul, South Korea to Guam that crashed on August 6, 1997, killing 228 of the 254 people on board. The crash of Flight 801 was a tragic and devastating event that had a lasting impact on the families of the victims, as well as on the aviation industry as a whole.

The flight was operated by a Boeing 747-300 aircraft and was piloted by Captain Park Chang-Kyung, a veteran pilot with over 13,000 hours of flying experience. The plane took off from Seoul's Gimpo International Airport at 10:58 p.m. local time and was scheduled to arrive in Guam at 4:01 a.m. the following morning.

However, just minutes after takeoff, the plane encountered heavy rain and strong winds. As the plane flew over the Pacific Ocean, it encountered severe turbulence and the pilots struggled to maintain control. Despite their efforts, the plane crashed into a hillside near Nimitz Hill, just a few miles from the airport in Guam.

The cause of the crash was later determined to be pilot error. The pilots had failed to properly execute the approach to the airport and had not followed the proper procedures for landing in poor weather conditions. In addition, the pilots were found to have inadequate training in the use of the plane's instrument landing system (ILS), which is a critical tool for navigating and landing in poor weather conditions.

The crash of Korean Airlines Flight 801 was a tragic reminder of the importance of proper training and safety procedures in the aviation industry. It also highlighted the need for improved communication and coordination between pilots and air traffic controllers in order to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

In the wake of the crash, Korean Airlines implemented a number of safety improvements, including increased training for pilots, improved communication and coordination between pilots and air traffic controllers, and the adoption of new technology to help navigate and land planes in poor weather conditions.

The families of the victims of the crash were also left to deal with the aftermath of the tragedy. Many of them filed lawsuits against Korean Airlines, seeking compensation for their losses. In the end, the families of the victims received a settlement from the airline, though it could never fully compensate for the loss of their loved ones.

The crash of Korean Airlines Flight 801 will always be remembered as a tragic and devastating event. It serves as a reminder of the importance of safety and proper training in the aviation industry and the need to continually strive for improvement in order to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

Answer :We must conserve forests because we derive countlessbenefits such as food, timber etc. Delhi 2015 Answer: Sustainable management means managing the use of natural resources in a way that they fulfill the needs of present generation and are also conserved for future generations. Question: Compare the traditional system with the probable systems in hilly or mountainous areas or plains or plateau regions. A further improvement in use of LED Light emitting diode. Mention one effect of it.


Natural Resources Questions

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

There are also have been some examples of local people working traditionally for conservation of forests like the Bishnoi community in Rajasthan. List two problems in each case. Management of forest and wildlife resources is a very challenging task. What is sustainable development? Hence, conserv ation of forests resources must be done at the broader level and should consider each and every group of stakeholder associated with forests resources. AI 2016, AI 2014 Answer: Water harvesting is the technique used to capture and store rainwater for future use by making special water harvesting structures. Why maintaining a biodiversity is important? The non-biodegradable wastes should be sent to respective recycling units where these are remoulded and again put to use.


Assignments Class 10 Science Management of Natural Resources

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

Answer: Exploitation of resources have led to their depletion and pollution. In order to survive man has to live in harmony with nature. Mention the action taken by govt. Answer: Amrita Devi Bishnoi National award is given for wild life conservation in honour of Amrita Devi Bishnoi who scarified her life along with 363 others for the protection of Khejri trees in a village of Rajasthan in 1731. Question: Why is sustainable management of naturalresources necessary? These questions aim at providing a better understanding of the chapter to the students and can be downloaded in PDF format.



management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

Technology is employed to ensure minimum wastage during processing of the resource. Answer:The basic criteria of measuring the biodiversityof an area are: i The presence of varied number of organismsand the type of ecosystem present in the area. It started with hugging of the trees by the women under the leadership of Gaura Devi against their cutting. A student reading an article on sustainable development came across some statements which confused him. Burning of polythene creates lot of pollution.


Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Important Questions Science Chapter 16

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

What is the impact of excessive irrigation and intensification of agriculture? List two causes of pollution of river Ganga. Question: Why is an equitable distribution of resources essential in a society? Out of the two — reuse and recycle — which is better and why? Denitrification is the process by which nitrates are converted into free nitrogen and released back into the atmosphere. Placement of security forces in forests to prevent the poaching and smuggling of forest resources. State its two main objectives. Filed Under: Primary Sidebar. Kulhs and Khadins are two ancient water harvestingstructures which are still in use today.


Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Important Questions and Answers

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

Water is a valuable resource. Chipko movement was one tree hugging movement in which the villagers compelled axemen to stop the cutting of trees by embracing and encircling trees. NCERT Exemplar Answer: Due to efforts of forest officer A. State the reasons for overexploitation of forests. Construction of dams to store water for irrigation purposes.


Important Questions Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

Answer: The great Himalayan National Park contains alpine meadows within its reserved areas. For long term usage and to preserve them we need to use our resources carefully. Answer: Two advantages of water stored in the ground are: i Recharges the ground water. Answer: In 1972, West Bengal forest department recognizitesd failures inth e revival of the degraded sal forest in southwestern districts of the state. Land for factory set up is also made available by clearing forests. We have provided Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions : Question. A large forest area is submerged causing deforestation, loss of biodiversity, raising atmospheres temperature and increasing emission of methane.


Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Important Questions Science Chapter 16

management of natural resources class 10 questions and answers

What are the products formed when coal and petroleum are burnt? Explain two main advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level. Air pollution is the contamination of air with unwanted substances that can harm both living and non-living things. Which bacteria was found in Ganga water indicating contamination? Answer :Reuse is better because recycling needs extra energy. It not only wastes a lot of natural resources but also produces a lot of wastes. CCE 2011, 2015 Answer: a Water harvesting is capturing, collection and storage of rain water and surface run off for filling either small water bodies or recharging ground water. Reuse is better than recycle because of the following reasons: i Recycling needs some processes to use the same material again.
