Minimum wage paper. Minimum Wage Essay: Useful Tips For Writing 2022-12-20

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The minimum wage is the lowest wage that an employer is legally allowed to pay their workers. It is a crucial policy that impacts the lives of millions of workers, particularly those who are low-income and struggling to make ends meet. In this essay, we will examine the history and current state of the minimum wage, the arguments for and against increasing it, and the potential consequences of such a move.

The first minimum wage law was enacted in the United States in 1938 as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The initial minimum wage was set at 25 cents per hour, which is equivalent to about $4.40 in today's dollars. Since then, the minimum wage has been increased numerous times through legislation and inflation adjustments. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, although many states and cities have set their own minimum wage laws that are higher than the federal rate.

One argument in favor of increasing the minimum wage is that it can help to reduce poverty and income inequality. Many minimum wage workers are struggling to make ends meet and are unable to afford basic necessities such as housing, food, and healthcare. By increasing the minimum wage, these workers would have more disposable income and be able to afford a higher standard of living. This, in turn, could lead to a reduction in poverty and income inequality, as low-wage workers would have more purchasing power.

However, there are also arguments against increasing the minimum wage. One concern is that it could lead to job loss, as some employers may not be able to afford to pay their workers a higher wage and may choose to lay off workers or automate certain tasks. Another concern is that it could lead to higher prices for goods and services, as businesses may pass on the cost of higher wages to consumers in the form of higher prices. Finally, some argue that increasing the minimum wage could lead to a reduction in the number of available jobs, as businesses may choose to hire fewer workers in order to offset the increased labor costs.

Despite these concerns, there is evidence to suggest that increasing the minimum wage can have positive impacts on both workers and the economy as a whole. A number of studies have found that increasing the minimum wage can lead to higher pay for low-wage workers and can also boost economic growth and job creation. For example, a study by the Economic Policy Institute found that increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour would lead to higher pay for 27 million workers and would also result in the creation of approximately 1.3 million new jobs.

In conclusion, the minimum wage is a complex and controversial issue with arguments for and against increasing it. While there are valid concerns about the potential negative impacts of a higher minimum wage, there is also evidence to suggest that it can lead to higher pay for low-wage workers and boost economic growth. Ultimately, the decision to increase the minimum wage should be carefully considered, taking into account the potential costs and benefits for both workers and the economy as a whole.

Research Paper about The Minimum Wage

minimum wage paper

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. In other more technical words, setting a price floor below which trading would be illegal. Ashenfelter says he thinks of it like a kind of sales tax. Retrieved 7 December 2013. The American Economic Review.


Minimum Wage Position Paper

minimum wage paper

NBER Working Paper Series. These are all questions that surround the debate, however, before any of these queries came to arise, Adam Smith was one of the pioneers to popularize the idea of a minimum wage, or at the very least a minimum standard of living. A lot of factors depend on how many children you have. The authors argue that previous research that found no negative effects on hours worked are flawed because they only look at select industries, or only look at teenagers, instead of entire economies. Many workers feel that they are at a disadvantage because they are not able to attend college to be able to make more than minimum wage and or they are slow learners who need more time to learn than …show more content… According to Merriam Webster livable wage is defined as, an amount of money you are paid for a job that is large enough to provide you with the basic things such as food and shelter and other necessities needed to live an acceptable life.


Minimum Wage Increases Will Occur in 27 States in 2023

minimum wage paper

What opposition does the United States government face in relation to adopting public policy for a higher minimum wage? This can be an issue and most adults work two jobs so they can fit more hours in. Do not forget about the clincher for minimum wage essay, which is the last sentence of the text that shows the reader that you have fulfilled the purpose of writing the text and have proved the point you were making initially. That seems like a perfect solution: raise the minimum wage and cut the number of people who are eligible to receive food stamps. Monopsony in motion: Imperfect Competition in Labor Markets. Young people may be lock out of the workforce if the minimum wage is increased. It will be argued that minimum wage rates should be set at the same rate for people once they have reached the age of adulthood. Right now it is a struggle for those who work and receive the 7-10 dollar an hour pay.


