Preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone. Photochemical preparation of benzopinacol 2022-12-15

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Benzopinacol, also known as benzopinacolone, is an organic compound that can be prepared from the starting material benzophenone through a series of chemical reactions. The synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone involves several steps, including the formation of a Grignard reagent, the conversion of the Grignard reagent to a ketone, and the reduction of the ketone to the final product. In this essay, we will outline the preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone, including the necessary reagents, conditions, and mechanisms of each step.

The first step in the synthesis of benzopinacol is the formation of a Grignard reagent. Grignard reagents are a type of organometallic compound that are formed by the reaction of an alkyl or aryl halide with magnesium metal in an ether solvent. To prepare the Grignard reagent, benzophenone is dissolved in an ether solvent and cooled to a low temperature. Magnesium metal is then added to the solution, and the mixture is stirred until the magnesium has completely reacted with the benzophenone.

Once the Grignard reagent has been formed, it is converted to a ketone through the addition of a halogenated hydrocarbon, such as carbon tetrachloride or chloroform. The ketone is then reduced to the final product, benzopinacol, through the addition of a reducing agent, such as lithium aluminum hydride or sodium borohydride.

The mechanism of the Grignard reaction involves the formation of a complex between the magnesium and the halogen atom of the alkyl or aryl halide. The complex then undergoes a nucleophilic attack on the carbon atom of the halide, forming a carbon-magnesium bond and a halide ion. The resulting Grignard reagent is a nucleophile that can attack electrophilic carbon atoms, such as those found in aldehydes and ketones.

In the case of the synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone, the Grignard reagent attacks the electrophilic carbon atom of the benzophenone, forming a carbon-magnesium bond and a phenoxide ion. The phenoxide ion is then protonated by the halogenated hydrocarbon, forming a ketone. The ketone is then reduced to the final product, benzopinacol, through the addition of a reducing agent.

In conclusion, the synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone involves the formation of a Grignard reagent, the conversion of the Grignard reagent to a ketone, and the reduction of the ketone to the final product. This synthesis involves several steps and requires the use of various reagents and conditions, but it is a valuable method for the preparation of benzopinacol, which has a wide range of applications in organic chemistry.

2. Preparation of Benzopinacol via Photoreduction of ... Pages 1

preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

Using density and molecular weight, determine the number of millimoles of 2-propanol used. Next week, harvest the product crystals which form by pouring off the liquid organic waste container and scraping the crystals from the vial with aspatula. In order to achieve complete dissolution, gentle heating in a water bath is required. For example, we havepreviously discussed the use of ultraviolet light as a catalyst for theformation of radicals in the halogenation of alkanes. References 1 Durst, T.


Photochemical preparation of benzopinacol

preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

In this step the diradical becomes abenzhydrol radical, while the solvent molecule becomes a new radical. Determine the mass in milligrams of product expected. Thisparticular reaction is not catalyzed by light; rather, it is driven by light. Data AnalysisExamine the analytical data obtained for your crude and recrystallized sampleand compare them to those of an authentic sample of benzopinacol andbenzophenone to confirm its identity as benzopinacol and to determine its purity. Why are you asked to "take care not to wrapParafilm around the main body of the vial? Propose a reaction for the preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone which does not involve photochemistry.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

What would you expect to occur if the test tube were not stoppered? Place the test tube in the Luzchem photoreactor using all 10 lamps and irradiate until the amount of solid which has precipitated from solution does not change 2. Find a literature melting point for the product, benzopinacol Include reference to source. Wrap the cap with a small strip of Parafilm to avoid any leakage, taking carenot to wrap Parafilm around the main body of the vial. It is important that the solution not come into direct contact with the rubber as it may leach out some compounds which can quench benzophenone excited states. Procedure Place 2 g benzophenone into a 20 mL vial and add about 10 mL 2-propanol.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

Weigh the remaining amount of solid and then recrystallize by dissolving in a minimum amount of methylene chloride and adding petroleum ether until the solution becomes cloudy. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature, then cool in an ice-bath. Why are they not isolated? Tightlyfasten the cap and invert the vial several times to mix the liquid. In other words, we can think of photons of light as being a neededreactant in this process. Put a strip of lab tape on the top of the vial with your name, the date, andthe name of this laboratory. Reacquire analytical data for the recrystallized sample as described in Step 5. Collect the solid by suction filtration and wash with 1 mL of cold 2- propanol.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

Photochemical preparation of benzopinacol Photochemical Reactions Preparation of Benzopinacol Purpose Photochemistry is the study of the chemical interactions which occur whenmolecules interact with light. After the irradiation, cool the test tube in an ice-bath to precipitate more of the solid. Allow the solid to air dry. Prepare a solution of benzophenone 0. Organic chemists are interested inphotochemical preparations of molecules since light can act as a catalyst orreactant , causing interesting reactions to occur. After the crystals dry on an open watch glass, determine theirmass and melting point. After the diradical forms it immediately becomes a scavenger, its oxygen atomquickly finding a relatively easily removed hydrogen in the 2° position inthe plentiful solvent molecules.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

Take the melting point, infrared spectrum and 1H NMR spectrum of your sample, an authentic sample of benzopinacol, and that of the starting material, benzophenone. Weigh the solid and determine the percent yield for the reaction. Eventually one benzhydrol radical will collide with anotherleading to the formation of the final stable product. . Dissolve the solid with gentle warming in a warm water bath. Prelab Questions Use online or other sources to answer the following questions prior to laboratory. After the solidis dissolved, add 1 drop glacial 100% acetic acid, then fill the vial with2-propanol until it is a little more than half way into the screw neck of the vial.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

Place the vial in the windowsill in such as waythat it will be exposed to as much light as possible. Include the mechanism for the reaction. Why must the test tube be tightly stoppered during irradiation? In this laboratory, wewill use ultraviolet light from sunshine to promote a radical reaction. What photoproducts other than benzopinacol would you expect to form during the photolysis? Collect the solid and weigh it as described in Step 4. When thevial is inverted, if more than a small bubble of air is present, reopen thevial and add a little more 2-propanol. This newly formed radical is now highly reactive, enabling it to offer ahydrogen atom to the oxygen of another benzophenone diradical, thus resultingin the formation of a stable molecule, acetone, as well as another benzhydrol radical.


preparation of benzopinacol from benzophenone

The light is needed in this reaction to break the π bond between the carbonand oxygen in the carbonyl group of benzophenone forming a diradical. Of thebonds in the two reactants, this bond is weakest making it most susceptible to theenergy provided by the ultraviolet light. Using molecular weight, determine the number of millimoles of benzophenone used. . . .
