Modernisation speaking topic. English Speaking Practice: 20 Conversation Topics 2023-01-05

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Modernization is a term that refers to the process of transforming a society from a traditional or pre-modern state to a more modern, industrialized, and urbanized one. This process involves a number of changes in various aspects of society, such as economic structures, social relations, culture, and technology. Modernization has had a significant impact on the way people live, work, and interact with each other, and it has shaped the course of human history.

One of the most significant effects of modernization is the transformation of the economy. Traditional societies are typically agrarian, with a large portion of the population engaged in agriculture and other primary industries. Modernization, on the other hand, brings about the development of secondary and tertiary industries, such as manufacturing, services, and technology. This shift from agriculture to industry is known as industrialization, and it has led to a significant increase in productivity and wealth.

In addition to economic changes, modernization has also brought about significant social changes. As societies modernize, traditional social structures and relationships tend to break down, and people become more individualistic. This can lead to greater social mobility and the erosion of traditional hierarchies, but it can also lead to social isolation and a decline in community ties.

Another aspect of modernization is the change in culture. As societies modernize, traditional cultural practices and beliefs are often challenged and replaced by more modern values and ideas. This can lead to a loss of cultural diversity and a homogenization of culture, but it can also bring about new forms of artistic expression and cultural innovation.

Finally, modernization has also brought about significant technological changes. The development of new technologies has greatly increased the efficiency and productivity of societies, but it has also led to rapid changes in the way people communicate and interact with each other. The proliferation of the internet and social media has transformed the way we connect with others, and it has also raised new questions about privacy and security.

In conclusion, modernization is a complex and ongoing process that has had a significant impact on the way societies function. While it has brought about many positive changes, it has also had its share of negative consequences. As societies continue to modernize, it is important to consider both the benefits and the potential drawbacks, and to strive for a balance between the two.

There Is No Place for Traditional Values in Modern Society Essay

modernisation speaking topic

Only regulated practices and rituals, ceremonies and production procedures and technological routines are transferable. Here the beginning of an answer was provided by Arghiri Emmanuel in the theory of unequal exchange. Is it a popular subject in your country? This is the case in both in Europe and in Developing countries, where again it meets other problems not only because the technological development has not met the same standard as in industrial countries. The rebirth of the concept of civil society began in Africa and the former Soviet camp in the 1980s. When did you start learning your first foreign language? Where they grew up What was your hometown like? To him, Modernisation involves diffusing scientific and technological know-how. A number of the other models applied to underdeveloped countries identified vicious circles of underdevelopment.


Modernisation Theory: Overview & Examples

modernisation speaking topic

Deutsch , proved attractive for historians interested in problems of social and institutional change. What do you think about life after death? This is the main difference between choosing accommodation in the city and suburbia. It would also have to be investigated whether that aim is desirable at all. Do you dream or do? In turn, African political study has made an important contribution to comparative politics. We have seen national unity painfully forged at a later date than is generally supposed. Did you have a pet as a child? Modernization justifies its current potentially revolutionary potential through the blessing of consequences in the future, just like a futuristic utilitarism. How long have you worked there? The central argument of modernisation theory is that developing countries need to follow the same path as the West in order to develop.


English Speaking Practice: 20 Conversation Topics

modernisation speaking topic

Pets Do you have a pet? What is your favourite TV program? One may categories it into social, psychological, intellectual, demographic, cultural, economic and political dimensions. A few misconceptions of modernity in India today include the following such as: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Numerous people think that modernization should not be taken as a trade-off for our traditional cultures. Modernisation, on the other hand, is the process of adopting new trends of life in order to comply with the current demands of life. Based on these observations, our traditional cultures help in keeping our family backgrounds intact, and in that case, they are the best path to follow. Who do you live with? Eduardo: At the moment I am living in a rented flat because I have recently moved into a new central neighbourhood. New Concepts of Technological Modernization Many of the problems that are connected to modernization are neither modern nor neo-modern but some of them are very old.


Modernization Theory

modernisation speaking topic

Somebody's identity can be affirmed by a technological universal-culture only in a very insufficient bad way. Part 2 feedback Again, this IELTS candidate has included a mix of past, present and future tenses I'd love to. Does the weather ever affect how you feel? Do you ever use public transport? Rostow, Alexander Gerschenkron and of political modernization, especially of state formation and nation-building e. Do you like your hometown? This means that with a culture transfer practices of a culture become first of all fixed patterns, which have to proceed from this situation and slowly have to put effort into their embedding. Does luck play a significant role in your life? In Latin America, he said, multinational corporations invested in modern industrialization, while supposedly traditional sectors agriculture, mining operated in technically and organizationally sophisticated ways, and both were parts of an advanced yet still-dependent capitalist development.


