The activation information mode model suggests. Analysing Personal Dream s through Activation... 2022-12-27

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The activation information mode (AIM) model is a theory of how the brain processes information and how it is related to consciousness. It was developed by Bernard Baars, a cognitive neuroscientist, in the 1980s and has since been widely studied and discussed in the field of psychology.

According to the AIM model, the brain processes information in two different modes: the unconscious mode and the conscious mode. The unconscious mode is responsible for automatic processes, such as reflexes and basic perceptual processing, while the conscious mode is responsible for more complex cognitive processes, such as decision making and problem solving.

One key aspect of the AIM model is the concept of "global workspace," which refers to a shared, conscious space where information from various sources is integrated and can be accessed by different cognitive processes. Information in the global workspace is considered "activated," meaning it is currently being actively processed and is available for use in decision making and other cognitive tasks.

The AIM model suggests that the brain has limited capacity for processing activated information and that this capacity is a key factor in determining our level of consciousness. When we are fully conscious, the global workspace is fully activated and we are able to process a large amount of information at once. On the other hand, when we are unconscious or in a state of reduced consciousness, such as during sleep or under the influence of drugs, the global workspace is less activated and we are able to process less information.

The AIM model has been influential in the study of consciousness and has led to a better understanding of how the brain processes and integrates information. It has also been used to explain various phenomena, such as the role of sleep in memory consolidation and the effects of different drugs on consciousness.

Overall, the activation information mode model provides a framework for understanding the relationship between brain function and consciousness, and has contributed significantly to our knowledge of the complex processes underlying mental activity.

The activation

the activation information mode model suggests

The neurons that are being fired are the ones that are responsible for creating images and the limbic system emotions. What is one important factor that is associated with a self-reported out-of-body experience? D REM deprivation only occurs among the elderly. Definition neuron Term What type of signal is used to relay a message from one end of a neuron to the other end? D It cannot be used with animals. Thoughts become fuzzy and disorganized and you may feel less alert, or your thoughts may take bizarre turns. D information is simultaneously stored in a network that stretches across the brain D information is simultaneously stored in a network that stretches across the brain Moishe can remember only the first two items and the last two items on the grocery list that his wife just read to him over the phone.


What Is Activation in Psychology?

the activation information mode model suggests

These two ways are: Definition Photons and waves Term When light waves enter the eye, they first pass through the Definition cornea Term Which of the following is true about cones? A girl learns that whenever her brother shares his cookie with her, her mother gives him a piece of candy. He hopes they will learn not to eat the sheep. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the neurocognitive perspective on dreaming? Also, they reveal our desires and fears. Term A humanistic psychologist would be interested in which of the following research studies? Consciousness-Your awareness of everything that is going on around you and inside your own head at any given moment, which you use to organize your behavior including your thoughts, sensations, and feelings. Many parts of the brain baffle scientists, but a specific aspect of the mind that is fascinating and puzzling is dreams and their functions.


Psychology Chapter 4 Flashcards

the activation information mode model suggests

A shallower; deeper B lower; higher C higher; lower D deeper; shallower D deeper; shallower Jessica took psychology in the fall semester and is now taking sociology. When memories are stored in long-term memory, which of the following forms of information is used? Want to read all 7 pages? A procedural memory B iconic memory C distributed memory D echoic memory D echoic memory In this view, memories are literally "built"from the pieces stored away at encoding. Examples: If you were to dream that you were walking down a street and saw someone about to get into a car, this would be an example of avoidance dreaming. A Body temperature bottoms out in the morning. What sleep disorder have you been experiencing? The dogs are randomly given electric shocks and can do nothing to prevent them or stop them. As we move from stage to stage, we create a more complete picture of our situation. Later, the parakeet gets ill.


Intro to Psych and Behaviour Chapter 5 Flashcards

the activation information mode model suggests

A major reason being that only the dreamer can experience and retell the dream. In 'Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis,' he wrote: 'Though the number of symbols is large, the number of subjects symbolized is not large. A creativity B self-awareness C consciousness D intelligence C consciousness To treat your sleep problem you are told that you should not nap, you should set your alarm clock to wake up at the same time each day, and you should get out of bed if you cannot sleep. Using your bed for sleeping, and only for sleeping, helps train your body to sleep there with less difficulty. Other than that, dreams are meaningless. This is an example of a Definition negative correlation. A heroin B alcohol C cocaine D marijuana B alcohol Tommy desperately wants to quit smoking.



the activation information mode model suggests

D She was having a non-REM dream that was more like fleeting sleep images. A Dement B James C Freud D Jung A Dement Mary is having insomnia. This find contradicts the classic Freudian theory of a driving force behind all dreams. Definition the brain and the spinal cord. This phenomenon is called Definition All of the above a monocular cue, a pictorial depth cue, linear perspective Term What term do psychologist use to designate our personal awareness of feelings, sensations, and thoughts? C The animal comes to the laboratory a tabula rasa, or "blank slate,"and can be taught anything with the right conditioning. When you ask him how he made it through, he says, "I had eidetic imagery.


