Positioning in health and social care. Full article: Positioning the ageing subject: articulations of choice in Swedish and UK health and social care 2022-12-23

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Positioning is a crucial aspect of health and social care, as it refers to the physical arrangement of individuals and objects in a care setting. Proper positioning can help to prevent injuries, promote comfort and independence, and facilitate care delivery. In this essay, we will explore the importance of positioning in health and social care, the different types of positioning that may be used, and the factors to consider when positioning individuals.

One of the primary reasons for positioning in health and social care is to prevent injuries. For example, a person who is bedridden or confined to a wheelchair may be at risk of developing pressure ulcers if they are not properly positioned. These sores can be painful and can lead to further complications if left untreated. Proper positioning can help to alleviate pressure on vulnerable areas of the body, such as the heels, buttocks, and elbows, and can help to prevent the development of pressure ulcers.

In addition to injury prevention, positioning can also promote comfort and independence for individuals receiving care. For example, positioning a person in a chair or recliner at a comfortable angle can help them to feel more relaxed and at ease. This is especially important for people who may be experiencing discomfort or pain due to an illness or disability. By allowing individuals to maintain as much independence as possible, positioning can help to improve their quality of life and overall well-being.

There are several types of positioning that may be used in health and social care settings. These include supine positioning, which involves lying on the back; prone positioning, which involves lying on the stomach; lateral positioning, which involves lying on the side; and upright positioning, which involves sitting or standing. Each type of positioning has its own benefits and considerations, and it is important to choose the most appropriate position based on the needs of the individual.

When positioning individuals in health and social care settings, there are several factors to consider. These include the individual's comfort level, their physical abilities and limitations, and any medical conditions they may have. It is also important to consider the environment in which the individual is being positioned, including the availability of assistive devices and the presence of any hazards.

In conclusion, positioning is an important aspect of health and social care, as it can help to prevent injuries, promote comfort and independence, and facilitate care delivery. Proper positioning requires careful consideration of the individual's needs and abilities, as well as the environment in which they are being positioned. By understanding the importance of positioning and taking the necessary steps to ensure that individuals are positioned properly, healthcare providers can help to improve the overall care experience for those in their care.

Moving and positioning an individual in healthcare

positioning in health and social care

People from disadvantaged social backgrounds are more likely to become ill and to receive inadequate health care. Major injures are fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes, amputation, and dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine and the dangerous occurrences covers collapse, and overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment Health and Safety Executive, 1999; Health and Safety Executive, 2001. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education. These research workers besides province that this is the first survey to clearly show that prone placement can be accomplished safely. I would trust to include patients on conventional airing and high frequence hovering airing. Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular, but so has criticism of it by the medical establishment. Team-based care models that maximize the roles of social workers and community health workers CHWs can improve outcomes for older adults with complex needs.


Positioning Community Health and Social Workers to Address Older Adults’ Social Needs: Lessons from SCAN Health Plan

positioning in health and social care

Oxford: Oxford University Press. Introduction Swedish and British welfare systems have, together with representatives of so-called conservative systems, been used as symbols of opposing ways of organizing welfare services cf. After researching prone placement in critically sick, automatically ventilated paediatric patients, I wholeheartedly agree. Specifically in the Swedish policy texts, the incorporation of the notion of the boomer, who is supposedly demanding the opportunity of choice, symbolically lays the claim that policymakers are only being responsive to patient demands. Exclusion standards will be patients with respiratory hurt or failure of cardiac nature. And how do we at Katherine Harriet incorporate this into everything we do.


Prone Positioning On Critically Ill Health And Social Care Essay

positioning in health and social care

Curley and her co-workers believe that this survey provides a foundation for a hereafter randomized survey to look into early and repeated prone placement for this paediatric population. Parsons thus viewed the physician-patient relationship as hierarchical: the physician gives the orders or, more accurately, provides advice and instructions , and the patient follows them. When I have positioned patients prone in the past, most nurses look cross-eyed at me as though I have done something incorrect. Courage to make difficult decisions, or to do and say the right thing when the time requires it. Curley continued her research by executing a secondary analysis on this information collected in 2006. If a sick person fails to do so, she or he again loses the right to perform the sick role. Factors that can affect the risk are summarized as the height of the bed and hoist, the ability of the individual to assist, the environment, the amount of room to maneuver, and the skill and experience of the staff member Nolan, et.