Modernisation: Introduction, Meaning, Concept and Other Details

modernisation speaking topic

What kinds of dictionaries do you think are most useful? Many old cities around the world are going through a major process of modernization. The second stage of modernisation: the preconditions for take-off In this stage, Western practices are brought in to set up investment conditions, bring more companies into developing countries, etc. What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a child? In Europe the modernization paradigm has three dimensions Irrgang, 2006 : I Modern age and modernization in arts. The process of modernisation dates back to the age of Renaissance and formation in all walks of life-like literature, science religion etc. A more recent view is that the relationships between economics and culture and politics are mutually supportive, like the various systems of a biological organism.


IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions

modernisation speaking topic

They believe capitalist development aims to generate more wealth and extract cheap raw materials and labour from developing countries to benefit developed nations. There is a download link at the bottom of the page for the list of topics. Modernization has helped people to gel and accept globalization. Marx emphasized economic determinism, arguing that a society's technological level shapes its economic system, which in turn determines its cultural and political characteristics. Henri: Well, when I used to live in London, a city with great transport facilities yet I could not afford to rent a place of my own, so I decided to join a flat share which I saw advertised on the accommodation website. These two systems suggested a third to Frank — the continuity and ubiquity of structural underdevelopment throughout the expansion of the capitalist system. Are people allowed to work fewer hours? Students will score higher for lexical resource this means IELTS vocabulary in the IELTS test for using 'less common phrases and expressions' so practice including 6-8 of these IELTS vocabulary phrases in every answer - these are the words in bold you can see throughout the text.


IELTS Speaking Topic Accommodation: Sample questions and answers

modernisation speaking topic

Are exams an effective way to evaluate us? Such views had an organizational base in nongovernmental organizations NGOs , which received an increasing share of development aid during this period, owing to donor distrust of repressive and authoritarian governments in developing areas. Does the weather ever affect the way you feel? This line of research has never been completely cut off, but it grew thinner and, in the 1980s and 1990s, stood under an ever larger shadow of cultural theory and anthropology, that is, of disciplines and approaches which fundamentally questioned the assumptions of macrosociological Western-oriented modernization theory. Science and technology provide conducive environments for economic growth in developing countries through their ability to provide rational protocols in decision making for the efficient use of material and human resources Shrum and Shenhav, 1995. What makes you smile? This model is centered on the idea that East Asian catch-up involved the emergence of a dominant growth center Japan which subsequently acted as the leader of a hierarchical group of followers that included in the second tier, the Asian Tiger Economies and in the third tier Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN , and finally China and Vietnam which is also an ASEAN Member State. The fourth stage of modernisation: the drive to maturity With increased economic growth and investment in other areas — media, education, population control, etc.


Advantages and disadvantages of modernization

modernisation speaking topic

The modern information technologies are for developing countries a possibility of modernization, which at least partially can substitute catching-up-industrialization. Secularization of Ideas, values and rites 3. Learn More Conclusion In conclusion, modernisation is a universal trend that cannot be avoided, but as we continue to embrace it, we should try to protect those beliefs and norms that reflect our cultural identities. It is technically possible for anyone to occupy the most powerful positions in society, such as the head of a large corporation or a country leader. How do you get online? On the one hand, the modern age is a constantly developing planetary truth, a truth that impacts every society in the world. Wherever there was an emergence of industry, modernization happened without human intervention in that place.


Technology transfer and modernization

modernisation speaking topic

He proposed five stages through which countries must pass to become developed. By comparison either a society is more traditional or more modern. Today the hopes of enlightenment seem to be realized in Globalization. Os and voluntary organizations. This supposes on one hand that the western way into the modern age has a model character, is normative and there are no alternatives to it. In this context the new form of modernization cannot be identified with de-acceleration but it is another acceleration of innovations. Eradication of Poverty and Unemployment 12.



modernisation speaking topic

It is our task to generate forms of modernization with consideration for cultural embedding and traditions. How do most people get the news in your country? What music did you like when you were younger? But this development can mostly be digested with the help of the embedding-paradigm. Modernization in Europe is often based on criticism of traditions and new modernizations should search for strategies of embedding in take-off and developing countries. Broader outlook to fight out superstition and blind-faith. From the philosophical point of view the transferred technologies have to be fitted into the current every day culture both considering structures of production and consumption, even if these will sooner or later be transferred by technology transfer in the long run.
