Meeting at night poem summary. How could "Meeting at Night" be considered as a love poem? 2022-12-18

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"Meeting at Night" is a poem written by Robert Browning in the 19th century. It is a love poem that describes the speaker's journey to meet their lover at night.

The poem begins with the speaker setting out on their journey, traveling by boat across a "vague sea" towards their lover. The speaker describes the "vague dreams" that they have of their lover, and the anticipation they feel as they approach the shore.

As the speaker reaches the shore, they describe the "long, low, yellow" sands and the "white surf" that they see in the distance. They also describe the "red roof" of their lover's house, which they can see in the distance.

The speaker then describes the journey through the dark and quiet streets of the town, walking "to where the sea ate the land." They describe the silence of the night and the sense of anticipation they feel as they approach their lover's house.

Finally, the speaker reaches their lover's door and knocks, eagerly anticipating the moment when they will be reunited. The poem ends with the speaker saying "I will find you."

In summary, "Meeting at Night" is a beautiful and romantic poem that describes the speaker's journey to meet their lover at night. It evokes a sense of longing and desire, and the speaker's excitement and anticipation at the prospect of being reunited with their beloved.

Meeting at night Summary WB Board Class 11 English

meeting at night poem summary

He poem concludes with the delighted meeting of the lover by a farm near the sea beach. The night symbolizes uncertainty in life, especially in love life. Thus there is no indication that this poem is about obstacles met with, faced and overcome. To be able to reach his love, the lover passes through many challenges and restrictions. TOP MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH SOLVED 01. Lesson Summary "Meeting at Night" is an 1845 poem by Robert Browning.


How could "Meeting at Night" be considered as a love poem?

meeting at night poem summary

Dark waters do not usually bode well for characters. Let's examine a few literary techniques and see what we do find. However, this poem does have some Gothic influence--Browning's version of nature may not be hostile, but it is certainly not warm and bright. At the same time it is definitely lyrical; because the emotions of urgency, agitation, suspense and excitement are all personal. The final line is the only line with an exclamation point, too, showing how everything else is merely scenery in contrast to the climactic meeting. GradeSaver, 27 January 2013 Web. Startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep as the poet approaches the cove in a boat that is pushing forward.


Meeting at Night Poem Summary and Analysis

meeting at night poem summary

The lover has left in a boat. What makes the lover's heart warm when he walks along the sea beach? He was adrift, but soon found a goal worth coming to shore for, and despite the darkness, he knew where he needed to go. This speaker, however, is uninterested in the magnificence of "the yellow half-moon large and low. But Browning, quite unlike his illustrious contemporaries like Tennyson or Pre-Raphaelites like Swinburne never ceased to write love poems. The poem's meter and sound clearly denote a sense of pressing intent.


Meeting At Night Poem Analysis

meeting at night poem summary

Each stanza contrasts light and dark. Rowing hard on the agitated sea উত্তেজিত সমুদ্র , the lover, at last, arrives at a cove and anchors his boat on the slushy sand. The lover of 'Meeting at Night' standing at the gate of his beloved's cottage is tossed by joys and fears. Here we see the mysterious lover undertaking a long love-journey. Then, the great trouble the speaker has gone to in order to reach this person, as well as the earlier references to fire, lend themselves to the interpretation that this "Meeting at Night" is a poem about two lovers. Hence, the secretive meeting at night can be read as a time when Browning met Elizabeth in a private and hushed manner. The poem reads like a short story which is the characteristics example of a dramatic lyric.


Meeting at Night Summary

meeting at night poem summary

But it is not only about a secret love affair. His hopeless life seemed to have hope again just by seeing the face of his beloved. Analysis of the Poem The grey sea and the long black land; And the yellow half-moon large and low; The first lines of the poem create a sense of anticipation in the readers because the speaker is descriptive of the view that he sees but the location of the place is not disclosed. The fact that attainment itself does necessitate a third stanza can imply one of two things: either we can believe that the next action would be further movement of this sort, or we can believe that once he has attained his happiness, he has no further need for writing. The speaker was sailing and had reached the shore of the sea and he brings the vessel to a halt in the sand.


Meeting at Night by Robert Browning

meeting at night poem summary

He sails over a part of the ocean. Nonetheless, there are degrees of formality in poetic diction. The passion of Browning is revealed by his intense sensuousness, imageries and symbols with unique suggestiveness. Ans: Mist, fog and darkness make the sea 'grey. The eagerness of the lover is conveyed in the quick pace and rhythm of the poem. The cottage is the only man-made item aside from the narrator's boat, but is still cold and empty until the spark shows someone is inside.


Meeting At Night Poem Summary Notes And Line By Line Explanation In English Class 11th • English Summary

meeting at night poem summary

These have created an objective detachment, so quintessential to Browning. This creates a sense of mystery. He taps at a particular window. Where does the beloved live? The journey covers both land and sea and takes hours to complete, yet the narrator never describes fatigue or rest. Dramatic Objectivity : Though Browning was unsuccessful as a dramatist, his temperament as a poet remained essentially dramatic till the end.


Meeting at Night by Robert Browning: Complete Analysis

meeting at night poem summary

When the poem begins, he is on a boat, and he can see the gray sea stretching out ahead of him. Only the love both feel for the other matters in the otherwise dark world. TOP SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLVED Ques. Answer : Somemajor themes are beautifullyinterwoven in Browning's poem, Meeting at Night', One of them is certainly love. Each stanza is like a small journey itself. The sea was brown and the moon was also half visible.


MEETING AT NIGHT By Robert Browning

meeting at night poem summary

Summary In his poem, Browning describe the journey to the clandestine meeting between two lovers. Analysis A short and relatively simple love poem, this piece still presents the subtext of the importance of movement in life, and of the dichotomy between the stasis of art and the action of life. Browning's vocabulary choices are informal, monosyllabic words. ED, HUMAN - RIGHTS and thanks a lots for visiting my blog EASY LEGAL MAN www. I'm very happy to share my articles with my viewers and along with students too. But later he attended lecture at University College, London, for sometime.


Robert Browning: Poems “Meeting At Night” Summary and Analysis

meeting at night poem summary

The sea seems warm compared to the coldness of the night. The lover makes a lot of effort for the reward of meeting his beloved. But one must note that under the facade of a simple narrative, the poem actually has a powerful impact as an expression of rising passion. He only "gains the cove" as though effortlessly and on the curls of the "startled little waves" leaping with "fiery ringlets" alight in the beam of the "yellow half-moon. Silent listener, one of the salient features of Dramatic Monologue, is also absent here. The poem is like a painting with the colors of grey, black and yellow. Like other Victorian, he was interested in nature but was more fascinated by human nature.
