Our iceberg is melting summary. ‎SUMMARY 2022-12-22

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In sociology, folkways and mores are two categories of social norms that regulate human behavior in a society. Folkways are the everyday customs and conventions that are followed within a culture, while mores are the more serious and deeply held values and beliefs that shape the behavior of individuals within a society. Both play a significant role in shaping the culture and social fabric of a community.

One example of folkways in action can be seen in the way people greet each other in different cultures. In Western cultures, it is common to shake hands when meeting someone, while in some Asian cultures, bowing is a more common form of greeting. These customs may seem small and insignificant, but they are an important part of the social norms that govern our interactions with others.

Mores, on the other hand, are more deeply held values that are often tied to cultural or religious beliefs. For example, in many Western cultures, there is a strong emphasis on the value of individualism and personal freedom. This value is reflected in the laws and social norms that protect the rights of individuals to make their own choices and decisions. In contrast, in some Eastern cultures, there is a stronger emphasis on the importance of community and the collective good, which is reflected in the social norms that prioritize the needs of the group over those of the individual.

Another example of mores can be seen in the way that different societies view and regulate marriage and family relationships. In some cultures, marriage is seen as a sacred institution that is regulated by strict cultural or religious norms, while in other cultures, marriage is viewed as a more flexible and personal arrangement. Similarly, the roles and responsibilities of family members within a household can vary significantly across different cultures, with some cultures valuing gender roles and others promoting more egalitarian relationships.

Overall, folkways and mores play a significant role in shaping the culture and social norms of a society. They provide a set of guidelines for how people are expected to behave and interact with others, and they can vary significantly across different cultures and communities. Understanding these social norms is an important aspect of studying sociology and can help us better understand the ways in which different societies operate and the values that shape their social fabric.

Our Iceberg Is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions by John P. Kotter

our iceberg is melting summary

But we too, can make a difference. Be relentless with irritating change after change until the vision is a reality Make It Stick 8. In 2000, the video rental giant Shortform Exercise: Apply the Lessons Our Iceberg is Melting is a fable—a story designed to teach the reader how to implement change. I think the book was intended to help us adapt to change but I don't really see a parallel between the fabricated and factually flawed fable of penguins on a melting iceberg and what we are facing at work. This quote opened my eyes to realize that not everything is theory. Create a new culture. Hold on to the new ways of behaving, and make sure they succeed, until they become strong enough to replace old traditions.


Leadership in the Management Practice: "Our Iceberg Is Melting" by John Kotter

our iceberg is melting summary

From the outset, we had a group of complacent penguins who have to deal with the danger of a melting, cracking iceberg which by the way, was never demonstrated or validated in the story. One of these steps entails ensuring effective communication of the intended change. When used as a group discussion topic, this allegorical story may offer ways to imagine different ways to react, respond and relate to a stressful interaction. This will aid in eliminating potential conflicts Kotter, 1996, p. We live in a just-enough, just-in-time information environment where the competition for our eyes and minds is intense.


Our Iceberg Is Melting

our iceberg is melting summary

Additionally, their efforts become incompatible which makes the change process to be time consuming. Our Iceberg Is Melting Summary Step 3: Develop a Vision Now that Louis has assembled the right penguins and turned them into a real team, they need to figure out what to do about the danger that the melting iceberg poses. To achieve this, different communication strategies should be put into consideration. They learned that the gull was a scout for a nomadic flock—the seagulls lived by constantly moving from one place to another, and this particular bird helped find places for the flock to go. How would you handle it? I enjoy reading anything that may seem like there is not much depth to, but when you sit back and think about how it relates to your actual life, is really quite remarkable. The end of the story describes a once permanent colony living on one iceberg now living nomadically.


[PDF] Our Iceberg Is Melting Summary

our iceberg is melting summary

What it takes to be an authentic leader by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones are similar in a number of ways. In the process, she also made her students feel empowered. Make it Happen 4. Learn More Communicating the vision Organizations should ensure that there is a clear understanding of the formulated vision and strategies amongst all the parties. As for the story itself, we begin with Fred, a young but intelligent and curious penguin who finds evidence that the iceberg is melting and seeks to help the penguin colony avoid disaster. Yes, the premise is cute and readable, and contains John Kotter's excellent business sense of operational strength and leadership.


Summary: Our Iceberg Is Melting by John Kotter

our iceberg is melting summary

What if you were the only one who realized this? Their delightfully told journey illuminates in an unforgettable way how to manage the necessary change that surrounds us all. Some of these awards include Johnson, Smith and Knisely Award for New Perspectives in Business Leadership and the Exxon Award Kotter, 1996, p. Recommended for all, not just for the people who lead the change since everyone has an important role to play in building and successful implementation of any change. John Kotter in tandem with Holger Rathgeber takes his readers on an extraordinary journey involving a colony of threatened penguins. It's not that I think the corporate wannabe overlords are benign. But again, this book has an agenda to push positive attitudes towards change and to delegitimize those who tend to be resistant or hostile to change. The average life cycle of an iceberg is 3 to 6 years.


Book Review: Our Iceberg Is Melting

our iceberg is melting summary

The team clarified the future vision and established a strategy to make it reality; they too would become a nomadic colony. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 26: 219-239. For a long period, Kotter has been considered to be a guru with regard to leadership and change. CREATE A SENSE OF URGENCY Help others see the need for change through a bold, aspirational opportunity statement that communicates the importance of acting immediately. His books are aimed at illustrating how organizations can implement change. This has made the book to be relatively complex in understanding the concepts that should be integrated in order to become a good leader.


Our Iceberg Is Melting Book Summary by John P. Kotter and Holger Rathgeber

our iceberg is melting summary

. John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber will teach you, through the penguin fable, the necessary steps in making major changes to your company or your personal life. What would you do if you found out the community you live in and had been lived in by your ancestors for years was suddenly going to be non-existant? One of the ways through which this can be achieved is by considering members who have good qualities such as good reputation, expertise, good relationship with other members and good leadership qualities. The short term wins established should be easily identified by the all parties within the organization. Could you convince others of the need to change? The penguins changed a whole colony.


The Penguin Lesson

our iceberg is melting summary

In order to enhance participation of all employees, Kotter advocates for organizational management teams to incorporate reward systems. . Iceberg will do well for the same reason that Leading Change continues to sell well after 11 years: Change is hard work and few get change leadership exactly right no matter what they read. One of the blurbs on Amazon tells us that some upper manager type in the Department of Defence snapped up 400 copies. Shortform note: Be Inspirational. Another problem may arise from poorly implemented performance-appraisal systems. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.


Book Review: Our Iceberg is Melting

our iceberg is melting summary

Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of the new cheese! Want to learn the rest of Our Iceberg Is Melting in 21 minutes? The Professor wondered why nobody had thought of that as soon as they realized that the iceberg was in danger. The book helps businesses and communities move from old to new territories to cope with their own environment. It's not about global warming! This particular fable takes up only two cds, and a great deal of the second cd consists of the two authors answering questions and talking about the way that the fable has been put into practice at various unnamed companies. Los pingüinos cambiaron la colonia. What if you were a penguin and you found out that your iceberg was melting? Decision to implement a strong guiding coalition is also motivated by the fact that no individual have all the qualities necessary to implement change effectively. He easily describes a scenario through a penguin colony that any person can relate to and think about in a more in-depth manner.
