Sample compare and contrast essay high school. Compare And Contrast Essay On Junior High School 2023-01-03

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Starting a scenario in an essay can be a great way to set the stage for the rest of your writing and to provide context for your readers. A scenario is essentially a description of a situation or set of circumstances, and it can be a helpful tool for introducing your topic, setting the scene, and helping your readers to better understand your argument. Here are some tips for starting a scenario in an essay:

  1. Start with a brief introduction: Begin your essay with a few sentences that introduce your topic and provide some background information. This will help your readers to understand the context in which your scenario takes place.

  2. Describe the setting: Use descriptive language to describe the setting of your scenario. This could include the location, the time period, and any other relevant details that help to create a vivid picture in your readers' minds.

  3. Introduce the characters: If your scenario involves characters, introduce them in a way that helps your readers to understand their roles and personalities. This could include a brief description of their appearance, their motivations, and any other relevant details.

  4. Establish the conflict: In a good scenario, there is usually some kind of conflict or tension that needs to be resolved. Establish this conflict early on in your essay so that your readers know what is at stake and can follow the action as it unfolds.

  5. Use dialogue to bring the scenario to life: Including dialogue in your scenario can be a great way to bring it to life and make it feel more real to your readers. Use quotes to show what the characters are saying and thinking, and be sure to use proper punctuation and quotation marks.

By following these tips, you can effectively start a scenario in your essay and set the stage for the rest of your writing. With a clear and engaging scenario, you can help your readers to better understand your argument and become more invested in your topic.

A compare and contrast essay is a type of writing in which you analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This type of essay is common in high school and can be a helpful way to explore and understand the differences between two things.

One way to approach a compare and contrast essay is to use a block format, in which you discuss all of the similarities of one subject, followed by all of the differences, and then move on to the next subject. Alternatively, you could use a point-by-point format, in which you discuss one aspect of each subject and then move on to the next aspect.

For example, if you were writing a compare and contrast essay about high school and college, you might start with an introduction explaining the purpose of the essay and outlining the main points you will discuss. In the body of the essay, you could start with a discussion of the similarities between high school and college, such as the fact that both are places of learning and have a set of rules and expectations for students.

Next, you could discuss the differences between high school and college, such as the difference in the level of independence and responsibility expected of students, the difference in class sizes and types of classes, and the difference in the overall structure of the educational experience.


In conclusion, a compare and contrast essay is a useful way to analyze and understand the differences between two subjects. Whether you use a block format or a point-by-point format, it is important to clearly articulate the similarities and differences between the subjects and to provide supporting evidence for your arguments. By carefully considering the differences and similarities between high school and college, students can gain a greater understanding of the transition from high school to college and be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Diktat is a German word that means "dictation" or "dictatorship." It is often used to refer to the harsh terms imposed on a defeated country by the victors in a war. In the context of Germany, the term diktat is most commonly associated with the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed at the end of World War I in 1919.

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty between the Allied Powers (led by France, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and Germany. It was meant to bring an end to the war and to establish the terms under which the defeated Germany would be forced to pay reparations to the Allied Powers. The treaty also imposed severe limitations on Germany's military and territorial expansion.

Many Germans viewed the Treaty of Versailles as a diktat, or dictate, because they felt that the terms were imposed on them by the victorious Allies without any input from the German government or people. The treaty was seen as extremely harsh and punitive, and many Germans felt that their country had been humiliated and treated unfairly.

The resentment and anger that many Germans felt towards the Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in the 1920s and 1930s. Hitler and the Nazis promised to restore Germany's honor and power, and they used the treaty as a rallying cry to mobilize support for their cause. Hitler came to power in 1933, and he quickly set about tearing up the Treaty of Versailles and rebuilding the German military. This ultimately led to World War II, which ended with the defeat of Germany and the imposition of another set of harsh terms in the form of the Potsdam Agreement.

In conclusion, the term diktat is closely associated with the Treaty of Versailles and its impact on Germany following World War I. Many Germans saw the treaty as a dictate imposed on them by the victorious Allies, and the resentment and anger that it generated played a significant role in the rise of the Nazi Party and the outbreak of World War II.

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires the writer to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This type of essay is common in high school, as it helps students develop critical thinking skills and learn how to analyze and evaluate information.

In a compare and contrast essay, the writer typically starts by introducing the two subjects that will be compared and contrasted. The writer then discusses the similarities and differences between the subjects, pointing out how they are similar or different in a clear and organized manner. The writer may choose to focus on just a few key points of comparison, or they may delve into a more in-depth analysis of the subjects.

For example, a high school student might be asked to write a compare and contrast essay about two different historical events, such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution. In this case, the writer might start by discussing the similarities between the two revolutions, such as the fact that both were driven by a desire for freedom and democracy. The writer might then go on to discuss the differences between the two revolutions, such as the specific causes and outcomes of each event.

