Punishment or rehabilitation essay. Punishment or Rehabilitation, that Is the Question Essay 2022-12-21

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A divisional organizational structure is a type of business structure that divides a company into smaller units or divisions, each of which is responsible for a specific product or service. This type of structure is common in large, complex organizations that operate in multiple markets or offer a diverse range of products and services. In this essay, we will explore several examples of divisional organizational structures and how they function in different types of companies.

One example of a divisional organizational structure is the product division structure, in which the company is divided into units based on the types of products or services it offers. For example, a consumer goods company might have separate divisions for personal care products, household products, and food and beverage products. Each division would be responsible for the development, production, and marketing of its respective product line.

Another example of a divisional organizational structure is the geographic division structure, in which the company is divided into units based on geographic regions. This type of structure is common in companies that operate in multiple countries or regions and need to tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs and preferences of local customers. For example, a global technology company might have separate divisions for the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa, each with its own sales, marketing, and support teams.

A third example of a divisional organizational structure is the customer division structure, in which the company is divided into units based on the types of customers it serves. This type of structure is common in companies that serve multiple customer segments, such as businesses, governments, and individual consumers. For example, a software company might have separate divisions for enterprise customers, government customers, and small and medium-sized businesses, each with its own sales, marketing, and support teams.

One advantage of a divisional organizational structure is that it allows companies to be more responsive to the needs and preferences of specific customer segments or geographic regions. It also allows companies to focus their resources on specific products or markets, which can lead to increased efficiency and competitiveness. However, a divisional organizational structure can also lead to duplication of efforts and conflicts of interest between divisions, which may require careful management to resolve.

In conclusion, divisional organizational structures are a common type of business structure that divide companies into smaller units based on products, geographic regions, or customer segments. This structure offers several benefits, including increased responsiveness to specific customer or market needs and the ability to focus resources on specific products or markets. However, it also has the potential to create conflicts of interest and duplication of efforts, which may require careful management to resolve.

Career aspirations are the goals and ambitions that a person has for their professional life. These can be long-term goals, such as becoming a CEO or starting their own business, or more immediate goals, such as getting a promotion or gaining new skills.

One of my career aspirations is to become a software engineer. I have always been fascinated by the power of technology to solve problems and improve people's lives. As a software engineer, I would have the opportunity to use my skills and creativity to build and maintain software systems that make a difference in the world.

To achieve this goal, I am currently pursuing a degree in computer science and working on developing my technical skills through internships and side projects. I am also actively networking and seeking out mentorship opportunities to learn from experienced professionals in the field.

In the long term, I hope to use my skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of innovative technologies that address pressing social and environmental issues. I believe that technology has the power to create positive change, and I want to use my career to make a positive impact on the world.

Overall, my career aspiration is to become a skilled and respected software engineer who uses my talents to make a positive difference in the world. I am confident that with hard work and dedication, I can achieve this goal and make a meaningful contribution to my field and society.

The Effectiveness Of Rehabilitation Vs Harsh Punishment: [Essay Example], 1304 words GradesFixer

punishment or rehabilitation essay

The purpose of criminal justice is to reduce the crimes in the society. However, this is only an average, and there are prisoners serving life sentences in Ireland who have spent in excess of 30 years in custody. Many rehabilitation are taken place in prisons, many prisoners experience hardship reintegrating back into society due to the attitudes of other individuals. While incarceration may be viewed by many people as a way of making the victims of a particular crime feel fulfilled in terms of receiving their due justice, it may not work well in terms of keeping them safe from further assortment. Criminal experts believe the need for prisoner rehabilitation programs so that cases of prisoners re-offending will be pointed.


Punishment VS Rehabilitation: Which Is Right

punishment or rehabilitation essay

It is also argued that punishing criminals just because they have acted inappropriately does not underlying issues that may have led to crime in the first place. Rehabilitation Abstract In this paper you will read about the steady debate between the punishment model and rehabilitation model. Prisoners serving very long sentences, including life sentences, are normally reviewed on a number of occasions over a number of years before any substantial concessions recommended by the Board. This rehabilitation can help a person get off drugs, get real job training, find a job, find a place to live, etc. There are different measures that could be taken. According to different opinion of modern penologists four types of punishment are being practiced by this time.


