Research paper about effects of broken family Rating: 5,4/10 1468 reviews

A broken family refers to a family unit that has experienced separation or divorce, resulting in a change in the structure of the family. This type of family dynamic can have significant effects on the individuals within the family, particularly children. Research has shown that children from broken families may experience a range of negative outcomes, including lower academic achievement, increased risk of mental health problems, and difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships.

One of the most commonly studied outcomes of being raised in a broken family is the impact on academic achievement. Children from broken families have been found to have lower grades, test scores, and educational attainment compared to children from intact families. These differences have been found to persist even after controlling for other factors such as socio-economic status and parental education. Some research suggests that this may be due to the increased stress and instability that children from broken families experience, which can negatively impact their ability to focus and learn.

In addition to the impact on academic achievement, children from broken families also face an increased risk of mental health problems. Studies have found that children from broken families are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues compared to children from intact families. This may be due to the loss of a parent, the conflict between parents, or the overall disruption and instability that often accompanies a family breakup.

The effects of a broken family can also extend into adulthood, with research showing that individuals who were raised in broken families may have more difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. This may be due to a lack of role models for healthy relationships, or to the emotional baggage that individuals may carry with them from their family of origin.

While the effects of a broken family can be significant, it is important to note that they are not universal. Many individuals who were raised in broken families go on to lead happy and fulfilling lives, and there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the negative effects. For example, ongoing support from extended family and community, as well as access to mental health resources, can be beneficial for individuals coping with the challenges of being raised in a broken family.

In conclusion, research has shown that being raised in a broken family can have negative impacts on academic achievement, mental health, and the ability to form and maintain relationships. While these effects are not universal, they highlight the importance of supporting individuals and families experiencing separation or divorce, in order to minimize the negative consequences for all involved.


research paper about effects of broken family

Catibag, 1 You may also. The rate of the family breakage was indicating 78. A broken family can cause children to question their self-worth, thereby leading to experiencing unnecessary grief, guilt, and confusion. They are unconsciously influenced by the anxiety and fear resulting from the divorce of their parents long ago. Parents should stay beside their child to guide them in or out of the house. They should also spend quality time with their child and give… Child Abuse Effect Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse are the three types of abuse that can occur to children. The issues have been played out in movies and for some people, in real life many times.


Broken Family Essay: Families Research Paper: Free Essay Example, 1425 words

research paper about effects of broken family

Throughout the ages the composition of a family has evolved and is continuously changing even today. A broken home in this context, is one that is not structurally intact, as a result of divorce, separation, death of one parent and illegitimacy. Some men who travel abroad, abandon their homes and would not communicate with families back home, so children from such homes are in a dilemma, especially in terms of adjustment. However, the leading cause of divorce in these modern times is lack of communication between man and wife. This lack of communication usually stems from failure to discuss expectations before marriage which would in turn lead to less willingness to work on their problems and so they look for a quick-fix solution which is divorce. Here are 7 tips that are major causes of broken homes.


the effect of broken family to the academic performance...

research paper about effects of broken family

S from the University of Tennessee and her J. In most cases, there are those parents that fight and act out negatively in front of their children. Many studies attributes similarities among family to family and not to selection processes. Rathouz for the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology indicates that children in homes with absent fathers are more likely to suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder, Child Conduct Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Today, children who do so are a minority.


(DOC) Effect of Broken Family to Students Performance

research paper about effects of broken family

Broken family is incomplete, since family is where students got their learning about the world before they engage themselves the real life scenarios and raised in a broken family will affect the outlook in life of the students. In order for a child to lead a healthy, functional life, a family needs to be strong and functional. Anne seems to have a remarkable insight into what affects the relationship between a man and a woman. Studies on father-child relationship suggest that the presence of a father in the home influences significantly the development of a child Agulanna 1999. Family and kinship are how we inherit values, spiritual, and emotional qualities. However, this may not be completely applicable in all instances of broken homes. It should also be standardize: Except for extenuating circumstances e.



