Only connect cronon. Reflections on William Cronon’s ‘“Only Connect
’ The Goals of a Liberal Education” 2023-01-01

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In his essay "Only Connect: The Goals of a Liberal Education," William Cronon argues that the true purpose of a liberal education is to help students learn how to connect seemingly disparate ideas and experiences in order to better understand the world around them.

Cronon begins by pointing out that the traditional goals of a liberal education, such as the acquisition of knowledge and the development of critical thinking skills, are important, but not sufficient. He argues that these goals are too narrow and do not adequately prepare students for the complexities of the modern world. Instead, he suggests that the ultimate goal of a liberal education should be to help students learn how to make connections between different fields of study and between their own experiences and the larger world.

According to Cronon, this ability to connect is essential because it allows students to see the interrelatedness of all things and to understand the ways in which different disciplines and experiences influence one another. It also helps students to see the connections between their own lives and the larger world, enabling them to be more engaged and responsible citizens.

To support his argument, Cronon cites several examples of how making connections can deepen and enrich one's understanding of the world. For example, he discusses how studying literature can help students understand history and how studying science can help students understand literature. He also points out that making connections across disciplines can help students to see the connections between their own lives and the world around them, and to understand the ways in which their own experiences are shaped by larger forces.

Overall, Cronon's essay makes a compelling argument for the importance of helping students to connect seemingly disparate ideas and experiences in order to better understand the world. By encouraging students to see the interrelatedness of all things and to make connections between different fields of study, we can help them to develop a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the world and their place in it.

Introduction to the “Only Connect” Curriculum for College Writing I at RCC

only connect cronon

They recognize extraordinary athletic achievements; they are engaged by classic and contemporary works of theater and cinema; they find in television a valuable window on popular culture. I believe that his list of ten can be written in three steps; 1 appreciate people for who they are, 2 be able to problem solve, and 3 learn how to communicate effectively. Language influences an individual 's thoughts towards others. As a society you have grown up with these caped figures being all that you know. Even though Locke says that virtue is God-given, I think it is important to acknowledge the secular view on virtue and how it pertains to the modern day classroom.


Essay #1_ William Cronon's _Only

only connect cronon

These three traits closely align with some of my own Strengthsfinder results: empathy, communication and arrangement, in that order. The paper shall encompass an analysis of what attributes I exemplify and which ones I intend to work on. This is not an easy question. For instance, if lecture is the only method used to teach a subject, students may begin to associate that subject with boredom based on their mis-educative experience. Liberal education nurtures human freedom in the service of human community, which is to say that in the end it celebrates love. Even though not many people really understand how a liberal arts Liberal education has changed quite a lot throughout history.


William Cronon's Only Connect

only connect cronon

College writing compared to high school writing greatly differs. Should they be forced to learn a foreign language, encounter a laboratory science, master calculus, study grammar at the expense of creative writing or the reverse , read Plato or Shakespeare or Marx or Darwin? A liberally educated person, as described by William Cronon article Only Connect
 strives to achieve this status in their everyday life; they are scholars with a well-rounded knowledge base who have learned to connect with all groups of people. The fulfillment of high talent, the just exercise of power, the celebration of human diversity: nothing so redeems these things as the recognition that what seem like personal triumphs are in fact the achievements of our common humanity. And so we study power and struggle to use it wisely and well. They can follow an argument, track logical reasoning, detect illogic, hear the emotions that lie behind both the logic and the illogic, and ultimately empathize with the person who is feeling those emotions.


William Cronon

only connect cronon

They understand how to get things done in the world. No matter how deliberately they may have been hammered out in committee meetings, it's not clear what these carefully articulated and finely tuned requirements have to do with human freedom. A good leader is one who can think quick on their feet and deal with crises as they occur in the group. Perhaps this is the most important trait any leader can have: the ability to lead by learning—about ourselves, others, the world and the constant evolution of all three. Cronon presents what he considers to be the goals of a liberal education. One problem, I think, is that it is much easier to itemize the requirements of a curriculum than to describe the qualities of the human beings we would like that curriculum to produce. His final point is that, although liberal arts encourages students to pursue human freedom, it also pushes them to use this freedom in servitude to society.


“Only Connect
” Cronon

only connect cronon

They are moved by what they see in a great art museum and what they hear in a concert hall. If I am right that all these qualities are finally about connecting, then we need to confront one further paradox about liberal education. The ability to solve puzzles requires many skills, including a basic comfort with numbers, a familiarity with computers, and the recognition that many problems that appear to turn on questions of quality can in fact be reinterpreted as subtle problems of quantity. A friend of mine says one of the most important things his father ever told him was that whenever he had a conversation, his job was "to figure out what's so neat about what the other person does. However, this brings about the question: What is a liberal arts education? In their original medieval incarnation, the "liberal arts" were required courses, more or less, that every student was supposed to learn before attaining the status of a "free man. Both Davidson and Twenge touch upon the flaws in the current education system. They listen and they hear.


"Only Connect . . ." The Goals of a Liberal Education on JSTOR

only connect cronon

Each module, or unit, consists of a series of readings linked by a common theme. The way empathy reflects in my actions is through my willingness to listen actively, with complete focus on the person speaking and sharing. A liberally educated person, as described by William Cronon article Only Connect
 strives to achieve this status in their everyday life; they are scholars with a well-rounded knowledge base who have learned to connect with all groups of people. It is also supported by the idea of Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher. Learning how to get things done in the world in order to leave it a better place is surely one of the most practical and important lessons we can take from our education. In the act of making us free, it also binds us to the communities that gave us our freedom in the first place; it makes us responsible to those communities in ways that limit our freedom.


Summary Of Only Connect By William Cronon

only connect cronon

The "free men" who studied the liberal arts were male aristocrats; these specialized bodies of knowledge were status markers that set them apart from "unfree" serfs and peasants, as well as from the members of other vulgar and ignoble classes. They have the intellectual range and emotional generosity to step outside their own experiences and prejudices, thereby opening themselves to perspectives different from their own. Superman on the other hand is considered the most powerful fictional superhero on planet earth, who fights against supervillains to defend human beings. This impulse toward list making has in fact been part of liberal education for a very long time. He suggests that virtue should be valued above of wisdom, breeding and learning. That is why, when we argue about education, we usually spend less time talking about core values than about formal standards: what are the subjects that all young people should take to help them become educated adults? Good leaders can identify, analyze and successfully solve problems.


Reflections on Cronon’s “‘Only Connect
’ The Goals of a Liberal Education”

only connect cronon

Beowulf And Superman Comparison 112 Words 1 Pages A superhero can sometimes be a symbol of hope that can destroy all evil. Hirsch's Cultural Literacy and a thousand college course catalogs—our answers to it often take the form of lists: lists of mandatory courses, lists of required readings, lists of essential facts, lists of the hundred best novels written in English in the twentieth century, and so on and on. Although it is easy to follow this, Cronon states that the essence of a liberal arts education is something much more and far greater than that. It is fraught with peril because the power to act in the world can so easily be abused—but we fool ourselves if we think we can avoid acting, avoid exercising power, avoid joining the world's fight. I have similarly implied that the ten qualities on my list belong to individual people.
