Paraphrasing rules. Avoiding Plagiarism 2022-12-31

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Paraphrasing is the act of rephrasing or restating someone else's words or ideas in your own words. It is a valuable skill to have because it allows you to better understand and explain complex ideas, and it also helps to avoid plagiarism. However, it is important to follow certain rules when paraphrasing in order to give credit to the original source and to avoid misrepresenting the original idea. Here are some general rules to follow when paraphrasing:

  1. Understand the original idea or concept thoroughly: Before you start paraphrasing, make sure you understand the main points and ideas of the original text. If you don't fully understand the concept, you may end up misrepresenting it.

  2. Use your own words: Paraphrasing involves expressing the same ideas in your own words, not just changing a few words around. This means you should avoid using the same phrases or sentence structure as the original text.

  3. Cite the original source: It is important to give credit to the original source whenever you paraphrase. This can be done by using in-text citations or by including a reference in your bibliography.

  4. Check for accuracy: Make sure that your paraphrase accurately represents the original idea. If you are unsure about whether your paraphrase is accurate, you can try comparing it to the original text to see if the ideas match up.

  5. Don't copy too closely: While it is important to accurately represent the original idea, you should also avoid copying large portions of the text verbatim. This can lead to plagiarism, even if you are citing the original source.

By following these rules, you can effectively paraphrase someone else's ideas while still giving credit to the original source and avoiding plagiarism. Paraphrasing is a valuable skill that can help you better understand and explain complex ideas, and it is an important part of academic and professional writing.

How to Paraphrase

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Their Gulf home is also heating up due to global warming, which scientists think further puts pressure on the creatures, predicated upon the harmful effects extra warmth has on other large mollusks Barnett, 2022. Rephrasing requires students and content writers to read the book or writing first thoroughly to understand the meaning behind it. Citing your paraphrases ensures academic integrity. Quoting uses the exact words and punctuation from your source, whereas paraphrasing involves synthesizing material from the source and putting things in your own words. Information and Ideas Even if you use your own words, if you obtained the information or ideas you are presenting from a source, you must document the source. Use in-text citations: The last step is to cite the sources in your manuscript that you used to develop the idea in the references section.


Avoiding Plagiarism

paraphrasing rules

Source: Venkat Narayan, K. Example: Source:- Callanan, G. Be sure to do your research first, take notes, and then start writing the piece. This is because simplification is a key part of real academic paraphrasing. Break down complex ideas into easy-to-understand material. It is useful to paraphrase when your reader needs to understand or be exposed to the argument of another author in order to understand your argument. Love, Medicine and Miracles p.


A Fun English Paraphrasing Game

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The writer has kept the meaning of the original passage without copying words or structure. Keep in mind that you need to reflect the author's intent accurately when using this strategy. Rephrase: Rephrase or paraphrase the passage without looking at the original passage, using your own words and terms until you understand the whole passage and get its main points. It's easy to see how the two are similar, given that the steps to paraphrasing and summarizing both include putting ideas into your own words. So, be sure your paraphrase text covers the central theme, all essential points, and the primary meaning of the original passage. They also help your readers to track down your sources easily.


3 Guidelines For Paraphrasing Content In Academic Papers

paraphrasing rules

Love, Medicine and Miracles p. They are the most experienced of all the staff nurses. Possible Paraphrase: Unlike summarizing, paraphrasing involves isolating smaller sections of a work, so summarizing and paraphrasing are not synonymous. To paraphrase properly, you need to explain a text in your own words without using a direct quote. Play therapists can experience many symptoms of impaired wellness, including emotional exhaustion or reduced ability to empathize with others Elwood et al.


Optimize Academic Writing by Paraphrasing

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Once the paraphrased sentence structure is sufficiently different from the original sentence structure, you can replace the wording of the original text with words you understand and are comfortable with. Sometimes you can't express the same thought any other way because the precise meaning is lost when the phrasing is changed. Global noncomunicable diseases — where worlds meet. If you find the perfect quote from a reliable source that fits your main topic, supports your argument, and lends authority to your paper but is too long 40+ words or complex, it should be paraphrased. This step will give you a sort of mini-outline before you proceed with rephrasing the material. New York: Harper and Row.



paraphrasing rules

New England Journal of Medicine; 362, 12, 1061-1063. Changed Sentence Structure When there is an overabundance of rainfall, two situations can occur: sewers can overflow and water can become polluted by the presence of livestock, both of which can lead to outbreaks of waterborne diseases Shuman, 2010. Paraphrasing isn't meant to hide the fact that you are copying someone else's idea using clever word-swapping techniques. Here is an overly close Using sections of a source, citing it, but only making surface-level changes to the language such as changing a few words, the verb tense, the voice, or word order fails as a paraphrase. If you're not sure Plus, having a physical copy of paraphrased information makes it harder for you to accidentally plagiarize by copying and pasting text from an original source and forgetting to paraphrase or quote it properly. To paraphrase something fluently, first, you need to read the original text thoroughly several times to properly understand the main idea of it.


Quoting and Paraphrasing

paraphrasing rules

Students use such tools to ensure their academic papers do not appear as duplicates of others but along with this students should also use other Online Paraphrasing tool: why do they use it? Indeed, in technical writing direct quotation is rarely used. Generally speaking, you must include an in-text citation at the end of a paraphrased sentence. The staff nurses, in contrast, are assigned to patients and provide all their nursing care. If you are unsure if something you've written constitutes plagiarism or you would like more tips on how to avoid plagiarism, feel free to visit us in the Writing Center. The roles of the experts include employing unit nurses and overseeing the care of special patients nurse manager , teaching and otherwise integrating new personnel into the unit clinical nurse specialist and nurse clinician , and policy-making nurse clinician.


How to paraphrase (including examples)

paraphrasing rules

If you were to quote the same information, you would miss out on the benefit of analyzing the source material. Staff nurses are assigned to patients to provide all their nursing care. The nurse manager hires and fires nurses. First, you read the passage very carefully before you try to rephrase it. The best paraphrases are your interpretations or explanations of the ideas of another person. Possible Paraphrase: Paraphrasing and quoting allow writers to enhance their ideas with outside support, and while both methods are valuable, paraphrasing is sometimes preferred. Some styles require a citation after the first paraphrased sentence, while others require a citation after the last.


How to Paraphrase: Dos, Don'ts, and Strategies for Success

paraphrasing rules

The notes and bibliography system includes footnotes or endnotes, whereas the author-date system includes in-text citations. Notice how a transitional phrase also serves to connect the quotation smoothly to the introductory statement. Simply thinking about a secret can make us feel inauthentic. The subject is who or what is performing an action i. Most pieces of writing you do at university will expect you to refer to other sources as evidence to support and justify the point that you make.
