Period 5 ap world history vocab. AP World History Period 5 vocab Flashcards 2022-12-27

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Period 5 of AP World History, which spans from 1750 to 1900, is a crucial time period that saw significant changes and developments in the global political, economic, and cultural spheres. As such, there are many important terms and concepts that students should be familiar with in order to understand this period of history. Here are just a few examples of key vocabulary terms from Period 5:

  1. Industrial Revolution: This term refers to the rapid development of industrialization that occurred in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Industrial Revolution was characterized by the use of machines and new technologies to mass-produce goods, leading to a dramatic increase in productivity and a shift from an agrarian to an industrial society.

  2. Imperialism: Imperialism is the policy or practice of extending a nation's territory or influence through colonization, acquisition of territory, or other means. During Period 5, European powers such as Britain, France, and Germany engaged in imperialism, seeking to extend their influence and control over other parts of the world. This often involved the colonization of territories and the exploitation of their resources and labor.

  3. Nationalism: Nationalism is a political and social ideology that emphasizes the importance of a shared national identity and promotes the interests of a particular nation. In Period 5, nationalism played a significant role in shaping political movements and conflicts. For example, the idea of nationalism was used to justify imperialism, as European powers claimed that they were bringing civilization and progress to "backward" or "uncivilized" societies.

  4. Capitalism: Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit. During Period 5, capitalism played a major role in shaping global economic patterns, as industrialization led to the growth of capitalist systems in Europe and North America.

  5. Socialism: Socialism is an economic and political system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the state or the community as a whole, rather than by individual owners. Socialism emerged as a response to capitalism, and during Period 5, socialist ideas and movements gained prominence as a result of the social and economic changes brought about by industrialization.

In summary, Period 5 of AP World History is marked by significant changes and developments in the global political, economic, and cultural spheres. Understanding the key vocabulary terms of this period, such as industrialization, imperialism, nationalism, capitalism, and socialism, is essential for understanding the events and movements that shaped the world during this time.

AP World History Period 5 vocab Flashcards

period 5 ap world history vocab

Popular enthusiasm for U. The following guide will be updated periodically with hyperlinks to excellent resources. Where did they spread to? Tensions between Japan and Russia over territorial ambitions resulted in this war where Japanese forces destroyed Russian powers. A city that governs itself and surrounding areas. Dinosaur fossils 46 10313150633 Revolution A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Periodic table 42 10313149094 Polytheism The belief in or worship of more than one god.


AP World History 1750

period 5 ap world history vocab

Brazil, Cuba, and the Guyanas 42 4671287246 Name two anticolonial movements that occurred in Asia between 1750 and 1900? In 1793 he built a strong army to fight the French and gain freedom for Haiti. It was important because it brought productivity gains which allowed the car prices to plummet and increase the availability of a car to people. Important because he made a constitution that gave equality and citizenship to all residents and was vital to the independence of Haiti from France. Tanzimat Movement and the Self-Strengthening Movement 45 4671287249 What new political ideologies were inspired by the rebellions of 1750-1900? This was important because the domination of European imperialists over subject peoples would be justified with the "survival of the fittest" mentality. This serfs had been supporting the nobility but had become an obstacle to their economic development.


Period 5

period 5 ap world history vocab

Spain and Portugal 25 4671287229 Which states established settler colonies between 1750 and 1900? A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific. Their aim as to restore the pre-revolutionary political and social order. Free-wage laborers were more desirable than forced labor in this new market-driven economy. It didn't help that Louis wasn't a very strong leader and because of this was happening the people started to revolt and it's important because the French Revolution then started. This was extremely important because these ideas would dominate European and INternational socialism throughout the 19th century.


Ap World History Unit 5 Vocab Flashcards

period 5 ap world history vocab

Integral part of Triangle Trade between the Americas, Africa, and Europe; legally camera to an end in late 1900s 36 2226974394 Social Darwinism Belief that supremacy can't be learned and caucasians born with it ; justification for European imperialist expansion. A Substantial numbers of international migrants continued to arrive in the United States from Europe and Asia, mainly from Ireland and Germany, often settling in ethnic communities where they could preserve elements of their languages and customs. Enlightenment ideals such as equality, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion became very influential in many parts of the world, yet in other parts, traditional organized religion maintained power and influence. Also it gave way tot he modern factory system used today. This was important because Chinese government had to pay them, allow foreign powers to station troops in Beijing and embassies along the sea. Latin American independence movements 41 4671287245 What areas witnessed significant slave resistance between 1750 and 1900? Occur regionally not locally.


AP US History Exam: Period 5 Notes (1844

period 5 ap world history vocab

Also called the South African War and was a brutal conflict that developed from the tensions between British authorities and Afrikaners. Kwakiutl 55 10313152757 Syncretism The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. Despite various efforts at compromise, the South 11 states in all seceded from the United States to form The Confederate States of America. Bolivar's Jamaica Letter 36 4671287240 What major social and political shifts did Enlightenment thinking inspire between 1750 and 1900? While living on the trail, some women began to run prayer meetings and schools to maintain some vestiges of home. Arrange and set down in writing. However, he gave his Inaugural Address on a cold, rainy day and neglected to wear a warm coat. Steppes 58 10313160881 Urban In, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.


