Quality circle in hrm. Quality Circles: Overview, Advantages, and Disadvantages — ISSSP for Lean Six Sigma 2022-12-29

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A quality circle is a small group of employees who voluntarily meet on a regular basis to identify, analyze, and solve work-related problems and to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of their work unit. The goal of a quality circle is to involve employees in the decision-making and problem-solving process, as well as to encourage continuous improvement and employee empowerment.

Quality circles were first developed in Japan in the 1950s as a way to improve quality and productivity in manufacturing organizations. Since then, they have been adopted by a wide variety of organizations around the world, including government agencies, healthcare facilities, and service organizations.

In human resource management (HRM), quality circles can be an effective tool for improving communication and collaboration among employees, as well as for promoting employee involvement and empowerment. Quality circles can also help HR managers identify and address problems or challenges within the organization, such as poor quality control, low morale, or high turnover.

To be effective, quality circles require the active participation and commitment of both management and employees. Management must provide support and resources for the quality circle program, as well as create an environment that encourages open communication and collaboration. Employees, on the other hand, must be willing to take an active role in identifying and addressing problems, as well as to share ideas and suggestions for improvement.

There are several key steps involved in implementing a quality circle program in HRM:

  1. Identify the purpose and goals of the quality circle program. These should be aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

  2. Select and train facilitators to lead the quality circles. These individuals should have strong communication and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to facilitate group discussions and decision-making.

  3. Select and train members for the quality circles. These should be a diverse group of employees who are representative of the work unit.

  4. Establish a schedule for quality circle meetings and determine how often they will meet.

  5. Facilitate the first quality circle meeting, during which the purpose and goals of the program are discussed, as well as any ground rules or guidelines for participation.

  6. Encourage open communication and collaboration during quality circle meetings. This can be achieved through activities such as brainstorming sessions, problem-solving exercises, and group discussions.

  7. Follow up on action items and ideas for improvement that are generated during quality circle meetings. This may involve implementing changes or solutions, as well as tracking and measuring the results.

In conclusion, quality circles can be a valuable tool for HR managers looking to improve communication, collaboration, and problem-solving within their organization. By involving employees in the decision-making and problem-solving process, organizations can tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of their workforce, resulting in improved quality, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.

Quality circle

quality circle in hrm

People enjoy the work in quality circles because their suggestions are accepted. Brainstorming Processes: Under these techniques a complete and free environment is created where employees can voice all their worthy and stupid ideas. It can lead to misunderstandings and confusion due to the mis-interpretation of the messages. There will occur more advantages when people work with the same group of people under the same chain of command than to create new positions or form new department. When a Quality circle is formed they need to follow certain process to solve the issue which ever they have taken as a priority.


History of Quality Circle: Father of Q. Control, Structure, Tools

quality circle in hrm

Team Spirit: A sense of team-spirit is inculcated among the group members working in the quality circles. Reduction of cost xiv. This event represents a most exciting form of participants, communication and recognition to all. Data analysis tries to establish the basic reasons for a particular problem or problems on hand. Quality circle is defined as a small group of people engaged in similar work who meet voluntarily on regular basis under the leadership of their supervisors to identity and discuss their work problems, analyse the causes thereof and recommend the solutions to superiors and to implement the solutions themselves.


Quality Circle: Meaning, History, Role, Concept, Objectives and Techniques

quality circle in hrm

However, if it involves others also, it may be assigned to a group. A healthy approach would be to have leaders and deputy leaders by rotation. This committee would meet regularly once in two months for smooth and effective functioning of quality circle activities. Methods used for solving the problems may be brainstorming. Quality circles involve people in solving problems and tap their brain-power effectively.


Objectives of Quality Circle

quality circle in hrm

This group carries on continuous activities for the improvement of quality within the workplace. Quality management considers the actions of stakeholders to be very important in the overall success of the operation. Costly items can be referred to quality circles and they can be asked to reduce the cost without reduction in quality. The circle as a whole should receive recognition for any achievements accomplished by it. Any successful program of quality circle calls for patience and perseverance and can be achieved only through the voluntary and whole-hearted participation of one and all in this people building process. Improving quality is a never-ending job. Thus more harmony is created within the company and this is the secret of the success of a company adopting quality circles.


HRM quality circles

quality circle in hrm

Everyone from top to bottom works towards a common goal i. People Building Philosophy — A quality circle is a homogeneous group. ADVERTISEMENTS: Quality circle is an aid to HRA. It is a voluntary, formal, and autonomous grouping that focuses on solving problems that affect its work unit. Quality Circle — Concept to Make Quality Circle Process Effective The concept of quality circles has emerged from quality control. This group carries on continuously activities for the improvement of quality within the workplace. People resist change fearing that they might have to treat people differently or listen to them more carefully.


Quality Circle

quality circle in hrm

But management has total control over the final decision of whether to implement of recommendation or not. Various suggestions put forward by members are analyzed subsequently and final decisions are made through consensus. Quality circles are quite popular in Japan. In fact, most of the problems with new concepts come because of misunderstanding of the concepts. Basically they are the base of this programme.


Quality Circles: Overview, Advantages, and Disadvantages — ISSSP for Lean Six Sigma

quality circle in hrm

A quality circle is a group of five to ten employees that meets regularly to solve problems affecting its work unit. The Japanese realized that the involvement of their employees at the gross roots level would give the necessary fillip to achieve better quality standards. But the workers, foremen and supervisors are best suited for the formal membership of quality circles. If the management found the solution as a acceptable one then they will allow the quality circle to proceed with the identified action. There is a misconception that quality circles and task force are one and the same. The committee also sanctions major programmes and financial support to give thrust to the promotion of the quality circles.



quality circle in hrm

By 1974, it reached the United States when Lockheed introduced Quality Circles. If management decides to institute QCs, further course of actions are taken. Acting as link between members and facilitators. Quality circles involve people in solving problems and tap their brain power effectively. In 1960, Kaoru Ishikawa and the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers introduced the Quality Circle concept. At times, the recommendation is taken up for consideration by the Steering Committee at which clarifications, if required, or obtained from the circle members before the decision is taken.


Quality Circle Process

quality circle in hrm

Deming and Joseph Juran in 1950. This is necessary because participation in QC is voluntary. Achievement of these objectives effectively requires the use of certain techniques. At the first meeting the circle members prepare a list of all problems which are related to their working area by using brain storming technique. Quality Circle — Advantages: To Members and Organization There are a number of advantages can be enjoyed by the members and the organization.


Quality Circle In Human Resource Development

quality circle in hrm

It is a small group of employees in the same work area or doing similar type of work who voluntarily meet regularly for about an hour every week to identify, analyse and resolve work- related problems not only to improve quality, productivity and the total performance of the organisation, but also to enrich the quality of work life of employees. It is, therefore, imperative that the organization knows what these needs and expectations are. Typi­cally, management is concerned about a loss of authority and control. The purpose of these studies were to help managers and organizations implement effective quality management. The quality circle members must be from the same work area so that the problems they identify will be familiar to all the members for effective participation. Meaning of Quality Circle 2.
