Synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen. What is the synthesis of phenacetin? 2022-12-25

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"My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun" is a poem written by Emily Dickinson that explores themes of femininity, power, and the complexities of identity. Through the metaphor of a loaded gun, Dickinson delves into the idea that women are often expected to conform to societal expectations and roles, and that they may feel trapped and silenced by these expectations.

At the same as the speaker in the poem, the loaded gun represents the potential for power and agency, but also the burden and danger that comes with it. The gun is "loaded" with the expectations and roles that society has placed on the speaker, and she is constantly "cocked" and "ready" to perform and fulfill these expectations. The speaker is aware of the power she holds, but also recognizes that she is at the mercy of those who would "finger" and "handle" her, suggesting that she does not have complete control over her own body or identity.

The poem also touches on the theme of femininity, as the speaker is described as being "tender" and "gentle," traits that are often associated with traditional ideas of femininity. However, the speaker also asserts her strength and power, stating that she is "deadly," and that she "could" and "would" act if necessary. This tension between traditional femininity and the power and agency that comes with it is a common theme in feminist literature, and it highlights the complexities and contradictions that many women face in their lives.

In terms of a feminist analysis, "My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun" can be seen as a commentary on the ways in which society tries to control and define women's roles and identities. The metaphor of the loaded gun suggests that women are expected to be ready and willing to fulfill the expectations placed upon them, but that they may also feel trapped and silenced by these expectations. The poem also highlights the power and agency that women have, even if it is often suppressed or ignored by those around them. Overall, "My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun" is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that explores themes of femininity, power, and identity in a unique and compelling way.

What is the synthesis of phenacetin?

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

Which will tell us the strength of the hence the nucleophile will always be an alkoxide. The Rf values of the standards and re-crystallized sample. The alcohol group has a pKa of 16-18. For the TLC, prepare a tiny amount of solution of your product in ethyl acetate and use the same solvent system as you did the reaction mixture. Calculate the Rf values of all spots on all TLC plates. The yield was then collected by suction filtration.


Williamson Ether Synthesis: Preparation of Phenacetin from Acetaminophen Flashcards

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

Tylenol is one of the most common OTC drugs available around the world. After the time period, the flask was cooled in an ice-water bath and 3 M HCl was added dropwise with swirling. Slightly less than half of product was lost from 0. Percent Yields and Theoretical Yields Table 5: Summary of Reaction Table Compound Molecular Weight Rxn Weight or Volume g or mL 1 g mmol Equivalents 151 D or M Acetaminophe n Potassium Carbonate 8 1 138 2 g 18 2 Iodoethane 155 72 1 0 3 1 mL 15 mL 12 167 1 19 Theoretical yield the theoretical yield is given : Theoretical Yield Starting Volume x Density x Molecular Weight x Reaction Stoichiometry x Molecular Weight 1 g x 1 mol 151 x 1 mol Acetaminophen 1 mol Phenacetin x 179 g 1 mol 1 grams of phenacetin Theoretical yield Percent yield actual yield theoretical yield x 100 Actual yield. We mended this joining another laboratory group and conducting the rest of the experiment with their materials. It can be due to the conditions of the leaving group, temperature and solvent. Source: Carberry and Carreon, 2012 In this experiment p-Aminophenol, also known as Tylenol, was constructed from treating p-Aminophenol with acetic anhydride.


Exp 6a

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

Because the phenol of the acetaminophen is a relatively poor nucleophile, this step generates a phenoxide anion the conjugate base of acetaminophen which is a more potent nucleophile in comparison to the starting alcohol. One of which is the acidity of the alcohol group. The synthesis reaction usually involves two steps. The end result should be the synthesis of a similar product, by verification between the two individuals. The solvent was then centrifuged for 3 minutes until the mixture had settled into a supernatant liquid layer and a solid layer.


Free Essay: Williamson Ether Synthesis of Phenacetin

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

Shrestha Abstract The objective of the experiment was to synthesize acetaminophen and use it to synthesize phenacetin. The oil and solvent mixture was filtered into the fla. Data Compound Molecular Weight acetaminophen 151 arity Reaction Weight or Volume mmol Equivalents 1 g 8 1 Potassium carbonate 138 2 g 18 2 iodoethane 155 1 1 mL 12 1 72 0 15 mL 167 19 Table Reaction Table Calculations performed in laboratory notebook Percent Yield Formula: Percent Yield Yield Theoretical 100 Actual Yield g : Phenacetin molar Theoretical yield g : 8 mol acetaminophen 1 mol phenacetin 1 mol acetaminophen 179 g phenacetin 1 mol phenacetin Percent yield: g 1 100 Retention Factor Formula: travelled travelled solvent Phenacetin Product: distance traveled phenacetin product: cm distance traveled solvent: cm 3 cm 4 cm Pure Acetaminophen: distance traveled acetaminophen: cm distance traveled 4 cm 2 cm 4 cm Melting Point purified ethanol. Make sure to weight it on the balance. Atom economy of 71. The initially obtained acetaminophen and phenacetin were crude and was further purified by recrystallization.


Synthesis of Phenacetin from para

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

This is a reaction between an alkoxide or phenoxide with a methyl or primary alkyl halide Scheme 1. . The dried crystals were weighed and a melting point was obtained. This was done by preparing a TLC plate with three lanes and subsequently, carefully spotting a dilute sample of the starting acetaminophen in the first lane, co- spotting the acetaminophen and reaction in the second lane, and lastly spotting the reaction mixture in the third lane. The progress of the reaction was analyzed by comparing the migration of the reaction spot. The purity of Phenacetin could not be determined due to time restraints in the laboratory that had prevented recrystallization from taking place.



synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

. Since it is an Sn2 reaction, the methyl and primary alkyl halides react more quickly than the secondary or tertiary alkyl halides, react as quickly. Experimental Procedure Obtain and crush 4 tablets of 325mg strength Tylenol using a mortar and pestle, this should add up to 1 acetaminophen. Followed by 1 mL of methanol through the top of the alumina. The cloudy solution should become clear as the is added. These crystals were then dried, weighed, and melting point was determined.


Williamson Ether Synthesis Preparation of Phenacetin from Acetaminophen

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

The acetaminophen is the limiting reagent is because it contains the least amount of moles out of all of the other reagents as seen in table 1. The solution was allowed to stand undisturbed for 30 minutes at room temperature. Our goal for our experiment was achieved, even though our percent yield what we expected it to be. Cool the reaction mixture to below its boiling point and vacuum filer the solids. What is the role of pyridine in amide bond formation?.


Synthesis of Phenacetin From Acetaminophen

synthesis of phenacetin from acetaminophen

The hydrogen that is phenolic then proceeds to deprotonate due to the fact that it is acidic hydrogen. The melting point is observed via a magnifying lens and temperature is recorded as soon as the solid begins to melt. . Likewise, phenacetin used to 2 Shrestha be one of the most commonly used analgesic and antipyretic NSAID drugs. Some possible errors that might have occurred in the experiment might have been during recrystallization. The mechanism of the reaction is as follows: In this lab, a conical vial was first prepared containing methyl ethyl ketone MEK , acetaminophen, K 2 CO 3 , ethyl iodide, and a spin vane.