Punishment Vs Rehabilitation

punishment or rehabilitation essay

The placement is renewable after ninety days. Prisoners who engaged in vocational training while in prison were also 28 % more likely to find post-prison employment, this factor linked to lower recidivism rates among prisoners Rand Corporation, 2013. This view is contrast to the belief that prisoners can be reintegrated to fit with society. Corrupt individuals are therefore, corruption addicts and they use all means to escape punishments, hence feel less frightened by the threat of punishment after they commit a particular crime Zuckerman, 1991. Today, the Pennsylvania Correctional Industries teaches inmates to work in trades based on individual skill level with the goal of self-sufficiency versus work as punishment A historical overview of inmate labor in Pennsylvania, 2014. This treatment caused many victims to feel neglected and re-victimized by the court system. Tanisha Denson-Hodge University of Phoenix - Online Survey of Justice and Security CJA 500 Mark McCoy, Ed.


Punishment or Rehabilitation, that Is the Question Essay

punishment or rehabilitation essay

Therapy programs are an integral part of the rehabilitation process. They believe that punishment causes social isolation, stigmatism and economic and employment challenges. When a person receives parole, he or she is often bound by many conditions. The supporters of rehabilitation state that this is a permanent solution that helps to deter people from repeating crime. The effectiveness of deterrence as a crime-prevention measure is a matter of much debate.


Punishment or Rehabilitation?

punishment or rehabilitation essay

The main goal of rehabilitation is to make sure that the offender never returns to a life of crime. Rehabilitation of mentally ill prisoners is vital as it prepares such prisoners to be friendly to the society after they finish serving their jail terms and hence preventing future occurrences of criminal acts associated with mental illness. Like many states, Pennsylvania experienced a waxing and waning in regard to types of labor assigned to prisoners for the next two centuries. One key step to preparing convicts is job training. The first and most obvious way is prison life in general. Each goal proposes Can Punitive Measures Curtail Crime? Moreover, rehabilitation has another important value: it recognises the reality of social inequality.


Punishment Vs Rehabilitation Essay

punishment or rehabilitation essay

It is said that some offenders need help to be rehabilitated is to accept the idea that circumstances can constrain and lead to criminality. In recent Canadian history, we have a couple of such cases. Punishment and rehabilitation helps the inmate in different ways. In rehabilitating policy, the aim of those means was in making an individual think of his actions and changes his attitude to crimes. Treatments programs were still limited throughout the nation, but after World War 2 the programs increased greatly.


Punishment Vs Rehabilitation Essays : Punishment And...

punishment or rehabilitation essay

In this context, crime is seen as a misdeed of an individual that needs help from the criminal justice system to improve and be guided for this improvement Reid 64. Punishment is defined as a penalty that is imposed on an individual for doing something wrong. There are many different programs and services available to help offenders with this process. Punishing offenders does not provide them with the skills or resources they need to lead a law-abiding life. That line resting far before murder is even considered. Death or exile is the one and only way for the hardened criminal murderer as they as hardly impact of other punishment, so they should be eliminated from the society.


Punishment vs. Rehabilitation

punishment or rehabilitation essay

Psychopaths: New Trends in Research. Social Science Research Network. So the only rational purpose for a prison is to restrain those who are violent from inflicting harm on themselves or others, while we help them to change their behavior from that pattern to one that is nonviolent and even constructive, so that they can return to the community. In turn, the emphasis on punishment can lead to the increased governmental expenditures. If an inmate is forced to take a class and they are not ready or willing to be open to what they are going to learn, then the likelihood the treatment will be successful is greatly diminished.


Punishment and Rehabilitation

punishment or rehabilitation essay

Plato was the main enthusiast of the retributive theory. Rehabilitation, on the other hand is the act of restoring the destruction caused by a crime rather than simply punishing offenders. M and Walker, S. In this context, severe punishment and subsequent laws adoption have a certain preemptive function. While dealing with the crime. In closing, the history of punishment and rehabilitation continues to evolve as society and the nature of crime along with many relative variables become increasingly more complex.
