Pain assessment nursing essay. Pain Assessment and Reassessment Essay 2023-01-03

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Pain is a complex and subjective experience that can be difficult to assess and manage in the healthcare setting. As a nurse, it is important to accurately assess and evaluate a patient's pain in order to provide effective pain management and improve the patient's quality of life.

There are several approaches to pain assessment in nursing, including subjective and objective methods. Subjective methods rely on the patient's self-report of their pain, while objective methods involve the use of tools and measures to assess pain.

One commonly used subjective method for pain assessment is the numerical rating scale (NRS), which asks the patient to rate their pain on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 representing no pain and 10 representing the worst possible pain. The NRS is a simple and straightforward tool that can be easily administered and understood by patients of all ages and language backgrounds.

Another subjective method is the verbal rating scale (VRS), which asks the patient to describe their pain using words such as "mild," "moderate," or "severe." The VRS allows the patient to express their pain in their own words and can provide more detailed information about the pain experience.

Objective methods for pain assessment include the use of physiological measures such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate, as well as behavioral observations of the patient's facial expressions, body language, and movements.

In addition to these methods, it is also important for the nurse to consider the patient's cultural and personal beliefs and values when assessing pain. Different cultures may have different ways of expressing and coping with pain, and it is important for the nurse to be sensitive to these differences and adapt their assessment and management strategies accordingly.

Effective pain management involves a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, and the choice of treatment depends on the type and severity of the pain, as well as the patient's preferences and past experiences with pain management. Non-pharmacological interventions for pain management may include relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, visualization, and massage, among others.

As a nurse, it is important to continuously reassess the patient's pain to ensure that the chosen interventions are effective and to make any necessary adjustments to the pain management plan. It is also important to communicate with the patient and involve them in the decision-making process to ensure that their pain management goals are met and that they are comfortable and satisfied with their care.

In conclusion, pain assessment and management is a crucial aspect of nursing care and requires the use of both subjective and objective methods to accurately assess and evaluate the patient's pain. By working closely with the patient and considering their cultural and personal beliefs, nurses can provide effective pain management and improve the patient's quality of life.

Specific Health Assessment Pain Assessment

pain assessment nursing essay

Each behaviour is rated on a scale from 1 to 4 for a possible total score from 3 to 12. Where the patients need to make further clarifications, the nurses or other healthcare providers should be capable of interacting with them more in order to understand where there is a need for greater care. Some of the pain assessment tools include the visual analog scale and the numeric rating scale NRS. Nurses are also taught to never assume that the patient is not actually in pain, because each person's pain tolerance is different from another's. Acute pain is pronounced and has a short duration.



pain assessment nursing essay

Canadian Journal of Research; 34: 2, 65-80. These training and support will enhance the effectiveness of implementing cancer pain assessments and treatments to patients thereby increasing service quality and controls the output of front line workers. If necessary, I will give patient oxygen or pain killer to relieve pain. Considering how LOTTAARP is used as a pain assessment tool, it is synonymous with the verbal rating scale described by Haefeli and Elfering 2006 and has various advantages, as well as disadvantages. It seems that failure in this respect can lead to decreased quality of pain management in patients unable to communicate. Neither do they explain why two people with the same injury may experience different levels of pain.


Assessment of Pain

pain assessment nursing essay

Wilkinson 2007 identifies assessment as the first phase of the nursing process in which a nurse uses their knowledge and skills to express human caring. Pain cannot be entirely understood within the context of any one field of scientific inquiry. All sources of information are also accordingly referenced. The pain management policy will expect staff to consider pain imperative as a fifth vital sign. Group therapy for cancer patients: A research-based handbook of psychosocial care. A recent study evaluating the reliability and use of the BPS consistently identified increases in pain scores after repositioning patients in the ICU.


Sample Nursing Essays on Pain Assessment Procedures

pain assessment nursing essay

Urden et al 2010 states, pain can be acute or chronic, sensations are different in relation to its origin. Specific subcategories of each category were also determined based on unique and integrated properties. This can be for future reference, as well as for sharing by different healthcare practitioners. Share this: Facebook Facebook logo Twitter Twitter logo Reddit Reddit logo LinkedIn LinkedIn logo WhatsApp WhatsApp logo Specific health assessment refers to an assessment of a specific problem and it may be the initial assessment or an ongoing assessment Bayoumi. This approach works when the patient at hand is unable to express themselves clearly, for example, children, the elderly, and verbally disabled patients.


