Romance at short notice was her specialty meaning. What does "Romance at short notice was her specialty" mean in "The Open Window"? 2022-12-11

Romance at short notice was her specialty meaning Rating: 4,2/10 1166 reviews

Romance at short notice was her specialty, a phrase that captures the essence of a woman who was able to spontaneously and effortlessly create intimate, loving, and affectionate moments with her partner. This phrase suggests that this woman had a natural talent for creating romantic experiences, and that she was able to do so even when given little advance notice.

The phrase "romance at short notice" implies that this woman was able to quickly and easily turn ordinary moments into romantic ones. She was able to think on her feet and come up with creative ways to show her partner how much she cared, even if she only had a few minutes to prepare. This suggests that she was a highly resourceful and adaptable person, able to make the most of any situation and turn it into something special.

The word "specialty" suggests that this woman had a particular skill or expertise in the area of romance. She was not just good at creating romantic moments, but she was truly exceptional at it. This implies that she had a deep understanding of what makes a moment romantic and was able to use this knowledge to create truly magical experiences for her partner.

Overall, the phrase "romance at short notice was her specialty" captures the essence of a woman who was able to spontaneously and effortlessly create intimate, loving, and affectionate moments with her partner. It suggests that she had a natural talent for romance and was able to turn ordinary moments into truly special ones with ease.

What does the narrator mean by, "Romance at short notice was her specialty"?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

The author of the story does not explain that "romance at short notice was her speciality" until after she spontaneously invents a truly wild story to explain why Framton Nuttel fled from the house when he saw the three men approaching with their dog. He did give me the basic general knowledge about the world. He is on a formal visit to Mrs. As we read the story 'The Open Window' we learn that Vera makes up a story about the Open Window, then right after he leaves she makes up a new story about how Mr. Vera is capable of blurring the lines between imagination and reality as she entertains guests of Mrs. The train leaves at 7 P.


"Romance at a short notice was her speciality." What does this statement mean and tell about Vera in the story "The Open Window"?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

According to the American College Dictionary, romance is. Nuttel the story of the lost hunters, the open window comes to symbolize Mrs. You have highlighted the last sentence of this incredibly amusing short story which contains Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. She tells her story in a single sentence: "He was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of pariah dogs, and had to spend the night in a newly dug grave with the creatures snarling and grinning and foaming just above him. If yes then the answer is: "Romance at short notice was her specialty" is Saki's way of saying that Vera was good at making up stories quickly. Her tall tales, such as what she told Framton Nuttel, are what she excels at. What kind of irony is involved when Mrs Sappleton does not know about the tall tale Vera told Mr Nuttel? When I fell down from Bicycle while learning , he comforted me and applied medical lotion and cotton on the wound.


What's the meaning of 'Romance at short notice was her specialty' in The Open Window?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

Weegy: The child is explaining Framton's behavior. But then again, she does so in her unique style. This girl is a very interesting and unusual character who must like to play what are now called "mind games" with people. She therefore makes a untruthful tale and tells that to Mr. User: What does the narrator mean by, "Romance at short notice was her specialty"? KEEP SMILING, KEEP SHINING!! I finish this work next week. A tale depicting heroic or marvelous achievements, colorful events or scenes, chivalrous devotion, unusual or supernatural experiences, or other matters that appeal to the imagination. Framton can also be considered a nervous fellow.


What does "Romance at short notice was her specialty" mean in "The Open Window"?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

Our next terminal test begins on Monday. The last line, 'Romance at short notice was her specialty' means that she had a quality of creating or making up a story in no time. Cite this page as follows: ""Romance at a short notice was her speciality. Framton is talking about his various illnesses. .


What does Romance at short notice was her specialty mean?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

I did well in that exam too. One might say that Vera is bright and imaginative, but one might also say that she is a confirmed liar. His sister used to be Mrs. . This question is from the story 'OPEN WINDOW' right? This shows Vera's talent of story making in very short time and in a meticulous way. The imagination subjective was elevated above classicism and So, the sentence above refers to Vera's gift for making up elaborate and imaginative stories on short notice. What is the irony in the story the open window? This is demonstrated yet again at the end of the tale when, nonchalantly, she creates another tale to explain Framton Nuttel's swift escape from the house to trick her family, telling the tale "calmly" with complete equanimity.


What is the meaning of romance at short notice was her specialty in the open window?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

Her penchant for imaginative story-telling immediately designates her a romantic who derives great pleasure from her skill. So, Vera—whose name is ironic since she rarely speaks with veracity, or truthfulness—has now fabricated another tale. This movement saw the relaxing of strict rules in poetry, prose, and art forms. So I did well in my academics and sports. What does it mean Romance at short notice? The reader learns early in the story that he seems to have fragile nerves for which he is seeking a calming environment. Nuttel knows nothing about Vera's aunt. She is the type of person who can make up a fantastic story on the spot.


What does the narrator mean by Romance at short notice was her specialty?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

In that particular story, "romance" refers to the genre of imaginative literature, not romance as in "love. He would tell me the good and bad , the difference. This tale is from the real instance of the "tired brown spaniel," using a "colorful" fictional event: Nuttel was hunted by a pack of dogs on the banks of the Ganges. Expert answered User: Who says the following and why? Poor Nuttel is driven insane but Vera simply goes on and makes up another story. Thus, although this story is set in a faraway land, it is anything but heroic given Nuttel's deeds and experiences.


What does the narrator mean by, "Romance at short notice was her specialty"?

romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

She tells her story in a single sentence: Is Vera capable of romance at short notice? It would seem that spinning such stories is something for which Vera has become renowned. Clearly this tale celebrates the power that a good storyteller can have over a susceptible audience, with Vera presented as the master storyteller. Framton is so spooked that he makes a run for it. We used to shop vegetables too. HOPE THIS MAKES UR DAY BETTER! When Framton arrives at the Sappleton residence, Vera is immediately able to establish that he's a very nervous individual, someone prone to a good scare or two. Things turn out as Vera had wished. With that in mind, the mischievous Vera proceeds to conjure up a highly elaborate ghost story involving her uncle and his brothers-in-law expressly designed to frighten the poor, hapless Framton.


romance at short notice was her specialty meaning

Nuttel goes to find peace and quiet for his nervous condition and finds the exact opposite. What is the ironic about the ending of the story The Open Window? That's why we're told that it's a specialty of hers. During the times we were together , he would tell me good incidents in his life. It is her poise that allows her to be believable even when she is making up totally false tales. Our team plays two matches in Agra.
