Sample research project paper. How to write a final year research project paper and sample final year research project paper 2022-12-13

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Gran Torino is a film directed by Clint Eastwood that was released in 2008. The film tells the story of Walt Kowalski, an elderly Korean War veteran living in a rapidly changing neighborhood in Detroit. Kowalski is a gruff and isolated man, who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his wife and the changes in his neighborhood.

One of the main themes in Gran Torino is the concept of racism and prejudice. Kowalski is a racist man who has a deep hatred for the Hmong people who have recently moved into his neighborhood. He makes derogatory comments about them and refers to them as "gooks." However, as the film progresses, Kowalski begins to form a relationship with Thao, a young Hmong boy who lives next door. Through this relationship, Kowalski begins to see the Hmong people in a different light and starts to understand the impact of his own prejudices.

Another important theme in the film is the concept of redemption. Kowalski is a bitter and angry man who has lost touch with his family and the world around him. However, through his relationship with Thao and the Hmong community, Kowalski begins to see the value in compassion and understanding. He comes to realize that he has been holding onto his anger and hatred for far too long and that it is time for him to let go.

One of the most poignant moments in the film is when Kowalski makes the decision to stand up to a group of Hmong gang members who are trying to force Thao to join their gang. Kowalski puts himself in harm's way to protect Thao and the Hmong community, showing that he has truly changed and is willing to put aside his own prejudices to do what is right.

Overall, Gran Torino is a powerful film that deals with themes of racism, prejudice, and redemption. It is a poignant reminder that it is never too late to change and that understanding and compassion can go a long way in healing the wounds of the past.

33+ SAMPLE Research Project Proposal in PDF

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Draft Supplementary and Preliminary Materials Create the supplementary and preliminary materials. Do you have any question on how to write a final year research project paper and sample final year research project paper? The objective of this study is to examine the causal relationships of several antecedents of customer loyalty in the context of retail banking in Northern Malaysia. Introduction: Every research project report has its Methodology: The methodology section, otherwise known as experimental details or theoretical analysis, is the most vital part of a research project report. A research project proposal is a document that represents a coherent and According to the facts and figures from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO in their UNESCO Science Report, Towards 2030, between the years 2008 to 2014, Components of a Research Project Proposal A research project proposal serves as the backbone of the entire Introduction: The Review of literature: The Aims and objectives: This section of the research project proposal identifies the Research design and methods: The objective of this section is to convince the readers that the proposed research design and Implications and contribution to knowledge: In this section of the research project proposal, the researcher details how the proposed study enhance, change, or expand present knowledge in the field of study. A statement of the problem will make people understand why you believe your research will be better than previous research conducted on the same topic.


A Qualitative Project Proposal, Research Paper Example

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After the critical care unit was live on the system, other units such as the surgical unit, the maternal unit, and the newborn unit would follow suit, with each unit being given an initial two month training period if needed to grasp the basic functions of the system. There must also be a FAQs What are types of research proposals? Research is a tool to prove theories and answer questions. The document must contain all vital information to make the study valid and repeatable for future research. How do I write a fourth year research project essay? Those issues are going to surface, no matter what the technology. It involves the number of participants in your research.


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Effect of bar-code technology on the safety of medication administration. It is similar to a Results: This section of the research report incorporates a summary of relevant data, findings, and observations. Resistance to change is common with nurses in the health care delivery system. As seen from the literature, the research indicates the benefits of eMAR are significant and far overshadow any learning curves or problems adapting to the system in general. The survey questions were distributed after the entire process was completed.


