Should youths be tried as adults. Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults 2022-12-23

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The question of whether youths should be tried as adults is a complex and controversial issue that has been debated for many years. On one hand, some argue that youths should be held accountable for their actions and that trying them as adults is necessary in order to deter crime and protect society. On the other hand, others argue that youths are not fully developed mentally and emotionally, and that they should be treated differently in the justice system in order to give them the opportunity to rehabilitate and learn from their mistakes.

One argument in favor of trying youths as adults is that it serves as a deterrent to crime. By imposing harsher penalties on young offenders, it is believed that it will discourage them and others from committing crimes in the future. This is especially important in cases where the offender has committed a particularly heinous crime, as it sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

However, opponents of trying youths as adults argue that young people do not have the same level of judgment and impulse control as adults, and that they are more likely to be influenced by peer pressure and other external factors. They argue that it is unfair to hold young people to the same standards as adults, and that the justice system should take this into account when determining the appropriate punishment.

In addition, there is evidence to suggest that trying youths as adults can have negative long-term consequences. Research has shown that young people who are tried as adults are more likely to reoffend and end up in the criminal justice system again in the future. This is because they may not receive the same level of rehabilitation and support as they would in the juvenile justice system, which is specifically designed to address the needs of young people.

Overall, it is clear that the question of whether youths should be tried as adults is a complex and multifaceted issue. While there are certainly valid arguments on both sides, it is important to consider the unique developmental needs of young people and to strive for a justice system that is fair, rehabilitative, and effective at reducing crime.

Youth Tried as Adults

should youths be tried as adults

. Most of the time teenagers who commit crimes such as murder get a much shorter time in jail just because of their age. These institutions proliferated across other cities and states, followed by the first juvenile court being established in Cook County, Illinois, in 1899. Juveniles Should Not Be Tried in Adult Courts. In January 2001, when Tate was 13, he was convicted of first-degree murder for the 1999 battering death of six-year-old Tiffany Eunick in Broward County, Florida. The majority of those arrests are felonies charged to black boys. You're being charged as an adult now.


Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults Essay [895 Words] GradeMiners

should youths be tried as adults

Jail can influence teenagers to become even worse than what they used to be. These juveniles have made puerile excuses to try and exonerate their actions by blaming their impulses, rather than taking accountability for them. One of the significant concerns with trying juveniles as adults are that they might end up in a dangerous situation. Most often when a juvenile is tried as an adult, it is because they have committed a very serious crime. The offense committed by the juvenile determines the punishment. Their main argument is that trying juveniles as adults means that the legal system has failed to consider their social and emotional development which is different from that of adults Cole and Smith 398.


Why Young People Should Not Be Tried As Adults in America

should youths be tried as adults

However, because of behavioral monitoring programs that implement strict punishments on regular criminals, young offenders will think twice before committing a crime. Like the three strikes law, the threat of a harsh sentence will most certainly make children think twice before they commit violent crimes. People need to learn before they act in a similar manner, again. Juveniles in adult court also recidivated sooner and more frequently. Hence, they revert to old behavior or worse that cost their freedom and eventually end up in prison again.


Pros and Cons of Juveniles Being Tried As Adults

should youths be tried as adults

Varying in different states, multifarious laws state that offenders of the law of any age or above a specific age can be convicted as an adult if their crime was severe enough. I'm just going to keep fighting until a door opens and my voice gets heard. According to Regoli 2019 , keeping juvenile offenders in adult facilities poses genuine risks to the safety and well-being of those involved. Some feel like their loss was left unacknowledged. Was it for a serious charge that would have been a felony? The following article will put forth certain arguments based on this issue, and the pros and cons of whether juveniles should be tried as adults or not. Adolescents are struggling with decision-making skills that are underdeveloped, immature, and impulsive. The whole point of putting them behind bars was to teach them a lesson, but there is always the chance this could have adverse outcomes like those mentioned above.


Should Teens Be Tried As Adults

should youths be tried as adults

This is why minors who have committed crimes should not be treated the same as adults. Essentially, juveniles are emotionally immature and might not clearly understand their crimes. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report evaluated a study of outcomes for juveniles prosecuted in adult court rather than in juvenile court and found that there were counter-deterrent effects of transfer laws. The judge or attorney do not just simply decide if the juvenile should be tried as an adult, there is a process in which they must commence according to the Proposition 21. Teens Should Be Tried As Adults 964 Words 4 Pages The criminal justice system was created in order to punish people who choose to break the law. What crimes can juveniles be tried as adults for? It treats teens who are almost adults as part of the adult system for the purpose of justice. After the young offender is charged, they will be stuck in a jail cell with adults and might be exposed to many potential dangers.



should youths be tried as adults

There is a requirement in which you can be tried as an adult and one cannot be simply tried as adult. Even while the counterargument that many factors, not only childhood trauma, play a role in mental health is correct, studies have found a substantial link connecting severe maltreatment and increased aggressive and defiant tendencies. For everything an individual has done, it is only fair that they get a punishment. Many legal and juvenile experts have argued that trying juveniles as adults will only make things worse. While these differences do not excuse youth from responsibility for their actions, the U. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that youths in the adult criminal justice system are 34 percent more likely to be arrested again than those in the juvenile system, costing states millions more.


Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults

should youths be tried as adults

Trying Juveniles as Adults, supra. He was 13 and in the juvenile justice system for burglary before his arrest at age 16 and his time in Rikers. Very young children are vulnerable to unfair pressure when accused of crimes. At this age, a child is no longer a child and can be considered an adult. The report, The Impact of Prosecuting Youth in the Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature, ultimately found that there has been little to no deterrent effect on juveniles prosecuted in adult court, and in many states, recidivism rates have actually increased.


Charging Youths As Adults Can Be A 'Cruel Wake

should youths be tried as adults

Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults 504 Words 3 Pages Currently, in America, there is a debate about whether or not juveniles should be tried as adults. The United States is the only country in the world where the justice system will sentence children to death behind bars for the crimes that they commit. Perhaps they were caught up doing what their friends did or were just mad Buss, 2022, p. Such arguments have put pressure on legislators to lower the age of adulthood so that violent cases for serious juvenile offenders can be tried in the adult court system. The cost of implementing such measures will never even reach the immeasurable cost of lives lost.


Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults Steinberg Analysis

should youths be tried as adults

Within that same data set, 79% of the offenders were either 16 or 17 years old at the time they committed the crime. Though, most courts in the U. There is very little wiggle room in these guidelines to address juveniles who are charged as an adult. Throughout the world, children are charged and sentenced for actions that should not be considered as adult crimes. Then, they should be tried as adults in Florida for these reasons. With this in mind, it would be unfair for a judge to pass the same judgment on a minor and an adult even though they have committed the same crime. Joey Roulette " You could consider other options" Orange County, where McKenzie was direct filed in 2007, has the highest number of direct files in Florida.
