Medical model of psychopathology. Medical Model 2022-12-17

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The medical model of psychopathology is a framework for understanding and treating mental health conditions that is based on the idea that these conditions are caused by biological or medical factors and can be treated with medical interventions. This model has been the dominant approach to mental health care for much of the past century and has contributed to significant advances in the understanding and treatment of mental health conditions.

According to the medical model, mental health conditions are caused by abnormalities or dysfunctions in the brain or other biological systems. These abnormalities may be caused by genetics, environmental factors, or a combination of both. The medical model posits that these abnormalities result in symptoms such as abnormal thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that are characteristic of mental health conditions.

One of the main strengths of the medical model is its focus on objective, measurable factors that can be used to diagnose and treat mental health conditions. This has led to the development of a wide range of effective treatments, including medications, psychotherapies, and other interventions that can help to alleviate the symptoms of mental health conditions and improve the lives of those affected.

However, the medical model has also been criticized for its narrow focus on biological factors and its neglect of the social and psychological factors that can contribute to mental health conditions. Some argue that this narrow focus may lead to an oversimplification of the complexity of mental health and may neglect the role of social and psychological factors in the development and treatment of mental health conditions.

Despite these criticisms, the medical model of psychopathology has played a significant role in the advancement of our understanding and treatment of mental health conditions. While it is important to consider the complex interplay of biological, social, and psychological factors in mental health, the medical model remains an important framework for understanding and treating mental health conditions.

How the medical model of psychopathology Essay Example

medical model of psychopathology

Without such a unifying model, a comprehensive understanding of psychopathology will continue to elude us. One or more of the causes of Schizophrenia i. Firstly, it's super subjective, so how does one measure it? The nature of onset, distribution of cases, development and course, treatment response, and associated features seen in psychological disorders are seen to be parallel to what occurs in physical diseases Carpenter, 1987. This information is useful in planning treatment and measuring its impact, and in predicting outcome. When working with a Schizophrenic patient, systems theorists see the Schizophrenia as symptomatic of family disturbance.


psychology: Models of Psychopathology

medical model of psychopathology

Both sets of questions are important in understanding a phenomenon. This is particularly useful in cases like Unfortunately, there are some pretty obvious problems with this. Reverberating System: The hierarchically arranged levels can also be seen as part of an overarching system, where activity at one level influences other levels - the activity at one level reverberates to other levels Carpenter, 1987. Just as the scope of psychopathology is broad-ranging from research to treatment, so too is the list of types of professionals who tend to be involved in the field. The basic assumptions are changed. The resulting seizure lasts for about a minute.


Psychopathology: Definition, Types, and Diagnosis

medical model of psychopathology

ECT should only be used when all else fails! However, since the 1970s psychiatrists have predominantly treated mental illnesses using drugs. Oxygen is also administered. APA Style References Aboraya, A. Also, there may be no benefit to the patient and the effects are irreversible. A basic assumption remains: the "disease model" is the essential frame of reference Carpenter, 1987. However, Sackheim et al.


The Medical Model Of Psychopathology

medical model of psychopathology

Example of healthcare organizational behavior and design essay The programming approach is often relevant in situations of high certainty in the organization. It's well known that different people have different tolerance to stress and different coping mechanisms. We could reduce a blush to the biological level: vascular changes in the body. Examples include abnormal blood levels, damaged cells, and abnormal gene expression. All that matters is that they can be known through the methods of empirical science.


How the Medical Model of Psychopathology and the Family...

medical model of psychopathology

This refers to brain chemistry such as abnormalities in the dopamine and glutamate systems. Is there one factor that is primary; all the others being secondary outcomes of the one primary factor? The doctor makes a judgement of the patient's behavior, usually in a clinical interview after a relative or general practitioner has asked for an assessment. Before a diagnosis can be made and before one can classify anything on Axis I, it is imperative to determine that the above factors psychological, biological and social factors meet all the criteria for a specific psychological disorder. Family therapy: A systemic integration. But unlike many diseases, there's no blood. For example, common illnesses like depression and anxiety are risk factors for suicide. This research suggests that genetics is a significant contributor to mental illnesses.


Medical Model

medical model of psychopathology

We need to see if there is a way to organize these factors into an overarching model of psychopathology. Jennifer Mervyn and Stacy Ashton, M. This model assumes diseases of any sort to be fully understood in terms of abnormal biological variables Engel, 1977. These boundaries rules are invisible but do exist and are inferred from the repeated patterns of behaviour of a system, it is what makes each family unique. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. At least two of the following symptoms lasting for at least one month in the active phase: delusions; hallucinations; disorganized speech; grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour; negative symptoms exception: only one symptom if it involves bizarre delusions or if hallucinations involve a running commentary on the person or two or more voices talking with each other. Such a biopsychosocial is really a call for interdisciplinary cooperation in the study of psychopathology, a cooperation that has not historically been a reality.


Medical Model of Psychopathology

medical model of psychopathology

. It's easier to measure because it's objective. This basically involves either cutting out brain nerve fibres or burning parts of the nerves that are thought to be involved in the disorder when the patient is conscious. To embrace reductionism means important data will be excluded. The Internet Journal of Psychiatry. Disorganized thought and speech as a symptom comes through when communicating with the Schizophrenic person. Schizoaffective and mood disorders with psychotic features must be ruled out.


5 Models of Psychopathology Flashcards

medical model of psychopathology

Some scientists thus advocate a difference model for understanding psychopathology. The doctors in this condition still classified these patients as insane, with a case of dormant schizophrenia. We are thus seen as reacting to our reality rather than creating it Becvar, 2003. The prevalence of psychopathology and abnormal behavior is explained by the psychodynamic Strengths Based Social Work Assessment : Transforming The Dominant Paradigm the Dominant Paradigm Name Institution Strengths-Based Social Work Assessment: Transforming the Dominant Paradigm Today, the modern medical model worldview bases its functions on the concept of deficit-based and disease process as a means of understanding human behavior, as advanced by the DSM and psychopathology. Linear causality means that a particular cause or more than one cause in combination leads to a specific effect e. It's impossible to just look at one facet of someone's mental health or presentation and decide whether that person is 'abnormal'. In this condition the psychiatrists only diagnosed 41 out of 193 patients as being mentally ill when in reality all patients were mentally ill.