50+ SAMPLE Research Project Report in PDF

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If they are proactive and implement some sort of technology such as eMAR into the workplace, this could be significant in reducing errors and would actually relieve the overall stress on nurses after the initial learning phase was completed. Many nurses do not like change and many nurses do not understand the reasons behind the importance of eMAR implementation across the entire spectrum of critical care because perhaps those nurses have not had an error in medication administration thus far. Normally you have to come up with a topic that is related to the course that you are doing Background of the Study This is a short description of your research project topic. Patients will also benefit from a higher quality of care due to the preceding factors and the healthcare facilities will benefit from decreased reporting of medication errors as well as a decrease of overall operating costs due to patients having to undergo unnecessary procedures or stay longer periods of time in the hospital because of medication errors. Generally speaking, customer loyalty means the intention of repurchasing products and services, and this is the goal of industry or loyalty is a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same-brand set purchasing. The stress level on those nurses who had the unreported events was still high because it was an error and they made the error.


How to write a final year research project paper and sample final year research project paper

sample research project paper

EMR implementation and ongoing education. Overall, if the plan is implemented hospital wide, there will be approximately a one year phase in for the implementation of the eMAR to give employees time to adapt to the system and incorporate features of the system to be specific to the needs of the hospital. American Journal of Health System Pharmacy, 66 12 , 1110-1115. Electronic Medical Records EMR : Call for empathy in the patient-clinician relationship within a technological milieu: Implications for professional nursing practice. According to Poon et al.


sample research project paper

Through a research project report, new discoveries and viable solutions are available for the field of study. The surveys were kept anonymous in order to avoid bias and ensure a greater amount of validity for the study. To help you construct the research question, refer to the preliminary research material and list possible questions surrounding it. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence 6th ed. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing , 30 2 , 97-103. It also allows them to check with the instructor about research requirements.


sample research project paper

The research thus far has indicated the use of eMAR in critical care settings will decrease medication errors. The discussion of the results contains extreme detail and a Conclusion: A separate section of the research project report details the possible conclusions stemming from the results and discussion of the study. The preliminary materials include the title page, table of contents, and abstract. It is also a means to increase familiarity with societal issues and public awareness. The general patient floors would follow and the emergency department would be the final department involved in the implementation of the eMAR. Draft the Body of the Report Write down the introduction that states the purpose of creating the research report, together with the research statement. Based on the initial findings, it was suggested by a member of the administration that the eMAR be incorporated into one unit of the hospital at a time, beginning with the critical care unit as they already had a basic working knowledge of the process.


sample research project paper

The purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of customer loyalty in banking sector. A final year research project is normally conducted at the end of your course; it might be in your 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th or 6 th depending on the duration that completion of your course takes. Harding and Petrick 2008 believe adverse events can be proactively handled and medication errors are the number one error all nurses will make in the course of their careers. How do I write a research project methodology? That is going to be expected, but in the long term will actually be more beneficial as they learn the system and are better able to administer care to those patients. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 19 3 , 209-217. All data collected from the target population are analyzed through two-step structural equation modeling SEM and moderated multiple regression MMR to examine the hypotheses. There was also an improvement in communication between departments as well as an improvement in information sharing and process integration as a whole.


sample research project paper

The efficacy of eMAR use in the critical care unit is important to reduce medication errors and enhance the accuracy of medication administration. These ethical considerations describe the rights of participants to self-determination, privacy, autonomy, Budget: If the researcher aims for archival or academic research, there is little need for writing detailed budget allocations. The red flag function would be of great benefit if she were at the end of her shift and especially tired because it might help avoid a tragic error. Results of the study indicated that cognitive image significantly influence affect, conative intention, and behavioral loyalty; moreover, affect was also proved to be a significant predictor of conative intention and behavioral loyalty. Despite of the excellent growth of Spa industry in Malaysia over the last decade, research on the formation of spa-going tourists is scant.


sample research project paper

Research is valuable in daily life because it is a tool that facilitates learning and builds knowledge. This was remedied by a simple replacement with longer cords. This was remedied by remodeling the bar-coding system in the pharmacy department. You should not confuse a final year research project with a thesis because a thesis is normally done by postgraduate students while a final year research project is normally done by fourth years am assuming you are doing a degree course that lasts for four years Second step, how do I begin doing my research project? The use of eMAR has also promoted patient safety in critical care unit settings as well as in the entire hospital. The company manufacturing the software actually stepped in during the implementation process to help with these problems and the others that will follow.
