Sources of information health and social care occupations. Identifying Credible Sources of Health Information in Social Media: Principles and Attributes 2022-12-20

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Total war is a term used to describe a conflict in which the entire resources and populations of the participating countries are mobilized in order to achieve victory. This type of war is characterized by the complete mobilization of society, with the aim of achieving total victory over the enemy.

In total war, the distinction between military and civilian becomes blurred as the entire population is called upon to contribute to the war effort. This can include conscription, the use of women in the workforce, and the rationing of resources such as food and fuel.

Total war also involves the use of unconventional tactics, such as strategic bombing and the targeting of civilians. The intention behind these tactics is to break the morale and will of the enemy, and to destroy their ability to continue fighting.

The concept of total war emerged during the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th century, and it was fully realized during the two World Wars of the 20th century. The First World War was the first conflict in which the entire resources of a country were mobilized for the war effort, and it was also the first war in which civilians were targeted in a systematic manner.

The Second World War was even more devastating, with the use of atomic weapons and the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were systematically murdered.

Total war has had a profound impact on the course of history, and it has led to significant advances in military technology and strategy. However, it has also caused immense suffering and loss of life, and it has had a lasting impact on the countries and societies that have experienced it.

In conclusion, total war is a type of conflict in which the entire resources and populations of the participating countries are mobilized in order to achieve victory. It involves the use of unconventional tactics and the targeting of civilians, and it has had a profound impact on the course of history. While it has led to significant advances in military technology and strategy, it has also caused immense suffering and loss of life.

Financial Resources in Health and Social Care Organisations

sources of information health and social care occupations

One of the main functions of a nurse is giving care to patients. On any expenditure decision whether it is long term of short term planning a break-even figure is the minimum an organization is likely to invest in. Evidence has shown there is no real clear system to show which income source is the best and all countries Health and Social care funding are a major challenge. This report is aimed to describe the different types of occupations within Health and Social care. The final principle acknowledges the fallibility of both organizations—which cannot eliminate COI and errors—and science itself.


Part Two: Sources of Health Information

sources of information health and social care occupations

Secondary data collection might take the form of a credibility attributes and disclosures section that a source could provide to an SMP and post publicly on the homepage of its social media channel s. The Long, Ugly History of Racism at American Universities. Citizens born in the United States or Puerto Rico are most likely to have received medical advice 80 percent from a professional, followed by naturalized citizens 70 percent , and legal permanent residents 64 percent. What is the source of this information? The authors acknowledge the infeasibility of evaluating the accuracy and balance of every piece of health information on social media. Different sub-groups of Hispanics rely on different types of media. Categories of accredited organizations that serve as sources of health information for the public include educational institutions universities and health professions schools , health care organizations, health plans, and public health departments see Box 5 for a summary and Appendix Table B-1 for a list of accreditors and what accreditation signifies for organizations in each category.


Research Occupations in the Health and Social Care System

sources of information health and social care occupations

To combat this issue, Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust proposed eight standards for developing trustworthy CPG and called for the development of a mechanism to identify guidelines that meet these standards. In addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the input of Brooke Bergen, Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC ; Justin DeJong, American Medical Association AMA ; April Finnen, U. The webinar was attended by approximately 400 members of the public. Below there is a diagram of the NHS illustrating hierarchies in Allied profession Hierarchies can be very different in different organisations. A Balance sheet will graphically show him how much an organization owns in assets and how much is owned by its shareholders. However, in order to be considered credible, sources should strive to separate the presentation of health information from profit motives and other biases e. However, this step is not likely to be taken by someone who encounters information from a journal that seems reputable in social media.


Occupation Profile for Healthcare Social Workers

sources of information health and social care occupations

Politicization can bias or limit the information that government organizations release. This information should be annually reinforced. SMPs must supplement source assessment strategies with an equally robust system for content evaluation. Resourcefulness is an asset if people are empowered and provided with ready access to high-quality health information. Although many people have a high degree of health literacy, a large-scale effort is needed to ensure that resources are in place to support and educate all people to become savvy, informed, and science-literate users of social media. However, Phil Osopher provides no credentials as to his area of expertise, and no references to any credible sources are given for any of the things Phil is writing down.


