Story opening ideas. 20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story 2022-12-14

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The BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix is a tool used by companies to evaluate their business units or product lines based on two dimensions: relative market share and market growth. The matrix divides the business units or product lines into four categories: stars, cash cows, dogs, and question marks.

Stars are business units or product lines that have a high market share in a growing market. These units or lines generate a lot of cash and are considered the main growth drivers of the company.

Cash cows are business units or product lines that have a high market share in a mature market. These units or lines generate a lot of cash, but they do not contribute to the growth of the company.

Dogs are business units or product lines that have a low market share in a mature market. These units or lines do not generate much cash and do not contribute to the growth of the company.

Question marks are business units or product lines that have a low market share in a growing market. These units or lines may have potential for growth, but they require a lot of investment to catch up with the competition.

Now, let's apply the BCG matrix to Reliance, a diversified conglomerate company in India.

Reliance has several business units and product lines, including telecommunications, retail, petrochemicals, and energy.

The telecommunications unit, Jio, can be considered a star. Jio has a high market share in the growing telecommunications market in India and has been a major growth driver for Reliance.

The retail unit, Reliance Retail, can be considered a cash cow. Reliance Retail has a high market share in the mature retail market in India and generates a lot of cash, but it does not contribute much to the overall growth of the company.

It is difficult to classify the petrochemicals and energy units as either dogs or question marks because these industries are subject to fluctuations in demand and prices. However, the petrochemicals unit may be considered a cash cow due to its high market share and cash generation, while the energy unit may be considered a question mark due to its low market share and potential for growth.

Overall, the BCG matrix can help Reliance identify its growth drivers and allocate resources accordingly. It can also help the company make strategic decisions about which business units or product lines to invest in and which ones to divest.

25 Great Book Opening Lines That Will Hook You from the Start

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They create a new pill that needs to be taken once a day to remain happy. No one is allowed to enter or leave the city unless they are told so. Thank you in advance if you decide to support our site by using our affiliate links! Good story openings are challenging to write but an inviting or catchy first sentence reels readers into your fictional world. We were on board a luxury cruise ship, and we had been searching for days. Better to take a slightly less blow-by-blow approach. Why you might not: Sometimes you want your story to get going a bit faster.


14 Grand Opening Ideas for Your First Day of Business

story opening ideas

People at the work camps live a horrible life of abuse, torture and endless hard work for 18 hours a day. George Orwell, Animal Farm 1945 , p. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Burstein, "I Remember the Future" "You ask me if I can forgive myself? Unfortunately, that feeling quickly subsided at nightfall. Get the local newspapers to give you some free exposure by organising a flash mob or parade. The law says for every person born into a family one must die. She was just…a unique person to work with.


Opening Lines For A Story (Great, Effective & Bad Examples)

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People are free to do whatever they want without any consequences. Imagine that your main character fails the personality test, and is sent to one of these camps. Merely to tell the story would brand me irredeemably as a crackpot, but crackpots are tolerated, even on college faculties. We hope these ideas and writing resources will give your writers the motivation they need to create the next greatest piece of crime fiction or a great mystery story. I am cheating here a wee bit. Or it can be a gorgeous literary flourish, that sets the mood and creates a strong image in the reader's mind at the start of the story. At best, you could recite their names and hope they take it from there.


60 Story Ideas For Your Screenplay Or Novel

story opening ideas

For example, if you have writers on your team, show them how much engagement their content has gotten and how that has positively affected the company. Result: much more energy per pound — and a much more compelling story. His new novel, a Hitchcockian suspense mystery, Ghost Maven, is published by Cactus Moon Publications. My breathing grew slower, falling into step with the creaking of the hull, until I could no longer tell the difference between the faint rhythmic motion of the cabin and the sensation of filling and emptying my lungs. Everyone was whirling around, the room had no corners. But consider how many scents there are; an excessive amount of it that will eventually become unpleasant. First she was dangerous.


150+ Story Starters: Creative Opening Lines (+Free Generator)

story opening ideas

All around the world, everyone must speak English. He weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds and had arms like a bear, thick, powerful and covered in coarse black hair. What will happen if they do? The key is to work from the perspective of opening doors. Third, a dragon lived inside her. What exactly happened before and during the riot? Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: So if your someone like me who has always enjoyed reading and writing these happy-go-lucky themed books, then you will definitely like some of these inspirational writing prompts. The time could be 5 a. At the same time, avoid the cliché in your locations, such as staging a murder in a dark alleyway or at night.


Story Setting Ideas: 7 Tips to Immerse Readers

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If your meeting starts poorly—for example, with low energy and participation—this tone will likely continue throughout the entire meeting. Celebrating these wins together also serves as a bonding experience with your team members and helps form relationships. Can people just vanish into thin air? Save it to your cloud Google Drive, etc. Tip: Check out The Guinness World Records website to see 5. I love Jane Austen — Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books. But getting those kinds of details utterly convincing from the off is part of what gets a reader into the story.


14 Suspense Story Ideas & Rules •

story opening ideas

Decorate your bar and ask your staff to dress up in a fun and festive way to make the locals talk about your bar. While the remaining humans have to learn to survive in the world with these beasts. In Ghost Maven, when Alice climbs the Point Pinos Lighthouse, the oldest lighthouse on the West Coast, it twice becomes the setting for her attempted murder. Use this opportunity to contact some local bands and put on a night of live music to kick off your new business. This cookie is used to enable payment on the website without storing any patment information on a server. In this post, we have listed over 150 story starters to get your story started with a bang! Writing Multiple Openings Using this process, you can create outlines for multiple opening scenes in two ways. Or, you can pick a different element.


20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story

story opening ideas

I can forgive myself for many things. She knew she deserved what was about to happen. And so you arrive in the blissful lubrication of neutral orbital territory. Meanwhile, the government secretly has other plans in the real world. Or pick another interesting decade and put your staff in appropriate costumes.


How To Start A Story That Grips Your Readers

story opening ideas

When A dystopian world is a world in shatters and ruins. Until a group of vigilante heroes decide to recreate the law. Local vendors are important, too. This method can be useful for aligning the reader with a particular character or viewpoint, but if you use it, you will almost certainly want to continue your story in the third person omniscient. As soon as I heard the command, my fingers gripped the weapon that was discretely hidden. When people get out of the pool their hair is normally already very flat and smoothed from the water.
