Nature vs nurture debate sociology. Nature v Nurture Debates in Socialisation 2022-12-28

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The nature vs nurture debate is a longstanding issue within sociology that centers on the relative importance of genetics and the environment in shaping human behavior and characteristics. The "nature" side of the debate argues that individuals are largely predetermined by their genetic makeup, while the "nurture" side asserts that environmental factors such as upbringing, culture, and social experiences have a significant influence on an individual's development.

There is evidence to support both sides of the debate, and it is generally accepted that both nature and nurture play a role in shaping an individual's characteristics and behavior. For example, research has shown that genetics can play a role in certain mental health conditions and personality traits, while environmental factors such as parenting style, social experiences, and culture can also have an impact.

One of the main challenges in studying the nature vs nurture debate is disentangling the effects of genetics and the environment. For example, it can be difficult to determine whether a person's intelligence is due to their genetics or their upbringing and education. Additionally, the influence of nature and nurture may vary depending on the specific trait or behavior being studied.

Despite the complexity of the issue, there are several key factors that can influence the nature vs nurture debate in sociology. For example, socialization processes, including the influence of parents, teachers, and peers, can shape an individual's attitudes, values, and behaviors. Culture also plays a role in shaping an individual's development, as cultural norms and values can influence how a person thinks and behaves.

Ultimately, the nature vs nurture debate remains an important and ongoing topic of study within sociology. While it may be difficult to fully understand the relative importance of genetics and the environment in shaping human behavior and characteristics, a better understanding of these influences can help inform policy and intervention efforts aimed at improving individuals' well-being and social outcomes.

Nature v Nurture Debates in Socialisation

nature vs nurture debate sociology

From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Share this: Facebook Facebook logo Twitter Twitter logo Reddit Reddit logo LinkedIn LinkedIn logo WhatsApp WhatsApp logo Socialisation is the process whereby people learn the attitudes, actions and values appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. When we think of what makes us who we are, whether it is nature or nurture — is it our DNA or our lifestyle and the environment? Find Out How UKEssays. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Furthermore, the same ways of socialisation and the same culture may have diverse effects on the development of the personalities in the same society. Socialisation teaches individuals the cultural values and norms, that provide the guidelines to their everyday interactions and life, therefore culture could be defined as the way of life that a number of people have in common. Nature versus nurture debate Nature versus nurture debate has been dominating not only the field of sociology, but also philosophy and psychology and has a long history.


nature vs nurture debate sociology

Individual is not only social, but also cultural, it is the culture which provide opportunities to develop into personality. Socialisation is critical to both individuals and societies where they live, it shows how intertwined the individuals and their social worlds are. Genetics plays a role, but it is usually not the only factor, as individuals are both products and producers of their environment. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. The process of socialisation starts when we are babies and continues right through our lives Giddens, 2009. Socialisation is a life-long process of inheriting and sharing norms and attitudes, customs, values and ideologies, providing an individual with skills and habits within his or her culture, usually by the traditional agents of the socialisation which include family, schools, peer groups and mass media McDonald, 2006.


nature vs nurture debate sociology

When we think of what makes us who we are, whether it is nature or nurture, the answer in my view is- both. Socialisation process is critical to a human society, as it allows individuals to understand societal norms and expectations. However, these views were challenged later on by a well known behaviour psychologist John B. Additionally, the debate allowed to produce many research advances in the area of a human development, as both nature and nurture play a significant role in the personal growth. According to Marsh 2000 , culture refers to non biological aspects of human societies — values, customs and models of behaviour that are learned, rather than being genetically transmitted from parents to a child. Therefore, the nature versus nurture debate concentrates on how far our behaviour is determined by nature at birth or by nurture after birth.


nature vs nurture debate sociology

It is important to note, that since every society has its own different culture, socialisation process would also differ from society to society. There has always been a controversy on whether our inherited genes or the environment influences our behaviour, personality, development and intelligence. McDonald 2006 notes that socialisation is culturally specific, but this does not mean certain cultures are better or worse than the others. Because society is always changing, we never stop learning how to behave in different situations. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.


nature vs nurture debate sociology

Or the behaviours are the result of our learning, people, objects, environment and social media, which surround us — known as nurture?. As McDonald 2006 note, in nineteenth century, Charles Darwin, who specialised in the theory of evolution and process of the natural selection was the first to recognize that there were traits and characteristics which were passed down from the parent to a child, those traits helped them to be more effective at surviving and reproducing. Give an account of the Nature versus Nurture debate. Individual is not only social, but also cultural, it is the culture which provide opportunities to develop into personality. Through the culture individuals attempt to make sense of themselves and surrounding world. During this time children learn language, social skills and what constitutes acceptable behaviour from the parents, near family and main carers, who are closest to the child.


nature vs nurture debate sociology

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