What does the activation information mode model suggests?

the activation information mode model suggests

Term The point at which a person can detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time it is presented is called the Definition Absolute threshold Term An automobile manufacturer has decided to add a little bit of horsepower to its cars. Definition They amplify the vibrations of the ear drum. When the topic of punishment is discussed, what is one outcome of punishment the expert is likely to note for the parents to consider? Continuous Positive Airway Pressure CPAP -A device that delivers a continuous stream of air under mild pressure. A psychogenic drug B stimulant C narcotic D depressant B stimulant What is the largest single preventable cause of premature death in the United States? C There have been cases in which sleepwalking was a successful murder defense. D All of the statements are not true. C Her son must always model the behavior immediately. A drugs that slow down activity in the central nervous system B drugs capable of influencing perception, mood, cognition, or behavior C drugs that speed up activity in the central nervous system D drugs derived from the opium poppy that relieve pain and produce euphoria B drugs capable of influencing perception, mood, cognition, or behavior A newspaper advertisement describes a book that offers interpretations of dreams.


Psychology Terms Study Guide

the activation information mode model suggests

A getting caught with a drug B abusing a drug C obsessing about a drug D drug tolerance D drug tolerance Human beings generally have an aversion to bitter and sour foods. Most likely, Cathy has taken Definition A barbiturate Term Your doctor has decided to give you a prescription for a drug to reduce your anxiety levels. D Her son must be motivated to learn how to do the laundry. Definition He will experience the REM rebound Term REM paralysis Definition Prevents the acting out of dreams Term REM behavior disorder results from Definition Failure of the pons to block brain signals to the muscles Term What is the rationale for the use of "sleepwalking" as a defense for committing a crime? Dreams are visual images that occur usually during sleep, moreover; there are many theories on why people dream and types of dreams, ranging from thoughts of the day, to fear, to the desires and emotions of a person mixed without rational thoughts. B Women's dream content contains more emotion than do men's C REM dreams are shorter and more repetitive than non-REM dreams.


Psych Test 2

the activation information mode model suggests

B dreams are merely another kind of thinking; dreams occur because of random brain stem signals. Which of the following neurotransmitters is most likely to have been released by Neuron A? A manifest content B latent content C deep content D subliminal content B latent content Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN located? But years later when she applied for a job and took out her transcript, she was shocked to find that she had actually gotten "Cā€”"grades. A One of the powerful addictive ingredients in cocaine is heroin. A Continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement lead to behaviors that persist for equally long periods of time. For this experiment, the reaction time in the simulation program is the Definition dependent variable. Term Which of the following responses would occur if your sympathetic nervous system has been activated? Which is another term for REM sleep quizlet? Some researchers suggest that this is because foods that are inedible or even poisonous are often bitter or sour.


What is the activation

the activation information mode model suggests

Russell needs more of the drug he has been using to get the normal high he got when he first started. D There is a new theory of dreams completely focused on "Elvis. He also believed the instigating force behind dreams was always an instinctual and unconscious wish. Not only do we dream for wish fulfillment, but also to solve problems more effectively in our daily lives. John Allan Hobson The activation-synthesis hypothesis, proposed by Harvard University psychiatrists John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley, is a neurobiological theory of dreams first published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in December 1977. Activation-Information-Mode Model AIM -Information that is accessed during waking hours can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams. D There is no evidence that marijuana is physically or psychologically addictive.


What does the activation

the activation information mode model suggests

Freud And The Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud Since the beginning of time, dreams have been a source of mysterious wonder amongst people. Although dreams are meaningless, our brain tries to make connections. A memory B imitation C attention D motivation D motivation A school issues tokens to the children for good behavior. Which of the following is consistent with cross-cultural patterns of dreaming? Activation theory has been widely used to explain emotional reactions in patients with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. His father refuses to give it to him and ignores his whining. The heliocentric model suggests the theory that all of the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. How many drinks is Jane likely to have had? D Neither of these are examples of conditioned taste aversions.
