Reflective journal essay example. A Reflective Journal Essay [637 words] 2022-12-22

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A reflective journal is a personal record of one's thoughts and experiences. It is a space for self-exploration and reflection, and can be a helpful tool for anyone looking to better understand themselves and their place in the world.

One example of a reflective journal essay might be about a personal experience that had a significant impact on the writer. For instance, the writer might describe a time when they faced a difficult challenge or decision, and reflect on how they navigated the situation and what they learned from the experience.

In this reflective journal essay, the writer might start by describing the background and context of the experience, including any relevant details about the situation or people involved. They might then describe their thoughts and feelings at the time, and how they approached the challenge or decision.

Next, the writer might reflect on what they learned from the experience, including any insights or lessons that they took away. They might also consider how the experience has impacted their beliefs or perspectives, and how they might approach similar situations in the future.

Throughout the essay, the writer should use specific examples and details to illustrate their points and help the reader understand their perspective. They might also incorporate quotes or other outside sources to provide additional context or support for their ideas.

Overall, a reflective journal essay is a chance for the writer to thoughtfully and introspectively consider an important experience in their life. By reflecting on their thoughts, feelings, and actions, they can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

The Stranger is a novel written by Albert Camus in 1942. It tells the story of Meursault, a young man living in Algiers who becomes emotionally detached from the world around him after the death of his mother. The novel is often considered an example of absurdist literature, as it explores themes of absurdity, nihilism, and the human condition.

One example of the absurdity present in The Stranger is Meursault's lack of emotional response to the death of his mother. Despite being the protagonist of the novel, Meursault is unable to feel grief or sadness over his mother's death, and instead spends much of the time after her funeral casually chatting with his neighbors and even going to the beach. This detachment from his emotions is a clear example of the absurdity present in the novel, as it is not a typical or expected response to the loss of a loved one.

Another example of absurdity in The Stranger is Meursault's eventual murder of an Arab man on the beach. The murder is completely unprovoked and seems to happen almost by accident, with Meursault later stating that he killed the man because he was "too close" and the sun was in his eyes. The absurdity of this act is further highlighted by the fact that Meursault seems to have no remorse or guilt over the murder, and instead focuses on the practicalities of his impending trial.

In addition to absurdity, The Stranger also explores themes of nihilism and the human condition. Meursault's detachment from emotions and his lack of concern for the consequences of his actions can be seen as a form of nihilism, as he seems to lack any sense of purpose or meaning in life. This is further reflected in his statement that "nothing really mattered" and his belief that life is ultimately meaningless.

Overall, The Stranger is a powerful example of absurdist literature that explores themes of absurdity, nihilism, and the human condition. Through the character of Meursault, Camus presents a thought-provoking critique of modern society and the human experience.

How to write a reflective journal essay (Examples)

reflective journal essay example

What I understood about counselling is a service to help people with certain problem by making mutual relationship, addressing their issues in supportive environment so that a better understanding can be achieved. It is about measuring student learning; it is about diagnosing misunderstandings in order to help students to learn more effectively. Reflections provide an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of your experiences, and to make connections with other aspects of your life. I liked how you stated up front that unity of command and unity of direction mean different things and not should not be confused with each other. Essentially, the difference between one health care and another is the nature of leadership that exits.


Reflective Journal Essays Examples

reflective journal essay example

There are a constant supply of ethical issues that surround power and leadership, especially today in a world where I feel that intelligence breeds a notion of questioning the decisions of authority be that politically or socially. By including all four elements in your journaling practice, you can make the most of this powerful tool for self-reflection. And yes, time has proved them right. Academy of Management Executive, 2004, Vol. Scholars such as Harvey 2011 have noted that this is the best approach for elite interviews because it allows flexibility and hence, maximises response rates.


Example of Reflective Journal

reflective journal essay example

While it is arguable that models are useful in providing guidelines for change practitioners, I feel that they are not necessarily an accurate representation of how change is actually experienced in organisations. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 2008 Edition. I was confused because I could not identify these words. These include facial expression, postures, gestures and body language. Thus, the mode and the process of communication cannot be ignored.


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Having the journal close by helps you write even the smallest of details. During this time, I acquired a lot of knowledge on how to handle complex cases. After visiting the research site continuously over a period of time, they became more familiar with me and thus opened up to the idea of participating in my study. While it is arguable that models are useful in providing guidelines for change practitioners, I feel that they are not necessarily an accurate representation of how change is actually experienced in organisations. As Today operating a business has diverted more on to gaining knowledge where learning is quite imperative with the core element happens to be professional skills and working.


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It was a really exciting and nerve raking experience. I am proud to say that university has opened doors to lessons and experiences that worth to be learnt. Next, provide some background information on the topic. Through this information gained from the chapters, I have learnt that libraries did indeed play a key role in the development of the modern society and institutions. Over the two years I worked with there I was able to bring about a learning culture where people were trained in different sections which created interest among the employees and added more value to their professional skills too.


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reflective journal essay example

A reflective journal typically contains four key elements: entries, prompts, questions, and reflections. It is reflective because the writer reflects on what they have written. It is a personal record. They should be practical in nature with References: Angelo, T. Week One This week, we examined the definitions of key terms which are pertinent to the course. When Madam Linda took me to her house, I found the husband washing utensils and cleaning the house, and this was a false perception to me because according to my culture the gender roles are not the same as the one in Canada. I will finish by reflecting on the importance of this assignment and the implications for teaching in general.


Reflective Journal Example

reflective journal essay example

Comparatively and overall, the second sample group proved to be more cooperative and I quickly learned that I had wasted a significant amount of time focusing on political elites, when a lot of the responses I desired could have easily been sourced from policy documents and government reports. Having a better understanding of the cultural nuances would have helped me to manage my expectations better. I well understood the importance of values as a concept that distinguishes what proper and improper behaviour is, I am exposed to the reasons as t o why we need values in society. Since then it became a integral part of our operations. So I used the skill of jotting notes which learnt from the lessons when I was listening. Forming a team was the activity afterward, 30 students in class grouped into 6 teams and we are formed in accordance with the role quiz. Learning Cultural Shock has helped me in coping with a new culture specifically through substitution and synthesis.


Reflective Journal Essays

reflective journal essay example

Intercultural communication is the primary communication approach in different associations also. The student must also be from another country or speaking a language that is not English and have difficulty speaking, reading, writing or understanding English. It is mostly a daily entry. It is important that a person of power is perceived as making sound decisions. Groups need to be formed in a way that enables them to do the work that they will be asked to do. Some of the time there is the additional worry of listening eagerly to a hard accent for long. Do this as well when presenting your ideas.


Reflective Essay Examples

reflective journal essay example

Assessment involves teachers gathering, identifying, and interpreting information about the achievements of their students. It takes a confident person to conduct himself in such a way, and it predicates a high level of respect from an audience. Accepting the relativism of the right and the wrong, with the explicit intention of using philosophical reasoning, it provides a normative guidance for business policy. It is a piece of writing where people record their thoughts, experiences, and ideas. For a personal journal, Divide the journal into three columns. Use a Importance of a Reflective Essay In this era that we currently live in, personal reflection can be considered a thing of the past. It is very personal work.


A Reflective Journal Essay [637 words]

reflective journal essay example

Additionally, the class was attended by several students from various nations communicating their own remarkable culture. Some may say a diary or, as in this case, a reflective journal. Make that into a want for both personal and academic journals. Write the main content of your essay with at least three to five paragraphs supporting your main topic. The children demonstrated a deep understanding of the underlying concepts of the task; they were able to use their knowledge to solve the problem and were able to establish the relationship of there being more than one correct answer.
