Preamble of indian constitution. Constitution of India 2022-12-19

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The preamble of the Indian Constitution is a brief introduction to the fundamental principles and guiding values that shape the Constitution of India. It is a short, yet powerful statement that reflects the ideals and aspirations of the people of India, and sets the tone for the rest of the Constitution.

The preamble begins with the words "We, the people of India," emphasizing that the Constitution is a document created by and for the people of India. It then goes on to outline the six main objectives of the Constitution:

  1. To secure to all citizens justice, social, economic, and political.
  2. To ensure liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.
  3. To promote fraternity among all citizens.
  4. To maintain the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.
  5. To secure to all citizens equality of opportunity.
  6. To promote the welfare of the people.

These objectives are inspired by the ideals of democracy, liberty, equality, and justice, which are central to the Constitution. They reflect the desire of the people of India to create a just and fair society, where all citizens can live with dignity and equality, and where the rights and freedoms of all individuals are protected.

The preamble also states that the Constitution is "adopted" by the people of India, indicating that it is a document that has been freely and willingly accepted by the people as the supreme law of the land. This is an important statement, as it underscores the legitimacy of the Constitution and the authority it holds over all other laws and regulations in India.

In conclusion, the preamble of the Indian Constitution is a brief but powerful statement that reflects the values and aspirations of the people of India. It outlines the main objectives of the Constitution, and sets the tone for the rest of the document. It is an important and integral part of the Constitution, and serves as a reminder of the ideals and principles that guide the nation.

Heart and Soul of the Constitution: Preamble of Indian Constitution

preamble of indian constitution

Answer: The preamble of the Indian constitution represents the main key concepts adopted by the constitution. To not disturb the original numbering, new articles are inserted alphanumerically; Article 21A, pertaining to the right to education, was inserted by the 86th Amendment Act. The preamble to a constitution is significant because it establishes the tone for the entire document. Every citizen is equal before the law in the democratic form of government. This is different from other federal court systems, such as the United States, where state courts mainly apply state law and federal courts mainly apply federal law. It includes fraternity, liberty, and equality as the notion of a happy life and which can not be taken from each other. Every single word contained in the Constitution was chosen carefully and is of great importance.


Constitution of India

preamble of indian constitution

It has been suggested that the Preamble is not merely a preface to the Constitution, but also a declaration of self-evident fundamental truths. It is the people of India on whose authority the Constitution rests. Indian Constitution at Work. It follows socialism and is secular in terms of religion. The Preamble sets out the guidelines for the people and presents the principles of the Constitution.


Preamble Of Indian Constitution // Examarly

preamble of indian constitution

It was done by Prem Behari Narain Raizada. The Supreme Court in Union of India v. Retrieved 20 February 2015. According to the preamble, India is declared a sovereign nation and a democratic republic. Nor can liberty and equality be divorced from fraternity.


5. The Preamble

preamble of indian constitution

Just as with the advice of the Council, the President can refuse to sign and send it back to the Parliament, but the Parliament can in turn send it back to the President who must then sign it. The source of the Indian Constitution is the people of India. They are the authority of the Indian Constitution. It usually states or professes to state, the general object and meaning of the legislature in passing the measure. Municipal corporation Act, 1956.


Preamble to the Indian Constitution

preamble of indian constitution

The Preamble declares that fraternity has to assure two things—the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. India adopted Mixed Economy, where apart from the state, there will be private production too. Conclusion The Constitution has given importance to gender justice through the use of the Preamble. Retrieved 11 January 2022. All the laws made have to be strictly implemented.


What is the importance of preamble in the constitution?

preamble of indian constitution

Retrieved 17 October 2021. The State has enacted The Maternity Benefit Act MB Act , 1961, and The Employees State Insurance ESI Act, 1948, to benefit women in the workplace. Sovereignty means the independent authority of the State, not being subject to the control of any other State or external power. Related — The Preamble Of India — Objectives Resolution Objectives Resolution was drafted and moved in the Constituent Assembly by Jawaharlal Nehru. However, equality does not mean having the freedom to do anything as one likes. This representative form of government is suitable for governing the country because of its huge and diverse population. According to the Preamble, all citizens should have the same opportunities and status.



preamble of indian constitution

Archived from PDF on 9 October 2017. Even though the court recognizes the importance of the preamble, it believes it is not a component of the constitution. So, the legislature of our country has the powers to make laws in the country with restrictions keeping in mind imposed by the Constitution. The Vineeta Sharma v. The Supreme Court had held that the power of Parliament to diminish the area of a state as guaranteed in article 3 of the Constitution does not cover cession of the Indian territory to a foreign country. Date of its adoption The date of adoption of the Constitution is 26th November 1949. Rau the Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly who prepared a rough draft of the Constitution for the consideration of Drafting Committee.


Preamble to the Constitution of India

preamble of indian constitution

In the Maya Devi vs. Yet, a female child was not sent to school in the old days as investing time and money on her education was seen as a waste of time as she will leave the family once she gets married. Despite all the actions taken to establish gender justice and uplift the status of women in society, women are still treated inferior to men. Source of the Constitution We, the people of India. Madhava 26 September 2004. Prenatal sex determination is the cause of female feticide. Therefore it is not enforceable in a court of law.