This reflective essay is centred on pain assessment

pain assessment nursing essay

Chapman 2012 also found that pain can lead to lifestyle changes, such as alterations in work practice, an inability to perform many activities independently, and reduced psychological and social functioning. How long does the pain last? Persistent or chronic pain lasts beyond the normal period of healing or has an unidentifiable cause. In settings with a plan and goals that are focused on the exploration of the deep root causes of the trauma, the counseling and treatment sessions become effective and effortless. I feel that I have gained knowledge and insight into an important patient assessment, from an initial lack of sufficient knowledge I am now able to bring evidence based practice in the clinical area which will benefit the patient and my colleagues. This additional information assists the nurse to customize interventions for effective treatment with reduced potential for overmedication with associated side effects. Palliative care presents numerous challenges to the nursing fraternity given the complexity posed by the different types of medical complications.


Pain Assessment Tool Essay

pain assessment nursing essay

Traumatic Stress: the effect of overwhelming experience on mind, body and soul. Pain experiences of traumatically injured patients in a critical care setting. In setting the inclusion criterion, secondary data research was used extensively and publications researched in English focussing on the cancer pain assessment and how the nurse can improve pain assessment for cancer patients. Loud moaning or groaning. Engaging the patient through comfort-function levels.


11.3 Pain Assessment Methods

pain assessment nursing essay

As described in Roper Tinney L 1989 assessment tools achieving patient centred nursing is important. Half of them received the musical intervention during the immunization, while the other half did not. Unfortunately due to hypoventilation and non-compliance to mechanical ventilation, Mr Smith had to be remained on high levels of ventilation and increased levels of sedatives for the next few hours emphasising evidence by Pooler-Lunse and Price 1992 , the physiological complications associated with pain including Pulmonary complications and increased cardiac workload as well as depression and anxiety and increased days of hospital stay Desbians et al 1996. European Spine Journal, 15 1 , S17 — S24. This inhibition of the pain impulse is the fourth phase of the nociceptive process known as modulation. For meaningfulness, implementing PAIND improved quality of life of demented patient.


Pain assessment.

pain assessment nursing essay

RoyalCollegeof Physicians, British Geriatrics Society, British Pain Society 2007 The Assessment of Pain in Older People; National Guidelines. Concise guidance on good practice series, No 8. By understanding the physiology, pain assessment tools and the complications of poorly managed pain, I will have the knowledge and skills to manage these patients. Moreover, the researcher has maintained independence from subjects. Pooler-Lunse and Price 1992 emphasises that the Para sympathetic stimulation can result in less observable signs with prolonged pain, but pain intensity remains unchanged. This could be an indication of deeper pathological processes, and therefore, the healthcare provider has to determine the actual cause of those changes.


Cancer Pain Assessment And Management Nursing Essay

pain assessment nursing essay

Our nursing and healthcare experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have, from simple essay plans, through to full nursing dissertations. The BPS can be used quickly 2 to 5 minutes , most clinicians were satisfied with its ease of use Payen et al 2001. Cohen LL, et al. Pain is described as exactly what the patient says it is and also in terms of what it does to the patient. Pain assessment in critical care: what have we learnt from research. The specificity theory hypothesises that pain is experienced when specific nerve endings are stimulated. Sun, Borneman and Piper 2008 explained the factors that influence the development of chronic pain in cancer survivors who have completed treatment as peripheral neuropathy due to chemotherapy, radiation-induced brachial plexopathy, chronic pelvic pain secondary to radiation and postsurgical pain.


Essay On Pain Assessment

pain assessment nursing essay

P and heart rate H. The main reasons that demand pain reassessment after an intervention cannot be underrated. It is found that the patient has moderate pain during urination, urinate 3 times per hour, yellow colour urine, small amount of urine each time, presence of foul smell and pain is felt at the back. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 33 1 , 16-19. Use of pain assessment tools is highly recommended by Kaiser 1992 , identifies that an effective pain assessment tool as part of the documentation improves communication between patients and nurses as well as nurses and medical staff. Despite the fact that pain management is an important patient right and a health-care priority, patient pain is seldom mentioned during the visit time. Furthermore the title shows that the studies were of a qualitative and quantitative research as identified by Creswell 2003 an approach which focuses on the way people interpret their life experience in order to give meaning using words.