research paper about effects of broken family

Family is considered as a unit but why do families experience conflict within the group? This is something that many students that witness being part of a broken family. The impact of parents helping their kids with their homework at home plays an important factor in the education of a child. Especially, in frightful circumstances, for example, losing your occupation, getting into a battle with your life accomplice, or notwithstanding something as basic as falling flat a test. Warning signs of potential relationship violence is when your spouse has many mood shifts as well as abusing you emotionally by such things as insults, putting you down, or acting perturbed when you take the initiative. A common misperception of dysfunctional families is the mistaken belief that the parents are on the verge of separation and divorce. If the love between the parents fade away, the child could be heavily affected after observing the relationship changing between their parents. The Counsellor, 17 1 , 154-161.


Effects of Broken Family

research paper about effects of broken family

Through the interaction of family the members derive their meaning of life and the society around them. Due to societal forces, mating practices and inheritance have taken the big hits and dealt blows to the American traditional family. Family can be defined as a group of people who have blood ties and who usually live under one roof forming a small community. Most of these children misbehave because of what they experience in their everyday lives. The respondents of this study were the fourth year students from the different section and classes of the school. This emotional suppression makes it difficult for parents, teachers and therapists to help the process her feelings in developmentally appropriate ways.


Research Paper of Broken Family

research paper about effects of broken family

Other aspects of parental environment such as the structure of the family have been grossly neglected. Again, the combined effect of home and school environmental factors emerged as the major contributor to poor academic performance. Rather, they gather and interpret information about their parents, dodge question, engineer images of themselves, party parents. This presented in the following sections : a Survey method b Respondents of the study c Research Instruments d Data Gathering Procedure Survey Method The survey method is utilized to have a wider understanding on the effects of broken family. In question 2 most of the respondents 73% changed their outlook in life. It gives information on how to deal with this unpredictable behavior of the Divorce In Children The separation of a mother and father can be very traumatizing for a child who has been raised by both parents; to one day only have majority access to one parent.


Broken Family Issues and Effects Research Paper Essay Example

research paper about effects of broken family

Life in a broken home is having a single parent, and the said family can be stressful for both the child and the parent. This is not necessarily the case, as one would see if he or she spoke with the child for a while. In this chapter, relevant literature will be reviewed base on the different themes and sub-themes such as: 2. Some of the reasons that she lists for divorce include unrealistic expectations, choosing partners that possess negative traits of our mother or father, lack of communication and unhealthy dependency on our significant other. Growing up I was very convinced that I was truly apart a dysfunctional family. Thomas More Academy, on this academic school year 2012 — 2013. Children sometimes grow up in such families with the understanding that such an arrangement is normal.


Broken Family Case Study

research paper about effects of broken family

In the view of Ajila and Olutola 2007 , the state of the home affects the individual since the parents are the first socializing122 V. In Nigeria, most homes are not intact as a result of issues of incompactibility of the couples, death of a parent and the quest for oversea trips to make more money, and at times marital infidelity. Furthermore, the author says adults from divorced families are much less likely to trust, and constantly feel unsure to engage in romantic relationships which can lead to problems of not getting married in the future. They are also the reason for the incumbent economic difficulties we face as a culture. In question 5 most of the respondents 20% are eing loner because they are affected by their family being broken.


Impact of Broken Family on Academic Performance of Grade 6 Students at San Bartolome Elementary School

research paper about effects of broken family

My mother explained and she gave me more insight on what it is to be a single mom and the head of household. This case study reveals the effects of having broken family to the child behavior and coping mechanisms outside the school. To some extent, there is simple evidence to show that marital instability brings about stress, tension, lack of motivation and frustration. A family is a group of loving individuals that join together and support each other regardless of the consequences. A good family therapy for addiction treatment program is a great way to address family problems created by addiction. Children often move into the other parent. Usually it is what is happening between the parents, that concerns most people.