AP World History: Modern

period 5 ap world history vocab

Qing China and Ottoman Empires 17 4671287221 What are some examples of state-sponsored visions of industrialization? Terms : 2225562055 Abolition End to Slavery; US abolished slavery after the civil war in 1865 0 2225575915 Bureaucracy A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials; civil service exams were used civil service exams in British India 1 2225587683 Business Cycle Alternating periods of economic expansion and economic recession; China's economy expanded while recieving silver but was hurt after they recieved Opium because they lost their advantage 2 2225605308 Capitulations agreements that exempted European visitors from Ottoman law and provided European powers with extraterritoriality—the right to exercise jurisdiction over their own citizens according to their laws; in 16 century the Ottomans didn't want to govern foreign merchants, 19 century agreements were humiliating intrusions on their sovereignty. The sepoys were joined by Indian princes and their followers whose ways of life and income had been disrupted by British trade, missionary work, and misguided social reforms. He was a creole elite who helped lead the movement for independence in South America. Journalist 49 10313151561 Sedentary Agriculture Practiced in one place by a settled farmer in which fields are not rotated. He was a republican who studied Enlightened ideas about popular sovereignty.


Concept Chart Period 5

period 5 ap world history vocab

Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. British in India and the Dutch in Indonesia 23 4671287227 Which states established new empires throughout Asia and the Pacific between 1750 and 1900? These new economic opportunities and Enlightenment ideals pushed women to fight for political rights as well. Because of British superiority in battle it was easy for them to beat the Chinese and take advantage of them. Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill 12 4671287216 What "financial instruments" came into extensive use between 1750 and 1900? Iran 41 10313149093 Periodization Process or study of categorizing the past into discrete, quantified named blocks of time in order to facilitate the study and analysis of history. Taiping Rebellion, The Ghost Dance, and the Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement 44 4671287248 What are some examples of imperial reforms that were implemented in response increasing rebellions between 1750 and 1900? It was important because it took a large toll on the white and black populations and by 1910 the British government would reconstitute the colonies it had there and set a path for the privileges of the white colonial society and domination of black Africans. How did this change women's roles in the home societies? A violent anti foreign uprising headed by milita unit that called themselves "The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists" They wanted to rid CHina of foreign influence and in Northern China went on a rampage and killed foreigners, Chinese Christians, and Chinese who had ties with foreigners. Women also began to take on new roles outside of homemaking and childcare, such as repairing wagon wheels and tending to livestock.


AP World

period 5 ap world history vocab

British and French in China with the Opium Wars, or British and U. British and French attempts to "open" the Chinese economy 10 4671287214 What led to the development of extensive mining centers between 1750 and 1900? What did they critique? Middle class and industrial working class 20 4671287224 What changes occurred in family life and gender roles between 1750 and 1900? Questioned established traditions in all areas of life; preceded revolutions and rebellions against government 34 4671287238 List some examples of "thinkers" intellectuals from the enlightenment era. Better working conditions, limited hours, and gain increased wages 15 4671287219 Why did some workers promote alternative visions of society? Provide some examples: "consumer markets"; Ex. Belief in one God. Reconstruction andthe Civil War ended slavery, altered relationships between the states and the federal government, and led to debates over new definitions of citizenship, particularly regarding the rights of African Americans, women, and other minorities.


AP World History: Common World History Vocabulary Flashcards

period 5 ap world history vocab

Need of raw materials and greater food supply; profits used to purchase finished goods. This democracy, however, proved to extend to a limited class of people. What did their political ideas focus on? Creating subjects based on similarity. British commercial agent were mad about Chinese action against opium and pushed their government into a military retaliation designed to reopen the opium trade. None 3 10313140262 CE Common Era. None 16 10313143655 Corroboration Evidence that confirms or supports a statement, theory, or finding. This was important because Japan won international recognition for its colonies in Korea and the Liaodong peninsula, they also got economically viable land from Russia and Japan became a major imperial power.


The Ultimate AP World Timeline

period 5 ap world history vocab

Use questions from 2002-2016 with caution. Japanese agricultural workers in the Pacific, Lebanese merchants in the Americas, and Italians in Argentina 53 4671287257 Why did migrant workers of the 19th century tend to be male? Work for free for passage way to America. This was a reform group in India that was a place for educated Indians to communicate their view on public affairs to colonial officials. Politics in the United State 22 10313144673 Epidemic A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Remember that the AP US History exam tests you on the depth of your knowledge, not just your ability to recall facts. While we have provided brief definitions here, you will need to know these terms in even more depth for the AP US History exam, including how terms connect to broader historical themes and understandings.