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positioning in health and social care

Discussion paper number 63. For example, clients from cultural backgrounds like, Middle Eastern and some Asian cultures may not wish to be moved, touched, or seen unclothed by healthcare professionals of the opposite sex where some Asian cultures wish to be involved in care to the point that they may watch over the patient around the clock, taking shifts, and they might wish to do the turning. Always seeing them as a unique, individual person and never as a simple consumer or number in the system. Order custom essay Prone Positioning On Critically Ill Health And Social Care Essay with free plagiarism report Purpose, Aims, and Hypothesiss The intent of this research survey would be to bring forth informations to assist infirmaries develop a policy, process and protocol for prone placement in critically sick, paediatric patients. Martha Curley has taken this undertaking on for the paediatric population. If a person requires walking aid and the help of one or two members of staff to walk, this has to be recorded in the care plan Nazarko 2000. .


13.1 Sociological Perspectives on Health and Health Care

positioning in health and social care

This positioning is consistent with the norm of active, healthy, and successful ageing that has been dominant in recent decades. Legislation of moving and handling: The legislation is based on the idea that the prevention of accidents or injury depends on the understanding of the risk factors in a particular work situation. In other words, a risk assessment considers the probability of an incident occurring and the severity of the injury or damage that may occur. In health and social care organizations: review systems, policies and procedures used in communicating and maintain health and safety at work in accordanc. The focus on costs is obvious both in the Swedish and UK reports; economic conditions are persistently used as vantage points in the debate about care, whether this is explicitly stated or just implied.


Strategic Positioning for Healthcare Organizations

positioning in health and social care

Rapportserie i socialt arbete, nr 2. In what ways did this person come across as an authority figure possessing medical knowledge? The Conflict Approach The conflict approach emphasizes inequality in the quality of health and of health-care delivery Weitz, 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Curley 's would be ideal. The dignity, and privacy of an individual must be respected all the times which help to maintain their self esteem and sense of well being. The first step is to look for hazards: Being a social career, we have to go round of the workplace and check for potential dangers which will minimize the risks towards residents as well as whole team members The second step is to decide who might be harmed and how: We have to decide who might be particularly at risk and how we can remove potential harm to residents as well as ourselves and service users We can summarize the third step that health care assistants must analyze whether there have been sufficient precautions put into place to counter the hazard.


Full article: Positioning the ageing subject: articulations of choice in Swedish and UK health and social care

positioning in health and social care

Further, much more explanatory weight is laid on the ageing patient in the Swedish policies; although present in the UK policy texts, the Swedish policies write more explicitly about the demands from the ageing cohort of baby boomers, thus partly placing responsibility for policy change on the future patients themselves. Training provided by the Nursing Home has to be taken by the care worker. On the other hand, the responsibility for implementing safety requirements tends to fall on personnel directly responsible for the co-ordination and supervision of work McGuire, et. Their roles are inseparable in order to minimize the risk and hazards. We must explain the procedure in each and every stage even though they are unable to understand We must explain about how the equipment operates. On the other hand, MHOR needs a risk assessment approach which takes into account whether it is rationally practicable to mechanize the process where the employers are compelled to provide equipment to keep away from the hazardous manual handling of loads.


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positioning in health and social care

Patients will be excluded if they weigh over 200 lbs, as the protocol will merely utilize three staff members to turn the patient, and this may be insecure in a patient of this size. This articulation denounces ways that care and health care have been organized historically Foucault Ideological fantasies as motive and driving force In both national contexts, articulations of choice are firmly invested in ideological fantasies that far exceed the context of health and social care. The Act on System of Choice in the Public Sector. Partly to increase their incomes, physicians have tried to control the practice of medicine and to define social problems as medical problems. If your strategic plan is going to be comprehensive, it will require alignment with all parts of your organization. . In other surveies, when a patient is placed in the prone place, it has been shown that there is an increased in terminal expiratory lung volume and improved ventilator-perfusion fiting taking to better oxygenation Gattinoni et al.
