Moism. What is Mohism? 2022-12-31

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Moism, also known as Mohism or Moziism, is a Chinese philosophical movement that was founded by the philosopher Mozi (also known as "Master Mo") in the 4th century BC. Mozi was a Chinese political theorist, military strategist, and philosopher who lived during the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. He is considered one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history and is often referred to as the "first real Chinese philosopher."

Moism is a philosophy that is based on the idea of universal love and the belief that all people should be treated equally. Mozi believed that society should be organized in a way that promotes the welfare and happiness of all individuals, rather than just a select few. He argued that a society that is based on the principles of universal love and equality would be more harmonious and prosperous than one that is based on selfishness and the pursuit of personal gain.

One of the key principles of Moism is the concept of "ren," which can be translated as "humaneness" or "benevolence." Mozi believed that people should cultivate a sense of "ren" and use it as a guide for their actions. He argued that people should act with kindness and compassion towards others, and that this would lead to a more harmonious and just society.

Another important aspect of Moism is the concept of "yong," which can be translated as "duty" or "obligation." Mozi believed that people have a duty to act in ways that are beneficial to society as a whole. He argued that people should strive to be useful to others and to contribute to the common good.

In addition to these core principles, Mozi also had strong views on social and political issues. He believed in the importance of meritocracy and argued that people should be judged based on their ability and character rather than their social status or wealth. He also believed in the importance of meritocracy in government and argued that rulers should be chosen based on their ability to govern justly and effectively, rather than on their family connections or social status.

Overall, Moism is a philosophy that emphasizes universal love, equality, and the importance of acting in ways that benefit society as a whole. It has had a lasting influence on Chinese thought and continues to be studied and debated by philosophers and scholars today.

What Does Mohism Mean?


The priority of the third standard is a striking feature of the Mohist theory, for it entails that in at least some circumstances, they advocate applying a utilitarian criterion to resolve not only normative questions but descriptive ones as well. The expression of this indiscriminate caring is what makes man a righteous being in Mohist thought. Indeed, a theory that fails to adequately account for moral motivation may be self-defeating. The prominence of practical models or exemplars reflects two fundamental features of Mohist thought and arguably of classical Chinese philosophy generally. Hsun-tzu attacked Mo Ti's opposition to music as indicative of a lack of refinement on the part of Mo Ti. Without discovering and understanding talents within the country, the country will be destroyed.


Mohism > Notes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)


This political structure consisted of a network of local units in all the major kingdoms of China at the time, made up of elements from both the scholarly and working classes. The doctrine of the three models thus reflects the pragmatic orientation of their thought, in particular the assumption, common to many early Chinese thinkers, that the primary purpose of language and judgment is to guide action appropriately, rather than to describe facts. Early Mohist writings have a practical, not theoretical orientation. The Mohists most often use zhi in a narrow sense, to refer to harmonious family and social relations. Pantheism is closely related to monism, as pantheists too believe all of reality is one substance, called Universe, God or Nature. They are concerned only with the problem of how to reliably distinguish yi from not- yi.




Alternatively, instead of criticizing the Mohists for trading on a false dilemma, we could say that their arguments justify inclusive care, but only in the weak sense that we are obliged to be morally concerned for everyone to at least some degree. Feel free to share the wisdom of these quotes around. Since, as a way of life, a dao includes dispositions, and thus virtues, Mohist consequentialism incorporates some of the characteristics of motive consequentialism. It is also a reaction against nepotism and incompetence and an appeal for greater equality of opportunity for those of non-elite origin, such as the Mohists themselves. Mozi, by contrast, believed people in principle should care for all people equally. Also, as the Zhuangzi passage But it is probably false that the general practice of equal care would yield the most benefit for the world.




Second, the sovereign and other leaders do not create the standards of right and wrong, but only exemplify, teach, and enforce them. Thus they hold that in preferring inclusive care in others, we commit ourselves to it as a code to be observed by all, including ourselves. Drawing distinctions in this way is the functional equivalent, in Mohist thought, of making a judgment or forming a belief. They were often hired by the many warring kingdoms as advisers to the state. Other than that, Mohism is the only classical Chinese philosophy with a highly structured political and military organisation. The second objection is that inclusive care is practically impossible. Many were actually applied, and remained an aspect of military affairs throughout history.


Mo Isom


Although attributed to Mo Ti, the Mo-tzu was probably composed over a number of generations by Mo Ti's disciples. When questions of existence are at stake, as when arguing for the existence of ghosts or the nonexistence of fate, they apply all three standards. The people of the world all injured each other with water, fire, and poison. Instead, people should live simple lives, utilitarian lives that are frugal instead of bombastic. Wrestling the angel: the foundations of Mormon thought: cosmos, God, humanity. Many later Confucian critics have followed Mencius in focusing on inclusive care, maintaining that it runs counter to human nature.




Another possible objection would be that by demanding excessive attention to the needs of others, Mohist ethics leaves individuals with insufficient resources to live their own lives well, thus sacrificing much of what makes an individual life good. Indeed, many Mohists seem to have concluded that, since social order was a paramount value and gratuitous warfare was wrong, they had a duty to assist victims of aggression. Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The king cancels the invasion. And what we find is that Heaven desires that people care for and benefit each other Book 4. Personally, I think it is almost comparable to classical Greek philosophy, science and mathematics. In good government, the noble and knowledgeable govern the ignorant and common.




Other, less direct sources include anecdotes and comments about the Mohists preserved in early texts such as the Lushi Chunqiu, Hanfeizi, Zhuangzi, and Huainanzi and criticisms of them by two of their major opponents, the Confucians Mencius ca. In the past, east of Yue there was the country of Gai Shu. But the scope of the norms they envision seems much broader than this. The texts that present the theory do not say, but the Mohists probably view the third standard, benefit to society, as an application of their moral theory, which they justify by appeal to the model of Heaven, or nature. The doctrine deserves careful attention, partly to evaluate this criticism and partly to draw philosophical lessons from how the Mohists apply the notion of impartiality that stands at the heart of their ethics. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. Dao may be very broad in scope, including practices, institutions, and traditions, along with the rules, techniques, styles, attitudes, and dispositions associated with them.


What is Mohism?


The crucial point is probably that their main theoretical focus is not descriptive truth, but the proper dao way by which to guide social and personal life. A more likely conjecture, supported by the frequency of references to the crafts in Mohist texts, is that he was originally an artisan of some kind, probably a carpenter. What superiors deem right shi , all must deem right; what superiors deem wrong fei , all must deem wrong. If this interpretation is correct, the doctrine is probably untenable. This search for objective moral standards by which to guide action and reform society lies at the heart of the Mohist philosophical and political project.


Mohism: Beliefs & Teachings


Mo Ti believed that heaven is a personal force which knows of the misdeeds that people perform and punishes people for them. They were the first in the tradition to engage, like Socrates in ancient Greece, in an explicit, reflective search for objective moral standards and to give step-by-step, tightly reasoned arguments for their views, though their reasoning is sometimes simplistic or rests on doubtful assumptions. In this way, they were similar to the other wandering philosophers and knights-errant of the period. A good horse is difficult to ride, but it can carry weight and travel far. He believed that conflicts are born from the absence of moral uniformity found in human cultures in the natural state, i.
