Suggestion of social responsibility of business. Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics 2022-12-21

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The concept of social responsibility of business refers to the idea that companies have a responsibility to consider the impact of their actions on society and the environment, not just their financial performance. This means that businesses should take into account the ethical, social, and environmental consequences of their operations and make decisions that contribute to the well-being of stakeholders such as employees, customers, and the community.

One suggestion for businesses to fulfill their social responsibility is to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. CSR refers to a company's efforts to operate in an ethical and sustainable manner, and can include activities such as supporting local charities, reducing their carbon footprint, and promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization. These initiatives can not only help to improve the company's reputation and strengthen its relationships with stakeholders, but they can also have a positive impact on society and the environment.

Another way for businesses to fulfill their social responsibility is to consider the social and environmental impact of their products and services. This can involve sourcing materials from responsible suppliers, minimizing waste and pollution, and designing products that are durable and easy to recycle. Companies can also consider the social and environmental impact of their supply chain and work to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and other unsustainable practices.

In addition to these actions, businesses can also fulfill their social responsibility by being transparent and accountable in their operations. This can involve disclosing information about their environmental and social impacts, engaging in dialogue with stakeholders, and being responsive to their concerns. By being open and accountable, businesses can build trust with stakeholders and demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility.

Overall, the social responsibility of business is an important concept that recognizes the interconnectedness of business and society. By considering the ethical, social, and environmental consequences of their actions and taking steps to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive ones, businesses can contribute to the well-being of their stakeholders and the community as a whole.

Social responsibility of business and consumer’s choice

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Business units should pay these taxes from time to time. However, in our view, it will be too idealistic to expect that business enterprises will be purely guided by the benefits they confer on the society by their activities. On the other hand, legal responsibility refers to the duties that are mandatory to be fulfilled by all organizations and individuals. Companies that operate in multiple locations should strive to make positive changes in each community. Obligation towards the Environment: The foremost responsibility of business enterprises is to ensure that they should not damage the environment and for this purpose they should reduce as much as possible air and water pollution by their productive activities.


Social Responsibility of Business

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Business premises is for customers not the customers for the business. Thus, business organizations should avoid environmental pollution and ecological imbalance. The consumer should be warned of any unsafe goods. What are the main ground rules of ethics? To recognize, appreciate, and encourage the special skills of employees. The company can also make the annual report of CSR activities in which they mention the average net profit for the 3 financial years and also prescribed CSR expenditure but if the company is unable to spend the minimum required expenditure the company has to give the reasons in the Board Report for non compliance so that there are no penal provisions are attracted by it.


Top corporate social responsibility ideas for companies

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Fair returns on investment b. I started searching and to my utter surprise, I found hundreds of assurance and certification programs are available on earth to ensure that the company manages ethical business issues. For this criminal act Raju is in Jail and his company has been taken over by Mahindera. To implement affirmative action and to provide jobs to SCs, STs and OBCs. Organizations can see advantages over their competition by considering their impact on the community. Reservation for Weaker Section: The organization is expected to reserve certain positions in their establishment for economically weaker sections of the society to lift up the economically weaker section of the society.


Examples of Social Responsibility in Business

suggestion of social responsibility of business

In other words, the right workers should be appointed for the right jobs. Ans:Social values provide general guidelines for social conduct. Ans:Management should make every possible attempt to educate and train employees to keep them updated. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1976, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1946, Prevention of Black-marketing and Maintenance of Supply of Essential Commodities Act 1980 has to enact to keep a check on malpractices of business. There has been a growing awareness of consumer rights. However, most of them follow a similar framework and issues related to social responsibility in business. Local Area : Under the Companies Act, preference should be given to local areas and the areas where the company operates.


Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics

suggestion of social responsibility of business

While the captains of Indian industries generally complain about low productivity of their employees, little has been done to address their problems. Though all stakehold­ers including the society in general are affected by the business activities of a corporate enterprise, managers may not acknowledge responsibility to them. Relative term: Business ethics change from business to business. Honest Advertising: The consumers want to know the facts, features, advantages, side-effects, etc. Ethical responsibility is beyond the laws and includes fair trade practices, respecting the religious sentiments of people, maintaining and protecting the environment, etc.


Social Responsibilities of a Business

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Ans:The organization should conduct research and development to improve the quality of goods and to reduce the cost of production. Its survival, progress, and reputation depend upon consumer satisfaction. Proper waste management techniques should be adopted by the organization under which waste should be reduced, effort should be made to reuse the waste. The business should follow the laws regarding obtaining a license for a specified business, the operation of the business, price determination and production, etc. Pollution harms human life and the life of other species. It means addressing the legal, ethical, commercial, and other expectations that society has from corporate who should take decisions and actions that fairly balance the claims of stake-holders.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Recommendations for Businesses

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Fair price converts a one-time consumer into a permanent consumer. Social values- Social forces and pressures exercise considerable influence on business ethics. The smog causes breathing difficulties such as asthma, cough and wheezing in the children. An organization performs different activities to fulfill its profit-earning motive and satisfy the needs of society. Environment Protection Act was initiated for pollution control. Creating a congenial atmosphere of work- Working conditions must be congenial to work.


Social responsibility of business

suggestion of social responsibility of business

This should be the primary goal of business ethics, helping the public and business environment, etc. The responsibilities and duties an organization has towards society are known as social responsibility. They are creditors of the business. It can be done through expansion and diversification programs. They should get fair returns on investment regularly in the form of inte should be considered rest. After Sales Service: The organization is expected to provide after-sales service for the maintenance of goods during the period of warranty.


Social Responsibility in Business: Meaning, Types, Examples, and Criticism

suggestion of social responsibility of business

Both the business and employee need to follow these core values, so it's important to define a clear set that lasts long term. The business organizations are expected to take all possible measures to prevent air, water, and sound pollution and to maintain the ecological balance. All businessmen must follow this code of conduct. Therefore to decide the applicability of CSR, three parameters were fixed. Do not pay excessive remuneration to promoters and senior executives as it creates social resentment. This includes self-control, consumer protection, and welfare, service to society, fair treatment to the social groups not to exploit others, etc.