Research Paper on Minimum Wage

minimum wage paper

It is the wage that many people commence earning when they are just starting work. Those under the age of 18 are eligible to receive 70 per cent of the minimum wage, those aged 18 are eligible to receive 80 per cent of the minimum wage and those aged 19 are eligible receive 90 per cent of the minimum wage. A higher minimum wage is important and necessary. National Bureau of Economic Research. It has helped many people provide for themselves and their family, but with the cost of living and the economy constantly increasing it is making it harder for those who depend on a minimum wage job to be able to take care of the responsibilities they have with the little of money they are making. Retrieved 13 February 2021.


Minimum Wage Survey Paper

minimum wage paper

Would it not be better to raise minimum wage and use fewer of our tax dollars to go into subsidies like food stamps. Minimum wage jobs usually require the least amount of skill, training and experience. Minimum wage jobs usually require the least amount of skill, training and experience. President Roosevlet passed this in the New Deal to protect workers. He uses various studies to show that setting the minimum wage is always associated with both positive and negative impacts.


Minimum Wage Essay

minimum wage paper

This paper address both the pros and cons to raising the minimum wage, discussing not only how people can be helped by the increase in pay, but also how they are ultimately hurt by it to a Words: 960 Length: 3 Pages Topic: Careers Paper : 58883982 Minimum Wage Why the minimum wage should not be abolished in the United States. Does that mean that their wages will equally increase or stay the same? British Journal of Industrial Relations. PDF on 12 January 2013. His bills were three months worth of his salary, so Morgan Spurlock ended the episode in debt. Hence, the government should not raise the minimum wages. Minimum wages have been one of the biggest topics around the United States.


Raising The Minimum Wage Research Paper

minimum wage paper

With all the bills and other expenses, is a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck enough? Some parents use these kinds of jobs as a way to raise their teenage children. Workforce expenses are one of the biggest businesses have. PDF from the original on 29 December 2009. Young people may be lock out of the workforce if the minimum wage is increased. First, there is the issue of reconciling increased labor costs with static production profits.


Minimum Wage Term Paper

minimum wage paper

My opinion is that low wages can not support a family. Morgan ended up getting seriously hurt at work and needed to go to the emergency room. However, using a different methodology, Stanley concluded that there is evidence of publication bias and that correction of this bias shows no relationship between the minimum wage and unemployment. However, some of these gains will likely be lost overtime through increases in prices and a new equilibrium will emerge. The minimum monthly wage set at LBP 675,000, which valued USD 450 prior to the crisis, is barely reaching USD 30 nowadays. The American worker provides for this subsidy in the form of taxes.


Minimum Wage Research

minimum wage paper

Some people say that this is not a rate that citizens can make a living off of and live a comfortable life. Archived from PDF on 19 January 2012. By maintaining an adequate standard of living, people are able to afford adequate housing and food. If people are choosing to be employed with minimum wage, then they will remain in poverty, no matter what the raise in the minimum wage. People deserve what they put in. Minimum wage jobs would not help people to stay not poor, in fact they will make sure that they stay poor. We use high-frequency scanner data and leverage a large number of state-level increases in minimum wages between 2001 and 2012.


Minimum Wage Research Paper

minimum wage paper

While it is convenient for minimum waged workers to get paid more, it would not be for the rest of us. However, if the business's Behavior: The sellers' behavior for people earning minimum wage will be significantly impacted and they have different options to deal with the proposed legislation. Should we even have any minimum wage? Their 65 respondents were nearly evenly divided when asked if the minimum wage should be increased. For example, instead of having items checked and bagged by cashiers, self-service stations are installed, therefore less people are needed to fill this kind of jobs. Essentially, this involves the inequality of workers in terms of their income. You will have to restate your minimum wage thesis rephrase — not copy it and show what information you have used to support it. Archived from PDF on 26 June 2019.
