Nursing student reflection on clinical placement. Clinical Placement Reflective Essay 2023-01-05

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As a nursing student, clinical placements are an essential part of my education. These placements provide me with the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge I have gained in the classroom to real-life patient care situations. Reflecting on my recent clinical placement, there are several things that stand out to me as significant learning experiences.

One of the most valuable things I learned during my clinical placement was the importance of effective communication in the healthcare setting. Whether it was communicating with my fellow nursing students and instructors, or with the patients and their families, effective communication was key to ensuring that everyone was on the same page and that patient care was provided in a safe and timely manner. I learned the importance of using clear and concise language, actively listening to others, and being open to feedback and suggestions.

Another important lesson I learned during my clinical placement was the need for compassion and empathy in the nursing profession. As a nursing student, it can be easy to get caught up in the technical aspects of patient care, such as administering medications or performing procedures. However, I learned that it is just as important to be empathetic and caring towards our patients. I saw firsthand how much of a difference it made to patients when I took the time to listen to their concerns and offer emotional support.

One of the most challenging aspects of my clinical placement was learning to manage my time effectively. As a nursing student, there is a lot to be done in a short period of time, and it can be overwhelming at times. I learned the importance of prioritizing tasks and organizing my workload in order to ensure that all of my responsibilities were completed in a timely and efficient manner. I also learned the value of seeking help when needed, whether it was from my fellow nursing students or my instructors.

Overall, my clinical placement was a valuable learning experience that has helped me to grow as a nursing student. It has given me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I have gained in the classroom to real-life patient care situations, and has helped me to develop the skills and competencies that are necessary for a successful career in nursing. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had this experience, and I am confident that it will continue to serve me well as I progress in my nursing education and career.

A Reflection On The Nursing Skills

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

Why Bsn Are Better Nurses Than Adn Nurse 137 Words 1 Pages the why we approach patients in a certain way. Action Plan The experience gives hands-on knowledge that the life of a patient is sometimes dependent on how professionally a nurse acts in a critical situation. The patient stated that she did "not want a bed bath" and that she preferred to be left alone. For example performing venepuncture; the patient had very poor vein and my first attempt failed and was very demotivated. It could help you in identifying suitable ways of getting an assured placement. Invariably, I did not feel confident enough to fully evaluate and determine what may be wrong with Mrs Williams. You must note that your story must be distinctive.


Reflection on Clinical Placement

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

The nurse led me to the patient 's room right away. Record keeping also serves the purposes for communication in collaborative learning which is keeping all health professionals aware of the condition and progression of the patient. Nursing clinical reflection essay: How to write, guide types and examples: This article will provide you with enough tips which will guide you in writing an exemplary student reflection in nursing. Things to avoid in nursing clinical reflective essay Gaining an entry into a nursing institution can be tough. Learning the most common errors and avoiding them in your paper is one of the finest strategies to ensure that your work is faultless. Joanna appeared to understand no English at all, I tried to calm her down and reassure her, but she did not seem to comprehend. Nursing clinical reflective essay for an assignment For the sake of an assignment, your nursing student final clinical experience essay should entail more than simply recounting events.


Reflection On Experience Of A Nursing Student

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

Keep anxiousness at bay. One thing the nursing student felt like she did very well in the clinical setting, was preforming a complete head to toe on each Nursing Course Reflection 1434 Words 6 Pages Evolution from Novice to a Beginning Professional Nurse Looking back when I started my nursing school, I can proudly say that I have evolved both physically and psychologically. My priority would be in handling critical patients without any interference from the senior. Sharing personal feelings: This part explains your reactions to situations and how you would develop emotional control. After placement, I soon start to realize that I have been able to develop a better understanding of the role of nurses in the care of patients. If you are a nursing student then assignment help can help you in identifying the skills require for getting a job.


Student nurse reflections on a placement teamwork during COVID

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

It should contain a clear opening that reflects the problem, a center section that analyzes the causes, and a conclusion that discusses possible remedies to the issue and how it impacted the author. I will be more focused on making sure that all resources are in place, such as anticipating when an interpreter may be necessary, and also ensuring dignity and privacy are maintained. This situation has taught me that it is easy for medication errors to be made. A nursing clinical reflective essay is a type of writing that is based on your feelings, experiences and views on an issue. I called the ward and asked the interpreter to come back to recovery, as the patient was getting more distressed and we were not able to reassure her due to a communication barrier.


My First Clinical Experience: Reflection as a Nursing Student

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

There are times I needed to weigh when to go on shadows and when not to, so I would not leave the ward short. This phase will assist you in avoiding any potential errors before delivering the essay. This is the most effective method of determining what will be evaluated in your essay. World J Gastroenterol, 20 9 , pp. Alongside this we were unable to assess her pain, nausea levels and fully explain what we were doing. In fact, I did not know I wanted to be in the nursing field until the Fall semester of my senior year of college.


Nursing clinical reflection essay: Best guide

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

For instance, patients who face issues in getting up and those who need to have on their bed. Set aside enough time as you are not tempted afterwards. Efforts need to be focused on high-alert drugs and error prone situations. Journal of Nursing Management. Before attending the patient I was very sceptical and unsure of my practical abilities as I had never a patient in such a critical condition of liver cirrhosis. Nursing Standard, 29 11.


Placement Reflection in Orthopedic Nursing

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

Determined to do the venepuncture successful, I suggested to my mentor, if I was able to pull the vein downwards to minimise the movement of the vein. My experience using these was very positive and very efficient. An essay must be well-structured and divided into three sections. During clinical posting, I have met some patients saying that they wanted to die instead of receiving treatment that make them feel terrible. Internal medicine journal, 43 12 , 1262-1264. Methods of reflection in nursing clinical essays There are several clinical reflection examples inclusive of numerous reflective practice scales and questionnaires.


LEARN Reflections

nursing student reflection on clinical placement

I was not able to do this as on my next shift I was allocated with another patient. Through observations and clinical practice, I managed to develop my nursing skills both as an independent learner, but also as a member of the health team. Largely, this was because we had gained mutual trust, and I knew that I would be well supported if I needed the help. This led to my becoming increasingly confident in the role I was determined to fill. Thus I made it in my best interest to interact more with others during the placement so that I could work alongside them confidently and work towards the same goals. Thus the external supply of potassium was provided to the patient.