It's important for the writer to be objective and unbiased in a compare and contrast essay, presenting both sides of the argument fairly and without favoritism. This allows the reader to make their own informed decisions about the subjects being compared and contrasted.

In conclusion, a compare and contrast essay is a useful tool for high school students to develop critical thinking skills and learn how to analyze and evaluate information. By comparing and contrasting two or more subjects, students can gain a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between them, and learn to make informed decisions based on that understanding.

Free Compare And Contrast Essay Examples For Your Help

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With these two quotes, you might think college is just super laid back and high school is very strict but in reality, with the amount of time in class in college, you spend more hours out of classes studying and finishing projects. In college, course directors do not struggle to understand students by their names. Body Paragraphs The body section of an essay includes every critical information to be shared with the audience. The point-by-point method requires you to discuss each point of comparison or contrast between each subject before you discuss a new point. You need to come to the reality that you are surrounded by peoples who are four years older than you, adults. Several of those who are acquainted with the high school experience are well aware of how terrible it can be; it is "the mouth of a great demon biting and chewing and smushing people in the face" Jesse Andrews leaving us in ruins after we graduate. This change can be very difficult for people or very easy, but for me it was the change in The first difference I realized was how kids act at high school.


Compare & Contrast Essays for High School

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Friendships and reasonability are areas that I think students in the eighth- grade student should know before they arrive. College students are more mature than high school students, hence, are permitted to leave independently. The friends you make in college will be some of your best friends for life, those three or four people that you can count on to have your back no matter what. The general idea of what those years are like stays the same, but as each generation changes so do the experiences they go through. Tooheys essay, or will you reminisce figuring out what makes you happy in life? Standardized Testing In High Schools 594 Words 3 Pages High school is a place where students go to acquire an education and prepare for college. To make a Venn diagram, draw two overlapping circles -- one for each of the two subjects. College education is more preferable to high school education due to high chance of getting well-paying job with a promise of promotion.


Compare And Contrast Essay On Junior High School

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Students in college also require funds to go for educational trips, which are part of their studies. The majority of work students would do in college is very similar to high school. In addition, parents are always available to counsel their students in case they detect misdemeanor. Although college is simply one step above high school, there are many differences between the lives of high school vs college students. The size of the school is changed drastically. The workload is only the first of many differences between being a senior in high school and a freshman in college. The workload differs from high school to college.


Compare and Contrast Essay: High School vs. College

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Conversely, the subject-by-subject method discusses each point for one subject before discussing the related points for the second subject. These are the things I believe it takes to become successful in high Let Teenagers Try Adulthood Analysis 959 Words 4 Pages High school is one thing that a vast majority of people have experienced. Junior year was an absolute blur. Social relationships in colleges are encouraged as they assist students in solving their problems without seeking a third party. In college, students are reluctant to share books, even when they are in the same class. They can teach students on cultivating good behaviors and choosing friends wisely.


Sample Essay on Compare and Contrast High School and College

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The governments cater for most of the costs in high schools in their attempt to enforce compulsory education. Smith, points of comparison and contrast could include classroom management, teaching styles and extracurricular involvement. It is easier and more popular. The fluid ability of how both. Smith both provide a rigorous curriculum and encourage their students to work hard.


Book vs Ebook Compare and Contrast

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Death Of Ivan Ilyich Essay 712 Words 3 Pages High School is more than all this, its about finding out what in life will make you happy. With all of this said, I can say that entering Miriam College High School has definitely and ultimately transformed me to become the intellectually and spiritually focused woman I am today. College is a choice if one wants to attend or not. All of the long nights and countless mornings waking up at 5AM puts a toll on students. One can expect a paper and group project, as well as a syllabus quiz to be given within the first class period. Elementary school provides kids with the experiences they need to be ready for middle school. Social ties are also essential for healthy outcomes.


High School Vs College: Compare and Contrast: [Essay Example], 785 words GradesFixer

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Books and e-books although share a common purpose in serving as an engine for the transfer of knowledge and ideas among human beings, their degree of relation can be based off of their similarities and differences. Time management in college versus high school is very different because students can be lazy and not take time to do the work. My high school experience has influenced my development as a person inside and outside of the class by making me more independent, choosing friends wisely and teachers motivating me to attend college and accomplish goals I have set for myself. In a compare and contrast paper, the thesis statement identifies the subjects and the basis for comparison, and it tells the reader whether the essay will emphasize similarities or differences. Above all, students are forced to learn how to better manage their time.


Compare and Contrast on High School and College

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Writing an essay on this comparison is not different. They are similar in such ways that you go to class, do classwork, take tests, and. This change is doing my homework everyday and paying more attention to my studies and essays. College students are free to choose courses that they prefer based on their career choices. But back to teachers, they can play a powerful role in a student's life that could influence their lives for the good or bad things. Students in high school have a very different type of school day than college students. The harmonious coexistence of both books and e-books suggests that a perceived chasm of difference between them is not as great as perceived by a general public.
