Sample apa format research paper with abstract. APA Abstract Steps & Examples 2023-01-02

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An APA format research paper is a style of writing developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) for use in the social sciences. It is widely accepted as a way of formatting research papers, particularly in the fields of psychology, sociology, and education. One of the key features of an APA format research paper is the abstract, which is a brief summary of the main points of the paper. In this essay, we will discuss the purpose of the abstract, the key elements it should include, and how to write an effective abstract for an APA format research paper.

The purpose of the abstract is to provide readers with a brief overview of the research paper. It should include the main points of the paper, including the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions. The abstract should be concise, typically no more than 250 words, and should be written in a clear and concise manner.

There are several key elements that should be included in an abstract for an APA format research paper. These include:

  1. The research question: The abstract should clearly state the research question being addressed in the paper.

  2. The methodology: The abstract should briefly describe the research methods used in the study, including the sample size and any statistical analyses performed.

  3. The results: The abstract should summarize the main findings of the study, including any statistical significance.

  4. The conclusions: The abstract should state the main conclusions of the study, including any implications for future research or practical applications.

To write an effective abstract for an APA format research paper, it is important to follow a few key guidelines. These include:

  1. Keep it concise: As mentioned earlier, the abstract should be no more than 250 words. It is important to be selective in what information is included and to avoid unnecessary details.

  2. Use clear and concise language: The abstract should be written in plain language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to readers.

  3. Use active voice: It is generally best to use active voice in the abstract, as it makes the writing more direct and engaging.

  4. Use the past tense: The abstract should be written in the past tense, as it is describing research that has already been completed.

By following these guidelines and including the key elements of the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions, you can write an effective abstract for an APA format research paper. The abstract serves as a crucial summary of the paper, and it is important to get it right to ensure that readers have a clear understanding of the research being presented.

APA Abstract

sample apa format research paper with abstract

In both types of papers, the header has the page number flush right. The format of the title of the source differs depending on what is being referenced. The font used should be easily readable; however, 12-point Times New Roman is generally used. It usually starts out in a slightly broad manner and gets more and more detailed towards the end. In this article, examples of an effective APA style paper are provided for use as a reference. This is a single paragraph with no indentation on the first line.


APA Student Sample Paper

sample apa format research paper with abstract

Additionally, the graphic should provide new information and not reinstate what has already been written. For scientific papers, include basic sample information. The information here is usually too detailed to be included in the main body of the research paper and would be too distracting to the reader. Many abstracts in APA format also include keywords to help the reader find the paper in search results and to give a more specific idea of the topics the paper will cover. The APA style guidelines are updated according to feedback from researchers and educational stakeholders. The references list follows the conclusion. Authors should avoid irrelevant details.


APA Abstract Steps & Examples

sample apa format research paper with abstract

The topic for this imaginary APA-style abstract is the effect of violent video games on aggression: This study examined the effects of playing violent video games on young men's tendency to respond aggressively to situations and whether the effects are the same when watching violent gameplay or violence in films. The concluding paragraph of the study reiterates the need for the study and how it has added to existing literature. Adding a table of content is not compulsory in APA, but is recommended for lengthier papers. The content that is present in here should also be easily presented in print format. The title should be concise and writers should avoid using irrelevant words or abbreviations. The first line of the reference is flush left with the rest of the lines indented. In case the date is missing, "n.


50+ SAMPLE APA Paper in PDF

sample apa format research paper with abstract

The APA research paper format allows writers to be consistent with their writing, which increases efficiency concerning research and organizing arguments. The references are arranged alphabetically and are double-spaced. Becoming academically successful is not easy. Example: Identifying relevant keywords Journal article title: Keywords: Facebook, social media, magazine, appearance-related social comparison, body image concerns, mood. Similar to the rest of the paper, the title page should also be double-spaced. If an abbreviation will be used less than three times in the paper, it is better to expand it each time.


APA Abstract: Examples

sample apa format research paper with abstract

If multiple experiments were conducted during the study, their results are to be listed separately from each other. Therefore, the first line should "hook" the readers by being something interesting and thought-provoking. A review of previous studies found that a link between violent video games and aggressive attitudes may exist. These sections will be labeled in boldface and flush left. The following abstract is from the paper Abstract The key role that animals play in our aesthetic appreciation of the natural world has only gradually been highlighted in discussions in environmental aesthetics. Try answering them in one to three sentences each. Several changes have been made to the reference list and the APA format citation.


APA Abstract (2020)

sample apa format research paper with abstract

A set of guidelines when writing a piece of literature not only makes the organization of arguments easier but also enables better readability. Next comes a list of the keywords separated by commas. The first paragraph consists of the authors' name and ORCID ID omitted if the author s do not have an ORCID ID. Abstracts in APA 7th edition formatting should have 3-5 keywords or key phrases. The fourth sentence presents the results, and the fifth sentence wraps things up with a conclusion. Published October 27, 2020. Professional language is key, and the main ideas should be written clearly.


How to Write a Research Paper in APA format

sample apa format research paper with abstract

Furthermore, the running head is in all uppercase. The next section is the Discussion in which the researcher s interpret the data and compare them with existing literature concerning the topic. The abstract will indicate the How does the abstract relay data obtained from the research? Student papers do not require an author's note. APA Abstract Keywords Keywords highlight the most important things that the paper covers. This is usually the most straightforward to write type of section in the APA paper.


How to write an APA abstract

sample apa format research paper with abstract

In writing the results section, you should describe how you analyzed the data and what you found while conducting the research. It should also be double spaced along with your name and school. Nevertheless, the use of direct quotes should be avoided. Moreover, if adapted or reproduced information is used, it should be cited. For example, Besides the above-mentioned rules, APA 7th edition has introduced a few more guidelines on how to write a paper in proper APA format.


sample apa format research paper with abstract

Meet one-on-one with a Librarian If you want in-depth help, you can make an appointment with us. APA abstract with keywords example Take another look at the abstract example that was provided above. This section begins on a new page titled "References", which is centered and on top of the page. The 7th edition has recommended different cover pages for professionals and students. Paragraph format is more common with student papers. The title can contain uppercase and lowercase letters.


sample apa format research paper with abstract

The research paper should include a title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references. The abstract's job is to help the reader decide whether they should read the entire article as part of their own research. The recent edition is also more lenient concerning font choices, and a variety of fonts are acceptable given one is used consistently throughout the paper. In conclusion, the researcher will write one to two sentences based on the research question the scholars have studied. Against functionalist and formalist accounts, I defend and develop an account of expressive-responsive movement as the primary perceptual sense of animals.
