Review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf. (DOC) Literature review to study effects of performance appraisal 2023-01-02

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Performance appraisal is a process through which an organization evaluates the job performance of its employees. This process involves setting performance standards, evaluating employee performance against these standards, and providing feedback to employees on their performance. Performance appraisal is an important HR function as it helps organizations to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their employees and to take appropriate action to improve their performance.

A review of the literature on performance appraisal reveals that there are various approaches to this process. One of the most common approaches is the traditional performance appraisal system, which involves rating employees on a predetermined set of criteria. This approach has been criticized for its subjectivity and for its reliance on the personal biases of the evaluator.

Another approach to performance appraisal is the 360-degree feedback system, in which feedback is solicited from a variety of sources, including the employee's supervisors, peers, and subordinates. This approach is believed to be more objective and to provide a more comprehensive view of an employee's performance. However, it has also been criticized for the time and resources required to implement it.

A more recent approach to performance appraisal is the use of objective performance measures, such as key performance indicators (KPIs). These measures are typically tied to the organization's goals and objectives and are used to evaluate employee performance. This approach is believed to be more objective and to provide a more accurate representation of an employee's performance. However, it has also been criticized for its focus on short-term goals and for its potential to create a narrow focus on certain aspects of performance.

Overall, the literature suggests that there are pros and cons to each approach to performance appraisal. Organizations should carefully consider their goals and resources when selecting a performance appraisal system and should ensure that their chosen system is fair and objective. They should also regularly review and assess the effectiveness of their performance appraisal system to ensure that it is meeting the needs of both the organization and its employees.

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review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

Two sets of questionnaire were used, one for the appraisers and the other for the appraisees. Using the descriptive statistics, it was found out that library staff 76. The significance of communication processes implemented by appraiser implies that understanding cultural context is important when studying perceptual reactions such as APAP. Such actions are detrimental for good performers and performance culture. Performance appraisal is one 1 of most important and significant part of organisational growth and it is directly related with growth of an individual to giving best working conditions to them.


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The estuarine waters of mangrove dominated Indian Sundarbans receive a considerable load of carbon through outwelling of litter and detritus throughout the year from the adjacent intertidal mudflats. It can be possible by measuring the pay of employees by comparing with organizational plans and activities, evaluating performance of an individual and skills and capabilities that are obligatory for performing work in better way. It is a challenging industry as one has to work in pressure. The rationale was to ascertain the truth or otherwise of this assertion and to make appropriate recommendations where necessary since it is believed that there is some correlation between staff performance appraisal and productivity. What is performance appraisal? The authors in this study adopted the survey approach to gather data from library staff located in the University of Cape Coast Library. The majority of the library staff 70. Research Aim To identify role of performance appraisal in order to enhance business performance effectively.


(DOC) Literature review to study effects of performance appraisal

review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

This study focuses on challenges and opportunities for women journalists in media industry. The study found out that generally, staff performance appraisal was not done regularly and systematically as should be the case at the Assembly. Statement of research problem This research is based on role and importance of performance appraisal for enhancing productivity of an employee by giving their best satisfaction level. Historical data suggests that though numerous theories of leadership have been propounded, the one which has been ruling the minds of practitioners and academicians alike is the Transformational Leadership Theory. First is appraiser's manipulation of ratings to achieve their self-serving ends such as own reputation, maintaining good relationships, building in-groups, and handling dependency threats from appraisees. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz.


Literature review on performance appraisal

review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

Employees welfare means anything done for the comfort and intellectual, improvement or social, of the employees over and more than the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry. So major cause to conduct research on specific subject matter to reach at level of motivation of employees so that organisation can give them best services and facilities to attain competitive advantage. The implications of these results for practitioners are discussed. Importantly, these are appraiser-centric or appraiser-driven variables, thus implying appraiser's criticality in influencing perceptions. Drawing from the organizational justice theories, it is proposed that APAP can be mitigated by those appraisal-related structural e. Twenty four stations were selected in this World Heritage Site in the lower Gangetic delta region to evaluate the interrelationships between dissolved inorganic carbon DIC and pH of the aquatic phase with the aim to understand the pulse of acidification in the estuaries of this deltaic complex. While some researches indicate that Transformational Leadership style has a positive impact on entrepreneurial business performance, others believe that a combination of Transformational and Transactional Leadership styles should be used to gain maximum effectiveness.


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So performance appraisal is one of most significant aspect for Hotel Hilton to attain high ratio of competitiveness and potential members to remain always competitive in between their rivalries. It helps in giving satisfaction level to employees in giving their best efforts to achieve organizational goals and objectives in proper way. This study will assist in building progress towards organizational goals-individuals or structures seeking to understand how employee performance could be affected by how well motivated they are, might rely on findings of this study which arrived at a conclusion through a descriptive method that there is a significant relationship between motivation and employee performance. Key words: Performance appraisal system PAS , appraisers, appraisees, productivity. This was because while some members of staff were appraised in a particular year, others were not.


review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

Scholars, academicians and practitioners, all find this field of study very interesting and relevant for both study and practice. South Ural State University SUSU has implemented a performance appraisal policy to enhance employee productivity and has also applied several motivational technics to make employees have a sense of belonging. Specifically, higher appraiser—appraisee power distance in the Indian context may influence the perceived relevance and utility of processes such as voice e. What are the various tools and methods to evaluate performance of an individual? The ExtraMural schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry. ExtraMural benefits are the result the employer's generosity, enlightenment, and philanthropic feelings.


review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

According to the findings, only the members of staff, especially the senior staff, who were due for promotion interviews, were those who initiated appraisal for the purpose of the promotion interviews. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing. The Intra-Mural schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization in compliance with the laws governing employee health and safety. The study recommends that management of District Assemblies, Organisations, Decentralised Departments and Institutions should effectively administer and appraise employees regularly. It is a great chain of activities that helps to give motivation level by understanding abilities of an individual and it can be possible when supervisor evaluates and measure pay of their employees by comparing with their targets and plans in proper way. In a comprehensive performance evaluation process consist of various kinds of methods and tools that helps to evaluate performance of an individual in better way that are as follows: 3. The study targeted 250 employees at South Ural State University out of which a sample size of 150 respondents selected from all institutes and schools.


review of literature on performance appraisal system pdf

These hypotheses were tested in the Indian family-owned organizations. This research report is based on role and significance of performance appraisal on an individual and organisation to get desirable results in proper way. Study conclude that because of gender biasness, safety issues, odd working hours, more work in less time, high pressure and stress level, no job security, less maternity leaves as compare to government job, patriarchal mind set of family and society compel women journalists either to leave this profession or to switch over in other field. LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review also known as narrative review which is an type of review article. It is very much important for an organization to find out major importance of that particular research and their respective results. The data obtained from the questionnaire was analysed using percentages because it lends itself to easy interpretation and also because figures can easily be presented either graphically or in percentiles. Ways by which needs and wants can be identified in better way to give satisfaction level to consumers in better way.