Sources of Health Information: Overview & Reliability

sources of information health and social care occupations

With a good staff training policy implemented through workshops, computer technology training, and researching the latest innovative things on the market all will help an individual service user but a Health and Social care organization has to carry out these processes within their budget. The foreign-born low-scoring group is split nearly evenly into citizens 20 percent of all low scorers , legal permanent residents 22 percent and persons lacking citizenship or legal permanent residency 26 percent. For some hilarious reason, they are all arguing and swearing that they each know the cure for this virus thanks to information handed down from their grandmothers. There are, however, differences between Hispanics with and without a usual source of care: 61 percent of those with a usual source score high, compared with 50 percent of those who have no usual provider. What is the source of this information? Government agencies that receive a certain level of research funding internal or external must make the results of the research such as in journal articles available to the public for free. If you selected a city or ZIP code, you will see wage data for the regional area.


Occupations in Health and Social Care Essay

sources of information health and social care occupations

However, SMPs alone have access to data that could form the basis of important health and behavioral research about how policies such as those discussed herein would actually affect the consumption of high-quality health information, as well as whether enhanced access to such information would favorably impact offline outcomes. Regardless of reproducibility and replicability, entities that consume and communicate about research may place too much weight on a single study that may prove to be an outlier in metaanalyses or literature reviews. For the hierarchy to achieve efficiently the goals and aims of the organisation it should be accountable and responsible Barr and Dowding 2012. Good available communication services such as the internet and television helps an individual have a better understanding of the world. This paper has presented guidance that could be leveraged by SMPs in identifying credible sources of health information—an incremental step toward the goal of enhancing access to high-quality health information.


Identifying Credible Sources of Health Information in Social Media: Principles and Attributes

sources of information health and social care occupations

Forty-three percent of health information seekers living with chronic conditions say their last inquiry was about their own concerns, compared with 36% of those who report no conditions. While 56 percent of English-dominant and bilingual Latinos obtained at least some health information from these sources, the share drops to 42 percent among Spanish-dominant Latinos. Also, will the Government offer any grants or financing towards their projects? A major factor to take in to consideration is what budgetary plans and capital expenditure has already been committed to by an organization. Although Spanish speakers account for nearly half of low scorers 47 percent , one in five are English-dominant and one in three are bilingual. Further, sources of health information could consider using Table 1 as a roadmap to assess and potentially enhance their own credibility. By working out the various cash flow costs for different services you may realise what services are better to use for net value profit and what not to for your organizations current financial state REF.


IV. Sources of Information on Health and Health Care

sources of information health and social care occupations

To ensure that consumers are accessing high-quality health information, some form of content assessment is essential as a supplement to source assessment. By comparison, 38% of U. However, there are several major limitations to the application of consumer evaluation in this context. Among the less knowledgeable Hispanics are men, Spanish speakers and Latinos who are foreign born. The income needed for all these budgets is put together to try and work out the likely financial state of a Health and Social care organization at the end of a fiscal year. While 78 percent of Hispanics who have medical insurance get some information from doctors and other health care professionals, 69 percent say they get information from television. Accreditors provide publicly accessible lists of organizations that have earned accreditation, as well as, in some cases, organizations that have failed to earn or maintain accreditation.


sources of information health and social care occupations

A health and social care organization such as a Care home in the information to follow must have processes in place within their departments to monitor their budgets. Furthermore, the scientific research and studies that are cited by the source of information are independently financed, double-blinded which is a research study that uses a method designed to remove bias , and well-controlled. National Library of Medicine. Three commenters were from Canada, one was from Mexico, one was from Egypt, and the remainder were from the United States. For example, the two current most popular SMPs used by organizations to share health information—Facebook and YouTube—reach 2. The date when a clinical page was last modified will be clearly displayed e. Another factor could be the organisation is too large.


sources of information health and social care occupations

The type of General Practitioners GP service that is needed and provided to a care home for example will influence the Care homes available finances, as will community health and social services costs in other health and safety areas However private funding from individual pockets may not be sufficient to sustain health and social care organisations. It is difficult to predict revenue in obvious terms in this instance. The scope and size of these sources varies dramatically. Methodology This was a descriptive study of various occupations in the health sector; which was conducted via the internet. A brief description of the various occupations were described as presented in the hierarchy, from the Minister of Health to the practitioners. Among those who watch television and those who listen to the radio, there is a strong association between educational levels and language use.
